by U2
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 293 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 30 out of 293
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  1. Sep 10, 2014
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Excellent album. A poignantly beautiful collection of cohesive songs - which is a pleasant surprise. Haters will always be there. No point worrying over their drivel Expand
  2. Sep 10, 2014
    If you don't get U2 you probably won't get most of this album. It has a few obviously good songs that can be enjoyed by all, but you really have to understand the band to get the whole album. Songs of Innocence is reflective of the band's (specifically Bono it seems) early days finding themselves, finding a place in the world, living first experiences, and love. It has a followupIf you don't get U2 you probably won't get most of this album. It has a few obviously good songs that can be enjoyed by all, but you really have to understand the band to get the whole album. Songs of Innocence is reflective of the band's (specifically Bono it seems) early days finding themselves, finding a place in the world, living first experiences, and love. It has a followup "sister" album coming called Songs of Experience which will likely create a full circle and possibly a final album release. Expand
  3. Sep 11, 2014
    Very much like a mix of good old U2 with a modern approach, This is one of U2's best, I've loved it. Though Song for someone is guilty of being a bland acoustic ballad every other song hits all the right notes and despite the mix up of genres the band never has tonal inconsistencies. Catchy, expertly crafted and better than almost everything on the charts right now, this is a must have.
  4. Sep 10, 2014
    An exceptional return to form. While there is a freshness to the tracks that lacked on recent albums, there are characteristic U2 moments throughout. The first truly polished album since Achtung Baby. Thank God they took their time.
  5. Sep 20, 2014
    Lyrically and sonically, their most interesting album since Achtung Baby. A full 11 songs worthy listening to many times with no duds. The first 4 are straight down the middle pop/rock, the middle 3 are glorious salutes to earlier years, and the final 4 bring it home in a fashion that we have not seen in recent albums. All that is missing are Edge's masterful riffs and solos, for whichLyrically and sonically, their most interesting album since Achtung Baby. A full 11 songs worthy listening to many times with no duds. The first 4 are straight down the middle pop/rock, the middle 3 are glorious salutes to earlier years, and the final 4 bring it home in a fashion that we have not seen in recent albums. All that is missing are Edge's masterful riffs and solos, for which we usually get 1 or 2 masterful examples in an album. In this one, they are not as pronounced. A fantastic offering. Expand
  6. Sep 11, 2014
    U2's latest sounds fresh and colorful - it is their most musically textured and sonically appealing album since the 90's. It sticks to what they do best which is rock - but with so many beautiful layers, sounds and styles. Yet, the album feels oddly cohesive.

    It doesn't quite have the feel of a classic like Achtung Baby or Joshua Tree, but is another solid entry into their late-career
    U2's latest sounds fresh and colorful - it is their most musically textured and sonically appealing album since the 90's. It sticks to what they do best which is rock - but with so many beautiful layers, sounds and styles. Yet, the album feels oddly cohesive.

    It doesn't quite have the feel of a classic like Achtung Baby or Joshua Tree, but is another solid entry into their late-career canon which has shown them capable of making compelling, grand rock music even as old farts. "Every Breaking Wave" simply gives me goosebumps, the chorus is sublime. For me it is already an all-time great U2 song. Songs of Innocence is growing on me with each listen. Other highlights are Iris and The Troubles. This album proves they are still the greatest rock band around and can still make great music no matter how much they doubt themselves or the U2-haters continue to spew nonsense on the internet.
  7. Sep 11, 2014
    While not the complete rebirth we may have been promised, U2 has given its fans something to finally smile about. Songs like "Raised by Wolves" and "The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)" harken back to the musical style of the bands early days, a welcome sight after the heavy texturization found in 2007's No Line on the Horizon. Yet the band lets down on its promise of the kind of rebirth found inWhile not the complete rebirth we may have been promised, U2 has given its fans something to finally smile about. Songs like "Raised by Wolves" and "The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)" harken back to the musical style of the bands early days, a welcome sight after the heavy texturization found in 2007's No Line on the Horizon. Yet the band lets down on its promise of the kind of rebirth found in 1991"s Achtung Baby. The chourses are ambitions, ones are comfortably in the U2 niche of filling stadiums. But even if it isn't as radical as Achtung Baby, its a welcome sight to have U2 back in its own comfort zone, the arena filling bombastic sound. Because this is where we find U2 at its best. The songs even get better after carefully analyzing the musicianship of the band, and its clear they are still at the top of their game on this front. So what do we have? Is it the most revolutionary album U2 has created? No. But it rapidly catapults the band back to relevance and shows they can still dominate the game they created. Expand
  8. Sep 11, 2014
    This album is much more complicated (both musically and lyrically) then it seems at first glance (like most U2 albums). I really like the whole Sirens/crashing against the shore imagery mixed with the autobiographical stuff (The Clash & Ramones = Sirens, Bono/U2 = doomed sailors, etc.)

    The music is, as per U2's standards, excellent. Once again, what at first may seem like a standard
    This album is much more complicated (both musically and lyrically) then it seems at first glance (like most U2 albums). I really like the whole Sirens/crashing against the shore imagery mixed with the autobiographical stuff (The Clash & Ramones = Sirens, Bono/U2 = doomed sailors, etc.)

    The music is, as per U2's standards, excellent. Once again, what at first may seem like a standard rock song, turns into something that rivals something Tony Banks may have written. I think you have to listen to this album at least 10 times all the way through with lyrics in hand before you can really get the complete picture.

    Bono's mom is to U2 what Roger Waters' father is to Pink Floyd. The "dark star" that she,once again, represents is the theme of the album.

    Best songs: Every Breaking Wave, California, Sleep Like a Baby Tonight, The Troubles
  9. Sep 10, 2014
    This is a wonderful album! I'm surprised by so many negative reviews. People have got used to music with out good melodies or lyrics, and when they actually here music with this, they dont know what to make of it ...
  10. Sep 10, 2014
    First off, if you look at the negative user reviews, most are just complaining about how they don't like U2. So this section is skewed. It's a very, very good album.
  11. Sep 11, 2014
    The biggest surprise of the launch of U2’s new album isn’t the way it was released—it’s how good the songs are.

    It has been five long years since No Line On The Horizon, an album with some great moments but one which also revealed a band in artistic decline. In those five years, they knew they were one more misstep away from irrelevance. The reports weren’t hopeful: a new producer here,
    The biggest surprise of the launch of U2’s new album isn’t the way it was released—it’s how good the songs are.

    It has been five long years since No Line On The Horizon, an album with some great moments but one which also revealed a band in artistic decline. In those five years, they knew they were one more misstep away from irrelevance. The reports weren’t hopeful: a new producer here, a scrapped album concept there. They seemed “stuck in a moment that they can’t get out of”, finally crushed under the weight of their own ponderousness.

    So on September 9, 2014, when the band surprisingly released Songs of Innocence for free at Apple’s gargantuan iPhone 6 product launch, I was only sure of one thing: the music would be worth the price I paid for it.

    Before I heard the songs, I noticed a clue that they might be special. On the release day, Bono said that in fact the album had been paid for, just not by the listeners. Apple Corporation paid the price. “I don’t believe in free music,” Bono said, “music is a sacrament.”

    The power of Songs of Innocence is found within its sacramental atmosphere. There are holy moments throughout. With very personal and vulnerable lyrics, Bono has (probably temporarily) laid down his political megaphone. It feels less like a prophetic diatribe and more like a prayer of confession.
  12. Sep 11, 2014
    Just listened through the whole record on proper headphones & wow, it's almost like hearing for it for the first time again. There's so much detail & the dynamics of the band are wonderful.

    I also realised that there is absolutely nothing I'd change about SOI. I can't even remember the last time I felt that way about a U2 album apart from Achtung Baby. They have genuinely gone &
    Just listened through the whole record on proper headphones & wow, it's almost like hearing for it for the first time again. There's so much detail & the dynamics of the band are wonderful.

    I also realised that there is absolutely nothing I'd change about SOI. I can't even remember the last time I felt that way about a U2 album apart from Achtung Baby.

    They have genuinely gone & created something special here.
  13. Sep 11, 2014
    The best U2 album since ACHTUNG BABY in the sense that there is no weak song or filler in this album. Upon first 3 or 4 hearings, the stand-out songs are Every Breaking Wave, Song For Someone, The Troubles, Iris (Hold Me Close), and Raised By Wolves.
  14. Sep 16, 2014
    I am 40 years old and I am a music fan since 1986 when I was a young 12 years of age. I really did not expect to hear an album with so much energy, honesty and quality of a band with more than 30 years on the road. I was hoping that U2 released an album warm and bland, but that has not happened with Songs of Innocence.
    U2 once again surprised me.
    Since the beginning of the album with The
    I am 40 years old and I am a music fan since 1986 when I was a young 12 years of age. I really did not expect to hear an album with so much energy, honesty and quality of a band with more than 30 years on the road. I was hoping that U2 released an album warm and bland, but that has not happened with Songs of Innocence.
    U2 once again surprised me.
    Since the beginning of the album with The Miracle Of Joey Ramone (oh my God I love the Ramones!) when the Irish band shows a strong and contemporary rock until the last song The Troubles when brings me references to the wonderful sound of the Mother of The Disappeared 1987 album Joshua Tree.
    Incidentally, this is the key point of the album: are all there. Boy, War, Joshua Tree, Achtung Baby, All That You Leave Can't behind. Each song brought back memories (and good) phase of U2 and that's what makes it a beautiful album. As with cooking, when the best dishes leads us to times, places or events experienced by each of us, Songs of Innocence reminded me of when I was a young man, but not a dumb! Note 100 !!!
  15. KND
    Sep 10, 2014
    As a long term fan I think it's one of their best albums because of the meaning behind each song. Such a personal and emotive album, it touches me to the core.

    The production is slick, the songs are catchy (I already know most words after eight listens), and I can already hear how some songs will be played in big arenas. Undecided as to whether there are any massive radio success
    As a long term fan I think it's one of their best albums because of the meaning behind each song. Such a personal and emotive album, it touches me to the core.

    The production is slick, the songs are catchy (I already know most words after eight listens), and I can already hear how some songs will be played in big arenas.

    Undecided as to whether there are any massive radio success songs on the album, which I know is important to the band. I played it in the office today (to non U2 fans) and they actually liked most songs. Hopefully that's a good sign.
  16. Sep 11, 2014
    Unfortunately, I'm sure my username predisposes my affections towards the band, so please don't dismiss the review out of hand. I've been following the band for a long time, and I've seen them grasp at success so tightly, in this last decade, not realizing, they'd already lost it. But here, they did something truly unique to their catalogue, and threw out their past conventions, focusingUnfortunately, I'm sure my username predisposes my affections towards the band, so please don't dismiss the review out of hand. I've been following the band for a long time, and I've seen them grasp at success so tightly, in this last decade, not realizing, they'd already lost it. But here, they did something truly unique to their catalogue, and threw out their past conventions, focusing instead *on* their past. It works brilliantly. A story that starts wide-eyed and innocent follows the production path down into the depths of all that is evil in the hearts of men: Controversy in the Catholic Church, death, religious warfare, anger, war, and somehow battling your own demons down deep enough that the light, in the end, can win out.

    It's pretty deep for a U2 that's so recently *tried* to be deep and it seems like it comes across incredibly naturally. I'm pleased, at any rate.

    Sure, there are a few problems, here and there: Volcanoes and Raised by Wolves are almost *too* frenetic and the exclusion of Invisible is nearly unforgivable, but entirely possible to overlook, in the long run.

    At any rate, I'm sure pleased.
  17. Sep 10, 2014
    this is by far most cohesive and enjoyable record since pop, there are maybe only two songs that are not so great (The Miracle, California) the rest of it is pure delight
  18. Sep 11, 2014
    "Songs of Innocence" is the best album of the year and U2's best since Achtung Baby. This album cannot be judged on a casual first listen as there are layers and textures that appear with repeated listenings. "California" and "Volcano" are among the best pop singles in U2's catalog, "The Miracle" is "Drift Away" for a generation that grew up on punk rock and new wave, a tribute to rock"Songs of Innocence" is the best album of the year and U2's best since Achtung Baby. This album cannot be judged on a casual first listen as there are layers and textures that appear with repeated listenings. "California" and "Volcano" are among the best pop singles in U2's catalog, "The Miracle" is "Drift Away" for a generation that grew up on punk rock and new wave, a tribute to rock music; "This is Where" is a similar tribute to the Clash. "Iris", "The Troubles", "Raised by Wolves" are meatier album cuts dealing with growing up in Northern Ireland and finding one's identity. "Every Breaking Wave" is an anthem of profound simplicity, a nod to Blake, daring us to be ourselves and not to let fear and social pressure define us - one of U2's finest efforts yet. "Songs" represents U2 fully embracing modern production capabilities (and producers) to enhance some of their strongest songs to date. Expand
  19. Sep 14, 2014
    This is perhaps U2s most complete album. With not a single bad song. The band sounds fresh and there is truly something personal and genuine about this album. Haters will hate, but the ones that really appreciate U2s music are in for 50 or so fantastic minutes.
  20. Sep 16, 2014
    Songs of Innocence is everything a U2 fan could want and more. I'm particularly fond of Iris, simply because on that song I think U2 is burning on all cylinders. The liner notes and words on the Lp really tie it all together. A focused vision by all involved, made this a great U2 concept record . Dare I say, Songs of Innocence ..will be remembered as another Masterpiece.
  21. Sep 19, 2014
    This album is really expellant. U2 reminiscing the past in a very direct and honest way. Swagger and attitude does not fit this album and that is probably why many listeners dislike this album in compassion to other U2 albums. Comparing this album with their earlier albums reminded me of the reviews of “Achtung baby” back in 1991. Many compared “Achtung baby” with “Joshua tree”This album is really expellant. U2 reminiscing the past in a very direct and honest way. Swagger and attitude does not fit this album and that is probably why many listeners dislike this album in compassion to other U2 albums. Comparing this album with their earlier albums reminded me of the reviews of “Achtung baby” back in 1991. Many compared “Achtung baby” with “Joshua tree” referring to U2 as sell outs! All of these albums are completely different conceptually and should not be compared. Instead they should be viewed separately as pieces of art. The difference between the albums and their artistic comprehensiveness is what truly makes U2 such a great band and this particular unit of songs a great album. On the other hand this is most likely not for listeners of “Best of …..” albums. Expand
  22. Sep 13, 2014
    Probably the greatest album since Achtung Baby.A lot of shades from U2's early years and from The Clash,Led Zep,The Ramones ... even the Beach boys ! But still it has a freshness to it.Like all U2's album it grows on you the more you listen to it but still it is the first album in a while that i don't skip some songs.There are some very atmospheric moments , Some very solid rock songs andProbably the greatest album since Achtung Baby.A lot of shades from U2's early years and from The Clash,Led Zep,The Ramones ... even the Beach boys ! But still it has a freshness to it.Like all U2's album it grows on you the more you listen to it but still it is the first album in a while that i don't skip some songs.There are some very atmospheric moments , Some very solid rock songs and some nice riffs from Edge. Expand
  23. Sep 15, 2014
    Their best album since 1997's POP. Didn't expect anything good from U2 after bland and predictable No Line On The Horizon. What a surprise! Songs Of Innocence is coherent and fresh album of band who still has fun from making new music and the melodies are again unpredictable and full of passion. Mr. Edge is on real Fire! Best tracks are Every Breaking Wave (classic tune with With OrTheir best album since 1997's POP. Didn't expect anything good from U2 after bland and predictable No Line On The Horizon. What a surprise! Songs Of Innocence is coherent and fresh album of band who still has fun from making new music and the melodies are again unpredictable and full of passion. Mr. Edge is on real Fire! Best tracks are Every Breaking Wave (classic tune with With Or Without You viibe), This is Where You Can Reach Me Now (vintage tune, kind of The Clash tribute) and Sleep Like Baby Tonight (Lemon-esque lullaby). Expand
  24. Sep 15, 2014
    This is a fantastic and complete album. Though its not quite up their with their quintessential, landmark works (Achtung Baby, Joshua Tree), it is right there with their "tier 2" albums of U2's ever evolving sound (Unforgettable Fire, Zooropa, All That You Can't Leave Behind) and a phenomenal addition to one of the greatest collections of music a band has produced. I'm not sure there areThis is a fantastic and complete album. Though its not quite up their with their quintessential, landmark works (Achtung Baby, Joshua Tree), it is right there with their "tier 2" albums of U2's ever evolving sound (Unforgettable Fire, Zooropa, All That You Can't Leave Behind) and a phenomenal addition to one of the greatest collections of music a band has produced. I'm not sure there are any Megahits on here like those previous albums, but many great songs for sure.

    There are instantly charming anthems in the first few tracks, but what makes the album stand out is the back half that becomes a little darker and harder rocking. Cedarwood Road might be the best pure, straight-up rock and roll song U2 released (or at least in quite some time). Sleep Like a Baby is a creepy, atmospheric, addicting tune - like a melodramatic rendition of Acrobat (Achtung Baby). Song for Someone might be their best ballad since One.

    A great return to form after an inconsistent, wandering No Line on the Horizon.
  25. Sep 21, 2014
    I don't know why many critics and people are bashing this album. While it's no masterpiece, it's not that awful either.

    Personally, I'm no fan of Bono. I always found his voice soulless and his anthem vocals bland; but it was nice hearing him in Sleeping Like a Baby Tonight. It was a somewhat new style from him. The music, while nothing extraordinary, is catchy and sometimes
    I don't know why many critics and people are bashing this album. While it's no masterpiece, it's not that awful either.

    Personally, I'm no fan of Bono. I always found his voice soulless and his anthem vocals bland; but it was nice hearing him in Sleeping Like a Baby Tonight. It was a somewhat new style from him.

    The music, while nothing extraordinary, is catchy and sometimes uplifting. The second half of the album, though, has some interesting tunes that are largely different from the usual stuff they do. The production is quite slick, too.

    Overall, it's a good and enjoyable outing that tries to walk a fine line between old and new, but mostly goes for the old and familiar.
  26. Sep 10, 2014
    A breath fresh air, not just the same old U2. I've listened through a few times now and I'm liking it more and more every time. I can't say I love every song equally, but there are definitely some good ones here being added to the U2 song catalog.
  27. Sep 10, 2014
    Probably U2's best album since "All That You Can't Leave Behind." Don't listen to the negative reviews. It's just from trolls who simply dislike U2 due to Bono's political convictions & that the fact that they feel threatened by someone who's far more talented & successful than they'll ever be.
  28. Sep 13, 2014
    Three years after wrapping up the highest-grossing, most-attended concert tour in history, U2 give the world the widest release of any record in history. This is exactly what we expect of U2: grand statements on a grand scale! But how is the record?

    As a fan of U2 since War, I am very pleased with this release. Will history remember it as being as good as "Joshua" or "Achtung?"
    Three years after wrapping up the highest-grossing, most-attended concert tour in history, U2 give the world the widest release of any record in history. This is exactly what we expect of U2: grand statements on a grand scale! But how is the record?

    As a fan of U2 since War, I am very pleased with this release. Will history remember it as being as good as "Joshua" or "Achtung?" Probably not, and that's the dilemma that comes with having recorded two of the most well-loved records in rock history - you will always be compared to those insurmountable heights and come up wanting in comparison.

    While not U2 at their absolute best, Songs of Innocence is a very, very good record that - for U2 fans - will likely be a "grower." Without exception, the songs are all solid, but they won't win over legions of new fans with this set of tunes. People who complain that the record being background music or filler are not patient enough to understand what U2 are doing here. With dozens, perhaps hundreds, of unreleased songs from the past 10 years, they could have gone in many directions with the new record. Rather than release a new record designed to go toe-to-toe with the legacy of The Joshua Tree or Achtung! Baby (i.e. Greatest Hits 3), they made a very personal record. It took them over 5 years to make this, so it may take the average listener a while to really absorb it.

    I have to admit that I didn't really "get" Zooropa for about 5 years. It took almost two years for "No Line" to really sink into me. Songs of Innocence is that kind of record, but that's exactly what will give it staying power for the patient listener. While it lacks the immediacy of "All That You Can't Leave Behind," there are immediate hooks to be sure. California is the most radio-friendly song on this record, on par with Vertigo and Magnificent. Volcano, Song for Someone, and The Miracle will likely become concert staples. (I can't wait to hear "Song for Someone" live! The Troubles is one of the best album-closers U2 have ever given us.

    Having survived and thrived for nearly 4 decades in the fickle world of popular music, U2 are nothing if not visionary. I am eager to see how this record fits into U2's larger plans. I would be unsurprised if U2 released a second record before their next world tour, and only then can Songs of Innocence be understood in context. If they don't release another record before the next tour, and if this record intended to represent the next half-decade or so of U2's focus and energy, most of us longtime fans will be quite satisfied with how Songs of Innocence fits into their legacy.

    I intend to purchase the physical release next month. Yes, it's that good!
  29. Sep 17, 2014
    Although U2 wont freely admit it this is a concept album in everything but name, and the album is all the better for it.
    It captures the full evolution of the band from Boy right through to All That You Cant Leave Behind there last complete album.
    The Miracle of Joey Ramone and Volcano could easily have been lifted from Boy while Sleep Like A Baby Tonight & The Troubles could seamlessly
    Although U2 wont freely admit it this is a concept album in everything but name, and the album is all the better for it.
    It captures the full evolution of the band from Boy right through to All That You Cant Leave Behind there last complete album.
    The Miracle of Joey Ramone and Volcano could easily have been lifted from Boy while Sleep Like A Baby Tonight & The Troubles could seamlessly fit onto there two most experimental albums Zooropa or Passengers (The Brian Eno & Daniel Lanois Collaboration)
    The best and most influential tracks on the album is when a certain Danger Mouse takes full control so lets hope Mr Bono & Mr Edge take heed if as promised they release "Songs of Experience" in the next 12 months.
    Although not among there best albums its a very commendable effort and proves that U2 are still relevant and a musical force to be reckoned with.
  30. May 13, 2016
    One of the decade's best albums! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  31. Sep 15, 2014
    We hoped that U2 would make up for the dud called No Line On The Horizon, and they did, but it still sounds like they are staying in their stadium-sized comfort zone. And speaking of stadiums, It sounds strange to hear the band trying to sound like bands they once mentored, namely Coldplay. Conversely, it's great to hear U2 reclaiming some of the majesty of their early punk wave sound onWe hoped that U2 would make up for the dud called No Line On The Horizon, and they did, but it still sounds like they are staying in their stadium-sized comfort zone. And speaking of stadiums, It sounds strange to hear the band trying to sound like bands they once mentored, namely Coldplay. Conversely, it's great to hear U2 reclaiming some of the majesty of their early punk wave sound on "Volcano" and "Raised By Wolves". Rolling Stone gave this 5-stars and calling it a renaissance triumph at the same level as Achtung Baby. The out of proportion praise reeks of music industry machine oil. A 4-star rating feels more realistic and genuine to my ears. Expand
  32. Sep 12, 2014
    If I rate it 5 star, I must be emotionally attached fan of U2 and if I rate it 2 star then I must be like those hypocrite critics(which I am certainly not). How many rock bands we know where lyrical beauty is as glorifying as U2. I simply loved this album.
  33. Sep 12, 2014
    Easily their best album since the glorious POP. Best lyrically. Best musically. Best ALBUM. The songs flow seamlessly, as opposed to the last 3 efforts which sounded like a hastily thrown together hodge podge of gems and duds and everything in between. There is no immediate gem here, but no duds either. Maybe "The Troubles" will be the gem of the album, time will tell. Great late careerEasily their best album since the glorious POP. Best lyrically. Best musically. Best ALBUM. The songs flow seamlessly, as opposed to the last 3 efforts which sounded like a hastily thrown together hodge podge of gems and duds and everything in between. There is no immediate gem here, but no duds either. Maybe "The Troubles" will be the gem of the album, time will tell. Great late career effort though. Expand
  34. Sep 12, 2014
    [I posted this comment on another site too, but I am not an Autobot! I am 100% fleshy thingee!] All of these negative reviews seem to have 3 things in common: (1) Head-scratching filler paragraphs professing "alarm/rage" [in the age of FB, junk e-mail, direct deposit, Twitter, Amazon-suggested purchases and global social media access in the palm of your hand] about receiving free music[I posted this comment on another site too, but I am not an Autobot! I am 100% fleshy thingee!] All of these negative reviews seem to have 3 things in common: (1) Head-scratching filler paragraphs professing "alarm/rage" [in the age of FB, junk e-mail, direct deposit, Twitter, Amazon-suggested purchases and global social media access in the palm of your hand] about receiving free music files [from an online store you already share personal info with] that you can easily delete. I hope these people never get a free gift card in the mail from one of their favorite stores or they might spontaneously combust. (2) Giving something away for free with no advance notice is apparently not as cool as trying to sell you something with no advance notice, ie Beyonce. (3) People take it personally when a band from their youth that represents their alt music tastes becomes popular. When the band no longer wants to be only associated with the music of your youth (and by extension, move onto newer fans), they magically transform into sellouts.

    I'm kind of surprised more reviews haven't picked up on the creative comparison to AB. I'm not making a statement of quality comparison, but the similar creative process. AB, for all of its (deserved) praise, basically borrowed heavily from the hipster alt music scenes of its time and applied them to U2 songs: Manchester, early industrial and shoegazer. They just replaced MBV, NIN and Charlatans UK/Stone Roses w/00s indie rock: YYYs (Volcano), TVOTR (Miracle), Fleet Foxes (Song for Someone), and Bloc Party (Raised By Wolves).

    You might not like those bands, or think U2 is trying too hard in referencing them. But if your idea of a great new album by a band--in its 35th year--is to write songs that affect you like songs from 20 years ago, there may not be any album of relief for you. Unless it comes with a flux capacitor.
  35. Sep 13, 2014
    To have found myself listening to U2's new album Songs of Innocence on Tuesday night, after they dropped it on itunes for free, was one hell of a surprise. But an even greater surprise was how I was listening to a band once again close to the top of their game.

    After their last album, the lumpy and forgettable No Line On The Horizon, to say their was belief that U2 could ever return to
    To have found myself listening to U2's new album Songs of Innocence on Tuesday night, after they dropped it on itunes for free, was one hell of a surprise. But an even greater surprise was how I was listening to a band once again close to the top of their game.

    After their last album, the lumpy and forgettable No Line On The Horizon, to say their was belief that U2 could ever return to something close to their best would have been a lie. 5 and a half years waiting for this new album and two pretty average one off singles in Invisible and Ordinary Love made me believe that this band could no longer find their mojo and were merely at a point in their career on the verge of breakup or worse, on the verge of forcing some dire material on us. Indeed the prevailing thought, as a massive U2 fan was that their was no need for another album. Their musical career has been absolutely stunning releasing some of the greatest albums I have ever listened to. There really was no need.

    But they persisted and thank god they did because Songs of Innocence is brilliant. It's a long time since I relished an album from one of the world's major acts - The Suburbs by Arcade Fire was the last one in fact over three years ago.

    What we've been given is not so much a reinvention but a refresh of their sound after it seemed to go stale in the 00s. In 48 minutes it seems to offer a glimpse into U2's influences and sounds across their 30 year career. Bono's lyrics are absent of the global posturing that has reflected his status and music in much of the past decade and in their place is Bono at his best and most personal as showcased best on Iris and The Miracle. He's also not afraid to confront some very dark themes as heard in Sleep Like A Baby Tonight. Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen support the songs in their most comprehensive fashion since the 90s and the production, largely from Danger Mouse, gives the band a healthy reboot, certainly required after their acclaimed collaboration with Eno and Lanois had seemed to reach the region of barren inspiration.

    WIthout doubt it's their best record since 1997's underrated Pop. Even more exciting will be the expectation that these songs will be able to successfully transfer to U2's ultimate comfort zone - the stage. Amongst their finest and greatest songs, I have no doubt that this album will seamlessly slot in to the setlist, continuing to enthrall and entertain their vast legion of fans.

    By looking into their past, U2 have enabled themselves to stand tall again as a worthy and inspirational act to be reckoned with once more. But for a band which has defied their own beliefs and their fans expectations numerous times in the past, should I have ever doubted them?
  36. Sep 13, 2014
    In my opinion, this is a very very good album! U2 classic, but a fresh sound. I give it 9 points, because the old classic U2 albums is better. U2 forever!
  37. Sep 15, 2014
    I have been a fan of U2 since 1984 and have purchased every album upon its release since The Joshua Tree. Obviously I am biased in writing this review. However, I have been fairly critical of their past few albums. I feel that while they contained some good songs, they also had a number of lackluster songs. Overall I felt that the songs just didn't flow together well or provide a clearI have been a fan of U2 since 1984 and have purchased every album upon its release since The Joshua Tree. Obviously I am biased in writing this review. However, I have been fairly critical of their past few albums. I feel that while they contained some good songs, they also had a number of lackluster songs. Overall I felt that the songs just didn't flow together well or provide a clear definition of the 'feel' of the album as a whole.

    When I downloaded Songs Of Innocence (SOI), I immediately felt that this was the album I have been waiting for in U2's catalog. It is cohesive, and although there is a distinct mood shift between the first and second halves of the album, every song somehow seems to belong. Additionally, this is U2 doing what they do best. Solid rock anthems and emotion-invoking ballads, all with just a hint of an off-center vibe to make the music sound relevant and distinct. I wanted to write a review of SOI immediately but I am glad I waited to know each song well. This album seems to evolve and unfold with more listens. It has a fundamental mainstream sound, but the subtle textures and layers are there.

    As musicians, U2 are performing as well as they ever have in my opinion. Bono sings like his younger self in songs like California and Volcano, and shows his range in others like Iris. The Edge maintains his signature style and occasionally explores different sounds not frequently heard on a U2 album. Adam Clayton's bass sound is somehow both fat and crisp. And as a drummer, I always pay attention to Larry Mullen Jr. on each album. He has always had an interesting style that doesn't really follow the drumming rule book, and in this album he maintains that style but in a way in which he makes very tasteful choices in his playing to compliment each song.

    I have read many reviews of SOI since it came out. and I think that regardless of whether the review is from a professional critic vs. just an average person like myself with a passion for music, it just comes down to one's opinion. There really is no right or wrong. However, with that said, here are some observations that I see as common among the negative reviews of this album:
    1. People are upset that it was 'forced upon them' by showing up on their iTunes. To that I would argue that it is unfair to consider that aspect in the review of an album.
    2. People are upset that U2 has 'sold themselves out' to big corporations and therefore endorse an ideology that is inconsistent with the U2 of 20+ years ago.
    3. Some people just don't like U2's music
    4. 'The Miracle' does not sound like a Ramones Song and 'This is where you can reach me now' does not sound like a Clash tune.

    I am not judging or criticizing the merit of these negative reviews, just simply identifying my observations. For me, SOI is a hugely enjoyable album with 11 great songs and no duds. I would not be surprised to hear many of these songs on the upcoming tour and to be well received at the concerts. I also would not be surprised to hear much more radio airplay from this album than what we have gotten in the past decade. These songs are not life changing. Maybe none will have the impact that Pride, With Or Without You, or One has all had. But they are enjoyable songs with great beats and melodies, and will be dominating my iTunes player for a long time.
  38. Sep 15, 2014
    This is one of the most consistent albums U2 has put out since Achtung Baby. While it sounds fresh and new it also has various moments that harken back to some of their best records. Volcano, a powerful rocker sounds like it could be off Boy. While the sultry Sleep Like A Baby Tonight sounds like it could be from their experimental album Pop. The painfully beautiful The Troubles is one ofThis is one of the most consistent albums U2 has put out since Achtung Baby. While it sounds fresh and new it also has various moments that harken back to some of their best records. Volcano, a powerful rocker sounds like it could be off Boy. While the sultry Sleep Like A Baby Tonight sounds like it could be from their experimental album Pop. The painfully beautiful The Troubles is one of the best closers since Love is Blindness. Every Breaking Wave's pulsating base sounds like it is right off of Joshua Tree. Lastly, Song for Someone harkens back to Walk On as it feels like it could be off of All That You Can Leave Behind. Expand
  39. Sep 18, 2014
    The lovable lads from Liverpool: Bono, The Edge, Adam Clay-2000lbs, and Larry Mullen Sr.'s son have done it again! This is good rock n' roll, uh, music.
  40. Sep 10, 2014
    Songs of Innocence is a consistent album that offers some of U2's catchiest melodies and is arguably there most contemporary sounding album since the 80's. Rock music, currently, contains mostly either an alternative new wave style or a folk style; Songs of Innocence falls in the former. It has a lot of ambient effects and it sounds contemporary because it has a very glossy feel to it. BySongs of Innocence is a consistent album that offers some of U2's catchiest melodies and is arguably there most contemporary sounding album since the 80's. Rock music, currently, contains mostly either an alternative new wave style or a folk style; Songs of Innocence falls in the former. It has a lot of ambient effects and it sounds contemporary because it has a very glossy feel to it. By glossy I mean you can hear the production in the album and it sounds quite accessible. Glossy and accessible are not a bad thing if they are done right and for the most part U2 do it right, in Songs of Innocence. Songs, like Every Breaking Wave, Iris, and Volcano have a perfect combination of catchy melodies and ambience. Some of the songs, however, like The Miracle of Joe Ramone and Raised by Wolves feel a little too overproduced, making the melodies feel forced. Those songs do have some ambient, electronic textures that are diminished by the production. Much was made of U2 delaying the album (the last of many times) earlier this summer to bring in additional producers to assist the band in crafting a single and making the album relevant (a word Bono threw around way too much). One cannot help, but wonder if U2 had too many cooks in the kitchen, which caused the album to at times feel overproduced. This occasional feeling is what ultimately keeps the album from being great, in my opinion. U2 took more chances on their previous album, No Line on the Horizon, which is no more consistent than this album, but it has better songs because the band was not as concerned with making it accessible (they did add/change songs, like Get on Your Boots and I'll Go Crazy if I don't Go Crazy Tonight in hopes to get radio play). U2 used to be a band that was not afraid to take chances, I mean look at their 90's discography when they were pretty much the only rock band making dance and electronica music. Now they are so concerned with staying relevant and popular. Expand
  41. Sep 11, 2014
    This collection of songs is neither transcendent in its overall quality nor is it in any way un-listenable. As a person that is somewhat moderate on my U2 views ( I like some of their work and dislike some) I think I'm fairly bi-partisan in my view. That preamble aside, I'd say I generally more than just "like" the album. I think the artistic intent is for it to be taken as a whole insteadThis collection of songs is neither transcendent in its overall quality nor is it in any way un-listenable. As a person that is somewhat moderate on my U2 views ( I like some of their work and dislike some) I think I'm fairly bi-partisan in my view. That preamble aside, I'd say I generally more than just "like" the album. I think the artistic intent is for it to be taken as a whole instead of broken into individual parts (songs), and viewed through that prism I find the record quite enthralling. There is a distinct beginning, middle and end to the story that is deceptively meaningful. I personally find the entire thing worthwhile and I recommend an unbiased listening to anyone who will give it a chance. Expand
  42. Sep 20, 2014
    The dynamic range is not great as one review mentioned. The LP has a DR score of 9 out of 20. It will officially become an album on October 13th. Now that that's out of the way, on to the review. There are a few songs I like better than others, but it's preference and there aren't really any stand out singles. If there was a single though, I bet it would be "The Miracle." It's unfortunateThe dynamic range is not great as one review mentioned. The LP has a DR score of 9 out of 20. It will officially become an album on October 13th. Now that that's out of the way, on to the review. There are a few songs I like better than others, but it's preference and there aren't really any stand out singles. If there was a single though, I bet it would be "The Miracle." It's unfortunate that this LP was released with the iPhones because most people will be listening to it with ear buds. With ear buds, this album will sound awful. I haven't tried nice headphones yet. I tried playing it through a nice ($250) portable speaker and still got a lot of distortion because of the low bass. I then, hooked it up to my receiver over Airplay, and the difference was night and day. I started off in stereo which was fine (with full-range front speakers), but I prefer multi stereo for surround sound (with 60 Hz crossover to sub). I do not like fake Dolby Pro Logic IIx or DTS Neo:6 processing. I am glad they didn't roll off the bass to appeal to the headphone market, but the tracks could have done with some more dynamic range. Expand
  43. Sep 13, 2014
    I've never been a U2 fan, but I love a great guitarist and I generally really like Danger Mouse productions; it was inevitable that I'd listen to the free album. I was surprised to see how much I liked it. This is a solid, modern album in the stylings of newer british bands like Coldplay, but still distinctly U2, and not stale U2 either. The song writing is sharp and focused and the albumI've never been a U2 fan, but I love a great guitarist and I generally really like Danger Mouse productions; it was inevitable that I'd listen to the free album. I was surprised to see how much I liked it. This is a solid, modern album in the stylings of newer british bands like Coldplay, but still distinctly U2, and not stale U2 either. The song writing is sharp and focused and the album overall is nicely cohesive without becoming dull or repetitive. I'm really glad I grabbed it. 2014: the year U2 released an album I couldn't help but enjoy. Expand
  44. Oct 10, 2014
    Superb album, and even better, it works perfectly as an album, a proper experience from start to finish - something that U2 haven't been so good at since the "Pop" era. There's not a single bad track and my favourites continually change but right now Iris, Volcano and particularly Cedarwood Road are right up there. The overall level of intricacy and musical detail mean that even a monthSuperb album, and even better, it works perfectly as an album, a proper experience from start to finish - something that U2 haven't been so good at since the "Pop" era. There's not a single bad track and my favourites continually change but right now Iris, Volcano and particularly Cedarwood Road are right up there. The overall level of intricacy and musical detail mean that even a month later I'm hearing new nuances in every song.

    The Deluxe Edition CD2 is a nice bonus, Lucifers Hands is a great B-Side, Crystal Ballroom is brilliant but let down by a flat, noodly guitar solo that outstays it's welcome. Acoustic songs are interesting though not particularly essential. The alternative mix of Sleep Like A Baby is superb, lyrics literally the other side of the story and the music much dirtier and darker than the album version. Invisible is still a great tune, though not really on a par with anything on the album. Then the different version of The Troubles is a bit of a let down, really just showing how it developed.
    Really looking forward to seeing plenty of songs from Songs of Innocence being played live on the next tour and then we have Songs of Experience to look forward to! Great time to be a U2 fan, despite all the bandwagon-jumping negativity being thrown around.
  45. Sep 11, 2014
    Awesome U2 and awesome Apple!
    Love the songs, great album and I got it for free! :D
    It's really a good album don't understand why so much hate for it..
  46. Sep 12, 2014
    This album will be remembered as one of the best the Irishmen have crafted in their long career. Songs of Innocence resembles the industrial art of Achtung Baby and lyrical authenticity of Boy. Sunday Bloody Sunday got it's sequel in Raised By Wolves and Vertigo in Volcano. It's not as pop as U2's editions in 2000's, but it's way more listenable than No Line On The Horizon. It grows on youThis album will be remembered as one of the best the Irishmen have crafted in their long career. Songs of Innocence resembles the industrial art of Achtung Baby and lyrical authenticity of Boy. Sunday Bloody Sunday got it's sequel in Raised By Wolves and Vertigo in Volcano. It's not as pop as U2's editions in 2000's, but it's way more listenable than No Line On The Horizon. It grows on you with each listen. Expand
  47. Sep 13, 2014
    On 1st listen, I wasn't too impressed with it. After listening to it on headphones and in the car, it's won me over. I thought they were through after the awful Ordinary Love. This shows they still have some life left in them.
  48. Sep 15, 2014
    As a big fan of U2, I was nothing short of thrilled with the free giveaway from Itunes. I don't care what the naysayers piss and moan about it, it's a nice surprise for those who've followed them over the last several decades.

    U2 have put together a cohesive album meant to be listened to as a whole. There are no honest to God hit singles immediately present. However, this feels
    As a big fan of U2, I was nothing short of thrilled with the free giveaway from Itunes. I don't care what the naysayers piss and moan about it, it's a nice surprise for those who've followed them over the last several decades.

    U2 have put together a cohesive album meant to be listened to as a whole. There are no honest to God hit singles immediately present. However, this feels important on several levels. The first is how reminiscent it sounds to their older albums, like Unforgettable Fire and War. Not to say the sounds they've developed over their career aren't present here as well. There's something truly intimate and personable about this album. Perhaps the most surprising aspect of Songs of Innocence is how scaled back it feels for a U2 album. Grandiose solos and rafter raising choruses have given way to surgical efficiency in the song writing. It is apparent that considerable care went in to the making of this album, and it is enjoyable in so many ways. They're still leading the pack in style and music making, not following the nauseating EMD trends. They're truly one of a kind, demonstrating it with seeming effortlessness in this latest offering.
  49. Sep 16, 2014
    I am an admitted U2 homer having listened to them since the 80s and it seems today you either love them or hate them. If you are a U2 fan, this album will be surprisingly refreshing that harkens back to their earlier work of Boy and October. In a world of music today where people can publish music without even being musicians, you have to appreciate a band that sounds tight and mature. MyI am an admitted U2 homer having listened to them since the 80s and it seems today you either love them or hate them. If you are a U2 fan, this album will be surprisingly refreshing that harkens back to their earlier work of Boy and October. In a world of music today where people can publish music without even being musicians, you have to appreciate a band that sounds tight and mature. My favorite tracks: Raised by Wolves, Sleep like a Baby Tonight, and This is Where You Can Reach Me Now. Expand
  50. Sep 12, 2014
    Surprisingly good. It seems that they finally found what they were looking for. Now I understand better what they tried to achieve - without success - with No Line.
    This is definetely one of their best, even better and All that you can't leave behind.
    Something of U2, but with a better production, with a better sound, more emotional, more variety.
    I was far from expecting this!
  51. Feb 3, 2018
    Whenever a new U2 album comes out, I rather harshly compare it to their back catalog to see where their latest offering fits in. The bands' previous attempt, "No Line On The Horizon" even if it was underrated, was a tepid affair when you got down to it. As a fan, I enjoyed the record but by U2 standards, it left much to be desired. It's not one I revisit regularly. I saw "No Line On TheWhenever a new U2 album comes out, I rather harshly compare it to their back catalog to see where their latest offering fits in. The bands' previous attempt, "No Line On The Horizon" even if it was underrated, was a tepid affair when you got down to it. As a fan, I enjoyed the record but by U2 standards, it left much to be desired. It's not one I revisit regularly. I saw "No Line On The Horizon" as a halfway house return to experimentation after the enjoyable yet straightforward pop/rock albums that brought U2 into the 00's, "All That You Cant Leave Behind" and "How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb". After the perceived failure of No Line..., where would the band go next. As usual, U2 fans were kept guessing over the last few years as to what Bono and co would come up with - various producers were hired to try to inspire some freshness, recording sessions were started and talked up only to then be abandoned. The band themselves claimed to have made several albums during this period but discarded them. Standard U2 behaviour. When "Songs of Innocence" did arrive, it was met a level of publicity only U2 could generate. Personally, I think the reaction to the Apple release of September 2014 was a bit pathetic - as Bono said himself - if your outraged at receiving a free unasked U2 album and see it as a type of violation then relatively, your not doing to bad in life. First world problems and all that. Anyway - onto the album itself - of the 11 tracks we get, half of them are top drawer. I'm still not crazy for lead single "The Miracle", a song that is decent but has very little to it bar a serious production job. Fortunately, this is immediately followed up by the album's standout moment, "Every Breaking Wave" one of the finest moments of the bands career. "California" is a simple pop tune with layers of the Edge's guitar work turning it into something really substantial. "Song For Someone" was initially my favourite track off the record - reflective verses with lifting choruses - like a modern day With or Without You. "Iris", while an intensely personal song to Bono, its actually dominated (and carried) by the Edge's guitar. From this point on the album gets inconsistent. "Volcano" is an enjoyable rocker but is totally based on a lifted Neil Young bass line. Of the remaining tracks, only "Cedarwood Road "and closer "The Troubles" really lift themselves above the parapet. "Songs of Innocence" is a collection of some great songs that carry a few other good songs. I feel the producers involved could have had a better influence on the final product. I don't really see what they have added in terms of benefitting the songs. I was at one of the Dublin Innocence and Experience shows and the songs from this album sounded much more vibrant and rockier live. I also think there was material omitted for thematic reasons (e.g. Crystal Ballroom, Ordinary Love, Invisible) that trump some of the album tracks. Still, when I assess the record as a whole and in its own right, disregarding the band, their back catalog and everything else, "Songs of Innocence" comes out smelling like roses. One of the albums of 2014. Expand
  52. Oct 16, 2014
    Putting all non-musical stuff aside, this might not rank among U2's defining classics, but the general song quality makes it definitely not one to overlook. Especially in the middle to back half when there are some great callbacks to their more bare bones rock stuff.

    (For my full review that goes much more in-depth, look up "Spin It Reviews" on YouTube. There's also a separate video
    Putting all non-musical stuff aside, this might not rank among U2's defining classics, but the general song quality makes it definitely not one to overlook. Especially in the middle to back half when there are some great callbacks to their more bare bones rock stuff.

    (For my full review that goes much more in-depth, look up "Spin It Reviews" on YouTube. There's also a separate video where I talk about the release of the album.)
  53. Sep 11, 2014
    This is a fine album and I would probably rank it in the lower middle of the pack as far as U2 albums go. It shares a lot of similarities with all of their albums post-2000. I'd say it's more successful than No Line on the Horizon overall, but doesn't have a true immediate classic like "Magnificent". They're mining the same space sonically, but this is a more consistent album featuringThis is a fine album and I would probably rank it in the lower middle of the pack as far as U2 albums go. It shares a lot of similarities with all of their albums post-2000. I'd say it's more successful than No Line on the Horizon overall, but doesn't have a true immediate classic like "Magnificent". They're mining the same space sonically, but this is a more consistent album featuring more straight-ahead song writing with less meandering, formless songs/experiments. Personally I thought "Invisible" and "Ordinary Love", their two latest non-album singles before this, were better than anything here, but it is nice to see them still making some captivating music. Plus, the price is hard to beat! Expand
  54. Sep 14, 2014
    It's easy to be cynical with U2, especially considering how this album was dropped, but all one needs to do is simply listen to the songs (preferably with headphones) to realize how good it is. There are plenty of goose bump moments for anyone that has been or is a fan. Gorgeous but not over the top production, solid song writing, and an excellent performance by the band. Most importantIt's easy to be cynical with U2, especially considering how this album was dropped, but all one needs to do is simply listen to the songs (preferably with headphones) to realize how good it is. There are plenty of goose bump moments for anyone that has been or is a fan. Gorgeous but not over the top production, solid song writing, and an excellent performance by the band. Most important though, they rock. Expand
  55. May 23, 2015
    Most complete U2 album since Achtung Baby (I'm looking at you Some Days Are Better than Others) and while It's not as good or experimental as AB, it's headed into the right direction for U2 if they want to return to relevancy, something they've set out to do. Maybe with the next album they can hit it on the head. The album also has probably some of the best lyrics U2 has ever had.Most complete U2 album since Achtung Baby (I'm looking at you Some Days Are Better than Others) and while It's not as good or experimental as AB, it's headed into the right direction for U2 if they want to return to relevancy, something they've set out to do. Maybe with the next album they can hit it on the head. The album also has probably some of the best lyrics U2 has ever had. Highlights from this album

    Iris: Most U2-like song on the album, which is a good thing.
    Song for Someone: Best lyrics on the album, Bono really makes this song
  56. Sep 14, 2014
    Good Album ! U2 still continue like a great band ! The album is very good, sometimes you need to heard, you can see quantities and they are still with great songs This album isn´t is the best album their, but i see U2 came back, and the next album must be still better than this.
  57. Nov 12, 2014
    U2 have made a comeback with this album. Its lyrics are more personal and actually and bold, it shows off the talent of its instrumentalists, and it strikes that satisfying balance between audacious and reserved. I actually like it. It's no Joshua Tree, but its better than I expected. Favorite track: This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now.
  58. Dec 15, 2014
    Have to admit.... This album had its weak points, but all in all, it's better than anything they've released in years. If you listen to the record with Ireland of the 1970s in mind, it quickly becomes a poignant, sometimes painful journey though the U2's youth. 'Raised by Wolves' is bizarre and dark and fascinating, while the last lines of 'Iris' are wrenching. Lots to discover here.Have to admit.... This album had its weak points, but all in all, it's better than anything they've released in years. If you listen to the record with Ireland of the 1970s in mind, it quickly becomes a poignant, sometimes painful journey though the U2's youth. 'Raised by Wolves' is bizarre and dark and fascinating, while the last lines of 'Iris' are wrenching. Lots to discover here.

    I was prepared to dislike this disc... Instead, I'm grudgingly loving it, and surprised at the negative reviews. I guess the Apple debacle colored listeners' perceptions? Who knows. Anyway, I've been a U2 listener since 'Boy' and I'm pretty darned happy right now.
  59. Mar 24, 2015
    It's a good album once you listen to it a few times and has songs you can sing along to. If only the release of the album was not 'shoved down our throats' and we actually got to come up on this on our own time.
  60. Jul 27, 2015
    This is U2's best album, it has lots of great music like: Raised By Wolves, Iris, California, and many others. Bono's voice is freaking awesome and Edge's guitar play is great.
  61. Dec 20, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of my favorite albuns. I love Iris, Every Breaking Wave and the amazing Raised By Wolves, All the songs on Innocence + Experience tour was awesome. Just perfect Expand
  62. Feb 17, 2020
    Coesivo, cuidadoso, experimental, e conservador tudo ao mesmo tempo, Songs Of Innocence é um álbum que mostra uma mudança significativa no som do U2, é claro que o som clássico do U2 esta presente no álbum também.
    Músicas como Sleep Like A Baby Tonight, This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now, Raised By Wolves, Cedarwood Road, The Troubles mostra o U2 adrentando num experimentalismo musical
    Coesivo, cuidadoso, experimental, e conservador tudo ao mesmo tempo, Songs Of Innocence é um álbum que mostra uma mudança significativa no som do U2, é claro que o som clássico do U2 esta presente no álbum também.
    Músicas como Sleep Like A Baby Tonight, This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now, Raised By Wolves, Cedarwood Road, The Troubles mostra o U2 adrentando num experimentalismo musical bem diferente do antecessor No Line On The Horizon e pode se dizer que é mais um grande acerto do U2.

    Em Every Breaking Wave, Song For Someone, California (There Is Not End To Love), e o refrão de The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone), é mostrado o U2 que todos conhecemos, mais moderno é claro mais a essência do U2 está lá, Volcano remete e lembra bem a era inicial do U2, a era mais pesada do rock pós-punk do U2 dos três primeiros álbums Boy, October, War embora agora com um som mais moderno também não iria soa exatamente como o rock do começo dos anos 80.

    Enquanto Iris (Hold Me Close) é uma mistura perfeita do som clássico do U2, uma bela melodia + um forte linha de baixo de Adam Clayton, juntamente com um toque de experimentalismo nos versos.

    Confesso que é um álbum que me estranhou muito assim que foi lançado, e não me agradou tirando a primeira metade que gostei muito desde de quando saiu, mais da canção "Iris (Hold Me Close)" para frente o álbum me soou como uma tentativa de experimentalismo fraco, desajeitado e com pouco ritmo que para mim só havia funcionado a última canção "The Troubles" e um pouco da "Cedarwood Road".

    Hoje minha opinião mudou completamente sobre esse álbum principalmente sobre a segunda e final metade desse álbum, e posso dizer que hoje eu consigo ver completamente o que para mim era inimaginável de enxergar e concordar que é os fãs antigos do U2, ou mesmo os novos fãs que descrobriram o U2 com esse álbum, que é dar uma nota 9 ou 10 para esse álbum, e digo super merece um 10, o erro meu e de muitos fãs antigos de qualquer banda, é querer comparar um novo álbum com os melhores da banda, ou mesmos com os antecessores que você gostou, claro que gosto é individual pode muito bem acontecer de um fã antigo não gostar de nenhuma música nesse álbum ou gosta de 1,2 ou 3, e eu respeito, mais o erro de comparar os melhores álbum da banda com um que não foi e não será considerado um dos melhores da banda, é que você não consegue enxergar o seu álbum preferido nesse novo, você tenta e não consegue e isso consequentemente te frustar e consequentemente também você não aprova o álbum, mas justamente esse fato de querer enxergar ou escutar seu álbum favorito no outro, faz com que você não escute o novo álbum você não busca entender esse álbum como diferente, que a banda optou por fazer uma coisa nova que funciona sozinha, por isso quando é anunciado um novo álbum de uma banda que você conhecer a anos, e que você conhece e já ouviu centenas de vezes seus melhores trabalhos e quer que esse novo álbum te lembre ou soe como os melhores álbums dessa banda, te frusta em cheio quando você não enxergar aquela banda que fez seu álbum ou álbums favoritos nesse novo disco, essa necessidade e expectativa que nos criamos, atrapalha demais para apreciamos esse novo trabalho como único, singular e diferente.

    Parabéns U2 pela fome de mudança, de nunca soar o mesmo, e por entrar num estúdio para fazer um novo álbum com muita paixão e dedicação acreditando nesse novo material diferente, com som diferente e correndo riscos, riscos esse de ser imcompreendido por críticos ou pelo próprios fãs.
  63. Jun 13, 2016
    The first 5 songs of the album are brilliant. Like, wow! Some of their best work in years. Then you get to the next 6...and it all crashes and burns from there. This should have been an EP with only the first 5 songs included.
  64. Mar 25, 2020
    Songs of Innocence by U2: 7.48

    The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone): 1 :) Every Breaking Wave: 1 California (There Is No End To Love): 0.75 Song For Someone: 1 :) Iris (Hold Me Close): 1 :) Volcano: 1 :) Raised By Wolves: 0.75 Cedarwood Road: 1 :) Sleep Like a Baby Tonight: 0.5 This is Where You Can Reach Me Now: 1 :) The Troubles: 0.25 Lucifer’s Hands: 1 :) The Crystal Ballroom:
    Songs of Innocence by U2: 7.48

    The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone): 1 :)
    Every Breaking Wave: 1
    California (There Is No End To Love): 0.75
    Song For Someone: 1 :)
    Iris (Hold Me Close): 1 :)
    Volcano: 1 :)
    Raised By Wolves: 0.75
    Cedarwood Road: 1 :)
    Sleep Like a Baby Tonight: 0.5
    This is Where You Can Reach Me Now: 1 :)
    The Troubles: 0.25
    Lucifer’s Hands: 1 :)
    The Crystal Ballroom: 1

    11.25/13 ~ .865 -> 7.48

    Overall, a very good album by U2. There are many fantastic songs, such as The Miracle (of Joey Ramone), Iris (Hold Me Close), and Cedarwood Road. The only two songs I couldn’t really get on board with are The Troubles, since it just seems too slow to work, and I’m not totally sure about the lyrics either. I guess I just had a problem with Sleep Like a Baby Tonight’s lyrics, though I do really like the remix of that song on the deluxe version with the different words (that had better lyrics in my opinion). Besides that, the songs are all fantastic. All fans of U2 and rock in general will love this album! Highlights: The Miracle (of Joey Ramone), Every Breaking Wave, Song For Someone, Iris (Hold Me Close), Volcano, Cedarwood Road, This is Where You Can Reach Me Now, Lucifer’s Hands, and The Crystal Ballroom.
  65. May 4, 2020
    One of the Greatest U2's album,that I ever heard. Best songs are Every breaking wave and Song for someone
  66. Aug 21, 2020
    Disque parfait dans son genre. Pas une seule fausse note. Encore meilleur plus de six ans après sa sortie. Bravo pour un groupe qui a plus de 40 ans de carrière désormais.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 32
  2. Negative: 3 out of 32
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 17, 2014
    Songs Of Innocence is stricken with lethargy, with a level of aspiration that extends as far as Coldplay and never explores further. [Nov 2014, p.93]
  2. Uncut
    Nov 11, 2014
    Things get increasingly glum and disenchanted as the album grinds towards the cop-out of "The Troubles." [Dec 2014, p.81]
  3. Oct 3, 2014
    They want to be everything to everyone and, in attempting to do so, they've wound up with a record that appeals to a narrow audience: fellow travelers who either thrill at the spectacle or dig for the subtleties buried underneath the digital din.