• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Jun 11, 2013
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 38
  2. Negative: 4 out of 38
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  1. Jun 11, 2013
    The returning Grammy-nominated masters of frap (fake rap) come out strong with their best album to date. Nowhere else will you find Pharrell Williams dreaming about hugging your mom in a Suburu Hatchback, Kristen Wiig jealously imagining a man with an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction, or Kendrick Lamar as a good financial adviser. Yes, The Lonely Island did it. The Lonely Island haveThe returning Grammy-nominated masters of frap (fake rap) come out strong with their best album to date. Nowhere else will you find Pharrell Williams dreaming about hugging your mom in a Suburu Hatchback, Kristen Wiig jealously imagining a man with an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction, or Kendrick Lamar as a good financial adviser. Yes, The Lonely Island did it. The Lonely Island have created the ultimate mockery of rap and pop music and somehow made it sound better than every pop artist. Although the album has about ten times the profanity of the previous two albums, the significance within the songs really pack a punch. The Lonely Island is a revolutionary trio of creative frappers who know what's up. They take the blueprints of crappy pop music, make it unique, and blow every other artist out of the water. Although they aren't very family friendly, their lyrics express the true issues in the world... and plenty of penis jokes. Expand
  2. Feb 16, 2014
    We need good lyrics, not meaningless ****. YOLO, say no-no to this album. Just kidding, this is a good album, but when I heard "I **** my aunt" I felt like they had **** me over by giving me that **** instead of a good song. ;
  3. Jun 18, 2013
    The album as a whole is a solid effort, some jokes fall short but it's to be expected in this difficult genre. Lonely Island use satire throughout to address several modern societal issues. A recurring theme is the nonsensical and materialistic nature of 21st century Hip-Hop. At the same time they make it sound good, and credible as a track in its own right, exposing the formulaic hitsThe album as a whole is a solid effort, some jokes fall short but it's to be expected in this difficult genre. Lonely Island use satire throughout to address several modern societal issues. A recurring theme is the nonsensical and materialistic nature of 21st century Hip-Hop. At the same time they make it sound good, and credible as a track in its own right, exposing the formulaic hits spurned out by major record labels today. However the album retains a certain level of immaturity typical of TLI, and despite the absence of a stand-out hit fans of the group should enjoy 'The Wack Album' Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Struggling for cred as aging rappers will, they stumble occasionally. Some of these ideas obviously seemed funnier when they brainstormed them.
  2. 60
    It’s not Flight Of The Conchords quality but, hey, at least it’s not The Midnight Beast.
  3. Jun 14, 2013
    While TLI never rival the best of those bygone styles in terms of memorability, this is the first album of theirs to make clear how well they’ve grown to understand the dynamics of making rap songs, fake or otherwise, beyond basic song structure.