• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Nov 21, 2003

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 9
  2. Negative: 2 out of 9
  1. ‘Take A Look In The Mirror’ doesn’t just sound like a bad album, it sounds like a broken record.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Korn remain technically proficient, but Take A Look In The Mirror serves only to make the case that the genre has officially screamed itself into caricature. [12 Dec 2003, p.77]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 163 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 9 out of 163
  1. Jul 25, 2018
    This is a masterpiece. Their best album since the self-titled! Anyone who criticizes this record must be deaf, because here you have theThis is a masterpiece. Their best album since the self-titled! Anyone who criticizes this record must be deaf, because here you have the chance to hear the best Korn songs such as: Right Now, Break Some Off, Counting On Me, Here It Comes Again, Deep Inside, Did My Time, Everything I've Known, Play Me, Alive, Let's Do This Now, I'm Done, Y'All Want A Single and When This Will End. I know that I just listed all the songs from the album, but all of them are amazing... there's not a single weak point here. The band hates this album and it's to be expected... they hated each other and had many problems while making this album... and this is why Take A Look in The Mirror is their most genuine record to date... sincere emotions, not a single fake thing about this record. I encourage you to take a look in the mirror... if you're like me, you'll love what you'll find there. Pickens approves! Full Review »
  2. NagyS.
    Jun 24, 2007
    omg, it's amazing....great job !!
  3. Sep 26, 2019
    To echo the critics, yes, this album seems rushed, offering nothing substaintially new to neither Nu Metal, nor the Korn catalogue, and a bitTo echo the critics, yes, this album seems rushed, offering nothing substaintially new to neither Nu Metal, nor the Korn catalogue, and a bit stale at times. BUT NOTE THIS IS KORN'S HEAVIEST ALBUM WITHOUT QUESTION.

    Backstory: in 2000, the label gave the world's greatest band an unlimited timeline and budget to create an album. Korn spent 2yrs and $4MM creating Untouchables. Unluckily for them, reviews were lukewarm, and illegal downloading had become the norm. This meant that the label had lost a lot of money on Untouchables. So they forced Korn back into the studio to create a 2003 follow-up on a much tighter budget and schedule. So although Untouchable and Mirror are only 1yr apart and have a similar sound, they are basically Night and Day. This tension also caused guitarist Head to leave after this album.

    Pros: heaviest album, songs Did My Time, Everything I've Known, I'm Done. Play Me ft. Nas, many songs are straight-to-the-point metal.
    Cons: you can tell it's rushed - moderate production value, obvious "filler" parts in many tracks, at least 2/3 of the songs sound identical, lack of substance/depth.

    This album signaled the end of an era in many ways - nu metal/alt metal pretty much died as a mainstream genre after 2003, guitarist Head left and this is the last album with original lineup, and even though Korn created the "nu metal" sound, both critics and fans were saying this album sounded generic in the nu metal universe.
    Full Review »