
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Shrewdly combines peculiar electronics with melody without ever letting either genre gain the upper hand.
  2. The Needle Was Traveling is that rare album filled with an electronic-acoustic amalgam that is ideal for day and night listening, which impacts the memory and the libido, and whose combination of lyrics and melodies is immediately catchy yet consistently prompts rediscovery.
  3. The production is lush and crystalline, and the melodies are dense and aplenty.
  4. All in all, The Needle Was Travelling is probably the most “human” post-rock record to come out of Berlin.
  5. Q Magazine
    A real leap forward. [Apr 2005, p.126]
  6. While the new album doesn't quite topple 1998's Silur from its Tarwater throne, The Needle Was Traveling is certainly a more than credible addition to the band's discography.
  7. Uncut
    There's less emphasis on programmed beats and samples and a greater dependence on live instrumentation. [Apr 2005, p.114]
  8. Urb
    Mini-symphonies of machine hum and orchestral swoop. [Apr 2005, p.109]
  9. New Musical Express (NME)
    Decent, but delivered with all the enthusiasm usually reserved for stool samples. [26 Mar 2005, p.51]
  10. Alternative Press
    Not as memorable as Tarwater's peers like The Notwist. [May 2005, p.138]
  11. The Wire
    Pop itself is not a problem, it's just that in Tarwater's take on it nagging tunes and interesting textures are in short supply. [#253, p.65]

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