
Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Nelly and Akon do a reasonable job of making 'Body On Me' sound almost like a single, but it's not enough to change the fact that what could well be the best album of Ashanti's career is almost certain to be her most overlooked.
  2. Bottom line, this is neither a great nor a poor Ashanti album. It's decent, just like the rest of them.
  3. On the synthy, Darkchild-produced 'So Over You,' Ashanti croons about getting past a former relationship, while the Jermaine Dupri-mixed 'Good Good,' featuring elements of Michael Jackson's 'The Girl Is Mine,' finds her confidently belting about her abilities to please in bed.
  4. Entertainment Weekly
    The Declaration simply doesn't make much of a statement, and its high point isn't enough to unseat the Beyonces and Mary J.'s of the world. [20 June 2008, p.66]
  5. Past releases have displayed an ostensible desire to follow in the melodramatic steps of Mary J. Blige and much of Declaration continues in that quest.
  6. 50
    But even with all the emo-passion, nearly half of this album is lukewarm.
  7. Sleek but insubstantial fourth outing from R&B songstress.
  8. Ashanti’s still got a decent voice, but she’s badly in need of a better songwriting and production team.
  9. On her fourth album, she's still doing the diva-by-numbers thing, alternating between angry-at-her-man anthems and lovey pleasantry.
  10. After four years away, Ashanti declares that she's back, but this middling, familiar set of songs is unlikely to reclaim her spotlight.
  11. Uncut
    This is too timid for modern R&B, too bland to rival Blige, and won't halt the sharp decline since 2003's "Rock Wit U." [Sep 2008, p.110]
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 113 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 113
  2. Negative: 23 out of 113
  1. Jun 29, 2022
    the once "Princess of hip hop and R&B" struggles to get through her own album, the songs are for the most part great but i cant help but feelthe once "Princess of hip hop and R&B" struggles to get through her own album, the songs are for the most part great but i cant help but feel had JLo or Mary J Blige sang them they would have had that extra wow factor. Full Review »
  2. May 30, 2022
    Body On Me is the only song on this album thats worth listening to, everything else sounds so dated.