• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Feb 22, 2005

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 21
  2. Negative: 1 out of 21
  1. The Beekeeper returns the quirky singer to the same whimsical terrain of 1992's Little Earthquakes, but with much stronger storylines, and a much more assured and nuanced voice.
  2. Los Angeles Times
    She's been de-emphasizing hysterics for a while now, and here she mostly sings prettily, but still powerfully. [6 Mar 2005]
  3. You can delve as deeply into the lyrics and musical brain-teasers as you like, but there's plenty of surface allure for anyone who just fancies a superficial graze.
  4. Uncut
    Amos has never been in rangier voice. [Mar 2005, p.102]
  5. Her most down-to-earth album in years, because Ms. Amos has decided she doesn't have to pack every impulse into every song. Sometimes, now, a simple melody and a steady groove are enough. [21 Feb 2005]
  6. Mojo
    She keeps the mood focused and the music softly funky. [Mar 2005, p.92]
  7. It's an album that's unlikely to yield any massive hits, but like that other iconic singer songwriter, Joni Mitchell, Tori Amos has survived initial success to end up in a place where she has the space to do exactly what she likes in pretty much the only way she seems to know how.
  8. Entertainment Weekly
    The Beekeeper is the Tori Amos album for those normally freaked out by Tori Amos. [25 Feb 2005, p.99]
  9. Somewhere in here, there's a lovely, compact, cohesive little album. It just takes a little too much digging to find it.
  10. As a cohesive work, The Beekeeper holds together better than nearly any of Tori's more ambitious albums, but there's a certain artsy distance that keeps this from being as emotionally immediate or as memorable as her first two records.
  11. Tori Amos delivers some of the most accessible music of her career, coupled with beautifully obscure lyrics.
  12. The Beekeeper meanders too much to be riveting in the way Scarlet's Walk is.
  13. Many of these underwritten, underproduced tunes sound as if Amos could have composed them in the supermarket express lane.
  14. Q Magazine
    For every riveting set piece... there are meandering nonentities such as the title track. [Mar 2005, p.98]
  15. The Beekeeper suffers from too much of the glossy stuff that floats on top, and too little foundation on which to keep itself grounded.
  16. Spin
    Flat... only a few songs flirt with her previous brilliance. [Apr 2005, p.102]
  17. Mainly there's either promising melodies (the "Crucify"-aping "Parasol") ruined by cringe-y lyrics, or decent lyrical ideas executed like a Yoplait commercial. ("This is sooo good." "Pirates good!" Cue bongos.)
  18. Floats by without stirring much interest.
  19. Blender
    If shards of symbolist vision and baroque virtuosity remain, they're smoothed out on the beekeeping tip, avoiding any sharp stings, leaving barely a spoonful of honey. [Apr 2005, p.112]
  20. Her effort is continuously admirable, but what is frustrating about The Beekeeper is the music itself: it’s almost formulaic, including even the token song that displays a powerful sense of womanhood.
  21. The realisation is obvious: a happy, contented, motherly Tori Amos is as irrelevant, sterile, and airbrushed as her face is on the cover of this album. Tori: it’s over.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 163 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 10 out of 163
  1. Aug 15, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. Underrated as Hell. It’s so soft and relaxing... I like this vibe and don’t understand the hate on this record Full Review »
  2. Jun 22, 2016
    The unfortunate thing about the Beekeeper is that it brings nothing new to Tori Amos's repertoire. Sadly the album is often too long and notThe unfortunate thing about the Beekeeper is that it brings nothing new to Tori Amos's repertoire. Sadly the album is often too long and not interesting. Download: Sweet The Sting, Parasol Full Review »
  3. Feb 17, 2015
    Tori amos produced several cakes in his career. In The Beekeeper she took an ingredient of each cake and the result was a reasonable and justTori amos produced several cakes in his career. In The Beekeeper she took an ingredient of each cake and the result was a reasonable and just nice mix of flavors.
    Small pieces of their albums are present here, making this a record without any grace and quite typical of tori. May be suitable for their old fans. But for those who never heard of tori, we recommend not starting with this album, because it has nothing new, just the same voice, the same piano and the same alternative beats, which are very similar to pop this album.
    There are 18 flat tracks, which were certainly not expected of someone as talented as tori, which could easily be better than that.
    Full Review »