• Record Label: ARTium
  • Release Date: Jul 9, 2021

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Aug 17, 2021
    An album that fulfills the promise Aalegra showed on Feels and Ugh, Those Feels Again.
  2. 80
    An addicting 46-minute listen that grows with consecutive approaches.
  3. 80
    ‘Temporary Highs In The Violet Skies’ doesn’t broaden Aalegra’s sound or lyrical content greatly, and there are certainly points where she could push things further forward. But in continuing to be so open and expressive about love, hope, and loss, she makes it feel possible for the rest of us.
  4. Jul 23, 2021
    It’s a safe follow-up to the previous breakout project, serving as an ideal reference point for when she fully decides to take wholesale risks with her sound.
  5. Jul 22, 2021
    It’s evocative and complex enough to establish Snoh Aalegra as a name worth remembering, even as it leaves you wondering what it might sound like when she finally faces the full extent of her feelings.
  6. Jul 22, 2021
    The “highs” are as potent and heady as ever but ultimately, they’re ephemeral.
  7. Jul 22, 2021
    What makes this more than merely a trip down memory lane is the always-inventive production and Aalegra’s elegant, preternaturally smooth voice, which she uses to chronicle the neglected fringes of minor romantic disappointment. Although catchy choruses haven’t historically been a prerequisite of her chosen style, the widespread absence of memorable melodic hooks does feel notable.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 3
  2. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Sep 24, 2021
    First time I witness a mistake in an album title on Metacritic platform: I checked it, it definitely is 'temporary highS' and not 'high'. ThatFirst time I witness a mistake in an album title on Metacritic platform: I checked it, it definitely is 'temporary highS' and not 'high'. That was the catchphrase fun fact.

    Snoh Aalegra keeps going further in her initial original artistic direction with a tracklist full of classic R&B themes. As always she really shines thanks to her bewitching voice and the terrific and eclectic production crafted by many names as Tyler the Creator, No I.D. or Sensei Bueno. Tyler's notable presence was a big surprise as his contribution to this LP is far from minimalist compared to what James Fauntleroy actually proposed. However, it is beneficial to hear male vocals as well, as Snoh's voice sort of reaches a point of sufficiency before the end of the record, despite her 46-minute effort.

    Almost an eight out of ten but as I said the lack of variety in her voice and chanting added to some unoriginal and unattractive addressed themes made me lower the score. It still remains a relly pleasant album to listen to.
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  2. Sep 3, 2021
    Favorite R&B album since CTRL. Her voice is so pleasant and the production is gorgeous.