
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. The Wire
    Mar 8, 2016
    Despite the unorthodox weaving of disparate threads of material in evidence, there is harmony and majesty here, commensurate with the awe-inspiring scale of Inarritu's film. [Mar 2016, p.48]
  2. Feb 23, 2016
    Sakamoto has sought opportunities for avant garde composition his whole career and with comparable enthusiasm, engaged collaborations with composers of like sensibilities. The Revenant satisfied both criteria for him and he delivered an epic score to Iñárritu.
  3. Feb 10, 2016
    The Revenant can not only stand on its own but can also be taken as an electro-acoustic experiment in ambient music, where the natural and the synthetic don’t enjoy convenient boundaries.
  4. Feb 2, 2016
    The Revenant OST is the duo’s fifth collaboration and moves like a symphonic version of their minimalist album Vrioon. To an already austere approach, Sakamoto seems to have added the resolve of a true survivor.
  5. Feb 2, 2016
    Much of the soundtrack feels like papery skin drawn increasingly tight across sharp bones. There’s a tension lying under the surface of stretched notes, threatening constantly to break.
  6. Feb 2, 2016
    Throughout all 23 tracks, the score straddles the line between weariness and wonder, like someone constantly recalling the danger this stunning planet is capable of unleashing.
  7. Mojo
    Feb 2, 2016
    A rich score of chamber melancholy and electronic disquiet. [Mar 2016, p.97]

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