
Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Jul 7, 2011
    The Secret is a giant leap forward for Farka Touré as an artist to be sure; but it's a stone killer for listeners.
  2. Jul 7, 2011
    It had that intangible love and passion behind it that so, so many albums these days are essentially lacking. The tone will brighten your day, while the passion will inspire you.
  3. Mojo
    Aug 29, 2011
    The long, swirling guitar patterns remain, as the bandleader enjoys letting a groove stretch right out before demonstrating his blues-rock credentials. [Sept. 2011, p. 104]
  4. Uncut
    Jul 28, 2011
    Africa's new axe hero marches on. [Aug 2011, p.104]
  5. 80
    Guitarist Vieux Farka Toure here seeks to extend his Malian musical heritage beyond the country's borders, by collaborating with American musicians on several tracks--though never obscuring the native essence of his style.
  6. Jul 7, 2011
    Where special guests don't feature, Vieux Farka shows off his own playing on songs that often follow the same formula: starting with a burst of stuttering guitar work before easing into relaxed, rolling riffs and chanting vocals. His father would have approved.
  7. Jul 7, 2011
    With its often complex textures and patterns, much of The Secret could represent a challenging listen for those unfamiliar with music of this genre. Yet it's unquestionably a triumph; building impressively on Vieux Farka Toure's promising work to date and making good on its creator's promise to "dig deep into the secrets of my own history and my country's culture in order to move the music forward. "
  8. Jul 7, 2011
    It is exciting to wonder where his creativity and talent will take him next. Judging from this release, it could be anywhere.
  9. Jul 7, 2011
    Derek Trucks, jazz axe John Scofield, and producer/Soulive guitarist Eric Krasno all go toe-to-toe with the phosphorescent Vieux.
  10. Aug 18, 2011
    Where the warm, bright finish on Fondo made it gleam expansively, occasionally here you wish for a little more space in the mix and in the arrangements, if only to allow us to explore Vieux Fara Touré's beautiful songs more freely.
  11. Jul 7, 2011
    Here, he joins American peers for a crossover set that slays, primarily because the players come to his music, not the other way around.

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