
Universal acclaim - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Perhaps the most important album of the decade.
  2. An impossibly multi-tracked masterwork of excess, abrasion, and indefinable beauty.
  3. A vertiginous rainbow swirl that crams so many ideas into so many tight spaces that each track is like a perfectly rendered Joseph Cornell box.
  4. 100
    This is one of those albums people are going to obsess over for many years to come.
  5. The Soft Bulletin provides an exquisite soundtrack to have blasting in the car at night.
  6. Combines Beach Boys harmonies, Pink Floyd-influenced orchestral rock and the lonely-heart vocal style of such '70s icons as Big Star and Neil Young.
  7. 90
    The group's most gorgeously crafted album ever.
  8. A joyous, celestial celebration of sound.
  9. Not just the best album of 1999, The Soft Bulletin might be the best record of the entire decade.
  10. The Flaming Lips' particular and peculiar genius comes to full fruition on the stupendous The Soft Bulletin.
  11. The Flaming Lips could've been forgiven for feeling usurped when their sister ship Mercury Rev steamed away with the garlands for Deserter's Songs last December, but in truth, both collectives are in competition with no-one but themselves and the gods.
  12. One of the Flaming Lips' most listenable records and another step up the ladder toward pop perfection.
  13. The Soft Bulletin is sparse and enchanted, like the band has awoken from a long dream spent spinning in outer space.
  14. A very good slice of experimental pop.
  15. Upon starting Soft Bulletin--you’re instantly whisked off into the universe the Flaming Lips have created. The musical journey that ensues is nothing short of imaginary genius--simple as.
  16. As if the Lips' perfect mix of pop and psychedelia wasn't enough, they write songs that are not only excellent but distinct as well.
  17. The Lips may have been inspired by the easy-listening craze, but the seeker's quality within their music tugs against that style's instinctive cheapening of sentiment.
  18. A trip into the prettiest altered states the Lips have yet kissed.
  19. The Soft Bulletin posts several clunkers, a few throwbacks, yet manages to it finds its way into some genuinely new territory, and in its wake the Flaming Lips might just be poised to make a masterpiece.
  20. Another baffling, winning, neopsychedelic recording.
  21. The Soft Bulletin echoes the oft-mimiced Smiley Smile by The Beach Boys, with its psychedelic wobbliness, songs-within-songs and airy termperament.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 132 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 8 out of 132
  1. Sep 3, 2011
    The perfect album, and by far the magnum opus of The Flaming Lips. The Soft Bulletin is a departure from The Flaming Lips' earlier work, whichThe perfect album, and by far the magnum opus of The Flaming Lips. The Soft Bulletin is a departure from The Flaming Lips' earlier work, which was mostly lo-fi noise rock. The Soft Bulletin's songs are generally slow and soft, and explore various themes, such as love and devotion (The Spiderbite Song, for instance, is as far as I can tell about one's platonic love for another). The lyrics are clever and meaningful, and not superficial at all. In fact, I would say the overarching theme of the album is love. All in all its a beautiful album, and a must-listen-to. Full Review »
  2. SamS
    Oct 26, 2007
    Much loved by people whose judgment I respect. But it doesn't quite do it for me. I came to it after Yoshimi -- which I love in the Much loved by people whose judgment I respect. But it doesn't quite do it for me. I came to it after Yoshimi -- which I love in the extreme -- and this sounds flabby and maudlin by comparison. Full Review »
  3. Sep 7, 2010
    Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots may have been a bit more out there and mabe even more creative, but the Soft Bulletin is by no means a lesserYoshimi Battles the Pink Robots may have been a bit more out there and mabe even more creative, but the Soft Bulletin is by no means a lesser album. A beautiful record that just keeps getting better. Full Review »