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Sweaty Magic [EP] Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: Rafter wrote and produced the songs himself as part of an art project with photographer Lizeth Santos.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Three more songs of similar quality and dropping the story about how this was just some free writing experiment and Sweaty Magic would probably have been one of my albums of the year.
  2. Because of its multifarious song types--leftfield club thumpers, futuristic sex ditties, and funky space jams--some will contend that Sweaty Magic lacks cohesion, that it's too ADD to be listenable, but I would argue that is precisely Rafter's point.
  3. Be sure to check Sweaty Magic out if you are in the market for an 18-minute freak-out. Even if you’re not, it would be in your best interest to get a taste of Rafter’s noisy genius.
  4. While the hooks are certainly great in places, it jumps from place to place so quickly that there's never anything for the ear and brain to go back to.
  5. Under The Radar
    Rafter's latest EP is innovative dance music that will appeal to indie-rock kids who also like to shake their asses on the dance floor. [Fall 2008, p.88]
  6. Sweaty Magic's fearless experimentation is admirable--and though its songs are far from flawless, there are enough keepers here to make it a fun, summery fling.