
Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Rolling Stone
    Replace the sleepy stuff with more songs like "My Moon," and The Reminder would have been killer. [3 May 2007, p.147]
  2. Just because something “sounds” like a classic record, it doesn’t mean it is.
  3. The Reminder is rarely exciting or thrilling, and never revolutionary.
  4. Q Magazine
    Surprisingly conventional. [May 2007, p.124]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 99 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 89 out of 99
  2. Negative: 6 out of 99
  1. seand
    Jul 29, 2007
    absolute crap, i cant believe this kind of garbage is embraced by music critics and critical fans alike. if you like this than you should go absolute crap, i cant believe this kind of garbage is embraced by music critics and critical fans alike. if you like this than you should go out and get some norah jones albums because they sound exactly the same...lavender diamond is 10 times better if you have to listen to a similar thing Full Review »
  2. AnthonyP
    May 23, 2007
    Surprised to read such passionate reviews, as I find it kind of forgettable. Maybe it's a sleeper (but I guess I'll never know). To Surprised to read such passionate reviews, as I find it kind of forgettable. Maybe it's a sleeper (but I guess I'll never know). To me the production's annoying - makes her sound tinny. I miss the groovy stuff. Full Review »
  3. RudyardF
    May 18, 2007
    Far from being the best album of the year, but a solid album after softening some of my initial reactions with repeat listens. If you're Far from being the best album of the year, but a solid album after softening some of my initial reactions with repeat listens. If you're a fan of Let It Die, be warned: there's a reason every critic used the word "intimate" to describe this outing. It's hushed and quiet save for the songs she's already set to video. For the most part the melodies save the quieter works (especially in Limit To Your Love and How My Heart Behaves--let the latter one sink in and you'll see why she closes the set with this gem), but on songs like The Park, The Water, and Intuition, she takes things down by more than just a notch--she almost drives you away by these sleepy, droopy-lidded songs that really should've been b-sides. It's bad enough that some of her vocals were recorded in cheap-equipment-indie fashion, but the last 4 minutes of The River reminded me of obnoxious female singers who can't craft melody--which Feist isn't, adding more confusion to the mix. I'm not trying to bash this album--it definitely has its merits--but it's not a no-brainer classic. Full Review »