
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Jul 21, 2014
    This album will certainly tick a lot of boxes for Super Furry acolytes, but for those who couldn't take to the SFA brand of avant-pop, Gulp should provide you with a nerdgasm or ten. Library electronics, jangly loftiness and enough in the way of melodies and choruses to soundtrack your summer.
  2. This is light and breezy pop that marries summery synths with dreamy female vocals.
  3. 70
    Although Leven recites a fair number of hippie clichés (“Make some peace, everyone” implores ‘Seasoned Sun’), it’s her inventive use of an arsenal of rich, vintage synths that rescues Season Sun from cloying sweetness.
  4. Uncut
    Jul 8, 2014
    Gulp's debut Season Sun is spooked set of crepuscular pop, a Moogie wonderland furnished with some very good songs. [Aug 2014, p.73]
  5. Jul 8, 2014
    Season Sun is a wonderfully charming mix of interesting sounds and textures, featuring plenty of psychedelic and folk inspired harmonies that will grow and seep into your senses and leave you pining for a spontaneous summer road trip.
  6. Jul 8, 2014
    Fans of cool, retro-minded indie pop will embrace integrating this set into their playlists for the warmer months and beyond.
  7. Under The Radar
    Sep 5, 2014
    For a band named Gulp, they don't exactly leave you parched for more but neither do they come up dry. [Sep/Oct 2014, p.102]
  8. Q Magazine
    Aug 28, 2014
    Season Sun aims to evoke the spirit of travel using the same dream-pop template as The Soundcarriers. Only occasionally, however, do they achieve it. [Sep 2014, p.109]
  9. Mojo
    Jul 8, 2014
    We're not talking SFA psychonautry but Gorky's Zygotic Mynci's verdant valley of romantic pop innocence. [Aug 2014, p.92]
  10. Jul 8, 2014
    Gulp suffers from the side-project lack of focus, but they have the capabilities to push their music to the edge on which they obviously live.

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