• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Aug 20, 2021

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
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  1. Aug 26, 2021
    If you're riding and vibing with Lorde, this bright shapelessness is superb mood music. If you're not riding her wave, Solar Power can seem elusive, even cloying, as it circles and sways with a smile.
  2. Aug 24, 2021
    Unfortunately, Solar Power just isn’t palpable for anyone beyond Lorde’s existing fanbase or background noise for a mellow summer picnic.
  3. Aug 19, 2021
    It’s soft, woozy, melodically loose. Further investigation reveals that this approach seems to have spread to every aspect of Lorde's songwriting. Where Melodrama was razor-sharp in the universally relatable picture it painted of late adolescence, Solar Power drifts to a place altogether more impressionistic.
  4. Aug 19, 2021
    It sounds utterly gorgeous, and perhaps this laid-back, stripped-down folksy bent is part of a generational pop shift, echoing the intimate minimalism of Billie Eilish – but I have my doubts. ... Lorde’s lyrics are still acute, her singing superb, her songs beguiling, but her perspective has shifted from every-girl outsider to over-privileged solipsist. Solar Power is underpowered and unlikely to set the world on fire.
  5. Aug 20, 2021
    Solar Power is pleasant background music, an album you might default to beside the pool, but it ultimately lacks the cinematic grandeur that made tracks like “Green Light” or “Ribs” so deeply moving.
  6. Aug 30, 2021
    All these connections Lorde is trying to make: her strange pastiche imagination of the ’70s, that random spoken word interlude by Robyn about climate change, and the themes of “sun healing,” never fully reach each other. Often, they come off as disingenuous and out of touch more than they read as brilliant, or comical. Whether the album is one big prank, or just one majorly failed experiment, the gist of having the “privilege to ignore” is lost in translation. All you are left with is just a handful of pretty alright songs.
  7. Aug 25, 2021
    Solar Power’s a little messy and rough around the edges, and features a Lorde now moving on from her youth and wanting to keep some things to herself. In short: It’s just like being 24.
  8. Aug 20, 2021
    The truth is that there are things to like here – namely some new percussive elements and O’Connor’s ever-rich voice – but Solar Power comes across as painfully flat compared to her first two records.
  9. Aug 19, 2021
    Lorde’s least vital project by several leagues. There’s just very little magic here. The album lilts and meanders across 12 tracks, wholly avoiding the incendiary electronic percussion of past releases. ... Fewer drum machines would be fine if the tunes were particularly engaging, but the album’s general sense of self-satisfaction all but screams no pressure, friends, check this out when you get around to it. The lax style is no accident, of course. Lorde is a deft songwriter.
  10. 40
    Songs like “Solar Power” redeem the album’s sluggishness, with a fun attitude over an upbeat track which would feel like the carefree joyous song on the album, if the rest of it wasn’t so up in the clouds. ... All the genius on Melodrama seems to have stayed there, leaving Solar Power high and dry without any flavour or journey to embark on.
  11. 40
    Solar Power finds Lorde swapping her trademark directness for tuneless detachment.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 1363 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Aug 20, 2021
    another great album from lorde! I feel this album will divide the audience if you were expecting melodrama 2.0 this is probably not the albumanother great album from lorde! I feel this album will divide the audience if you were expecting melodrama 2.0 this is probably not the album for you, if you don't like Mello /acoustic songs this album is not for you. What this album is like other albums a snapshot of her life in the last 4 years the lyrics and the production reflects that. She has definitely made an album for herself.She is a true artist and has made it very clear she is not chasing sales, streams and chart, radio success. She is making music that feels true to her. Much respect. Full Review »
  2. Aug 20, 2021
    Lorde's third album is a work thematically focused on reflections, I expected something more fun (I missed a more lively beach and sunLorde's third album is a work thematically focused on reflections, I expected something more fun (I missed a more lively beach and sun atmosphere in the tracks). There's a departure mainstream sonic aesthetic from the other two albums.The songs have a more folk and indie style, stepping a bit into the vibe of the latest works by Lana Del Rey and Taylor Swift. In short, despite the good intentions, Lorde creates a tiring journey with the album ‘Solar Power’ with highly monotonous songs. Full Review »
  3. Aug 20, 2021
    Poorly constructed project, album too shallow and lacking cohesion, too weak commercially, totally forgettable.