
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. This really does pick up where John and lyricist Bernie Taupin left off.
  2. Thanks to organic, piano-driven production, stellar storytelling and Sir's rededication to his vocal craft, this is a triumph.
  3. The world doesn't need another Elton John album, but it's heartwarming to hear an old-timer knock out such an emotional, pathos-filled document of lost loves and ageing friendships.
  4. In a musical climate awash with just-above-average singer-songwriters, Elton is still among the brightest exponents of what can be done when you combine piano, voice, melody and heart.
  5. Mojo
    What more than saves the day here is a better-than-good melodic performance from Elton, and an outstanding set of lyrics by Bernie Taupin. [Oct 2006, p.98]
  6. Rolling Stone
    More than just a gift to fans, it shows Elton's gifts haven't deserted him. [5 Oct 2006, p.68]
  7. Q Magazine
    This is Elton's best album since, well, Captain Fantastic. [Oct 2006, p.118]
  8. Los Angeles Times
    John's nimble piano work and supple singing dominate pretty-to-rollicking numbers that flow as effortlessly as the duo's musical/lyrical give-and-take. Yet the basic, smooth pop feels too genteel, with flashes of country, roadhouse rock and funk only hinting at John's legendary versatility. [18 Sep 2006]
  9. Blender
    A rare case of one step back, two steps forward. [Nov 2006, p.144]
  10. It might not quite seem like what a Fantastic sequel should be -- in fact, it seems more like a sequel to its direct predecessor, 2004's Peachtree Road -- but that's hardly a bad thing.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 44
  2. Negative: 7 out of 44
  1. Apr 15, 2016
    Every song is good but Wouldn't Have You Any Other Way and The Bridge are great. Production is neat, sound is creative. I think I can say thatEvery song is good but Wouldn't Have You Any Other Way and The Bridge are great. Production is neat, sound is creative. I think I can say that it's Elton John's one of the best albums. Full Review »
  2. JohnN.
    May 1, 2007
    Disappointing. This coming from a huge Elton John fan.
  3. DavidC
    Dec 4, 2006
    Not Good...disappointing...too much work and not enough play make Elton a dull boy...."Leather Jackets" the great album/CD that was ahead of Not Good...disappointing...too much work and not enough play make Elton a dull boy...."Leather Jackets" the great album/CD that was ahead of its time...should be put in the KIDS seems elton needs a break from the music business...then come back strong....Elton Rules....rock on elton!!! Full Review »