
Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Her most far-out R&B work to date.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Much of the beauty of Tasty is in witnessing Kelis rise to the challenge of working with multiple imaginative maestros. [12 Dec 2003, p.76]
  3. Despite all the new assistance, Tasty is formatted much like Kaleidoscope and Wanderland, constantly swinging back and forth between bouncy pop and laid-back (not throwback) soul.
  4. Spin
    She doubles the weird factor. [Feb 2004, p.104]
  5. After the patchy pleasures of 'Wanderland', 'Tasty' is a huge Roman orgy of an album.
  6. While Tasty features predictable envy-inspiring flaunts of sex and cash, the album is good-hearted, too.
  7. Blender
    It's a declaration of independence, and she pulls it off stunningly. [Jan 2004, p.105]
  8. Urb
    This is Kelis' big moment, and she more than rises to the occasion. [Feb 2004, p.82]
  9. It's not as far out wild as 'Kaleidoscope' but it is a consistently inventive and brilliant record.
  10. Far and away her most radio-friendly album to date.
  11. Mojo
    Her voice is as irresistible as her songs. [Feb 2004, p.103]
  12. She may not be R&B's biggest star, but Kelis remains its most compelling character.
  13. 70
    ‘Tasty’, though haunted by more than a few sops to the slick-soul zeitgeist, is an impressive return.
  14. Rolling Stone
    Her best work--lighter and more cohesive than [Wanderland], more focused and mature than [Kaleidoscope]. [22 Jan 2004, p.68]
  15. With Tasty, Kelis has left the roller-rink, returned from outer space, and she's back on her own two feet on terra firma-- unfortunately.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 56 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 48 out of 56
  2. Negative: 5 out of 56
  1. Sep 17, 2010
    A Very Good Album. "Milkshake" was the hype, but what people didn't hear was the rest of this great album. Kelis's voice is enough to grabA Very Good Album. "Milkshake" was the hype, but what people didn't hear was the rest of this great album. Kelis's voice is enough to grab your atention, but combine that with hot beats and synths and you get a masterpiece. Key Tracks: "Milkshake" "In Public" "Marathon" Full Review »
  2. Nov 19, 2021
    Terrible album. First record I've listened to from Kelis. First and last. Not good at all.
  3. Feb 18, 2020
    Buenísimo el album, kelis se pasó. Mezcla demasiados géneros musicales, me encanta 10 puntos