• Record Label: K7
  • Release Date: May 30, 2006

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Inspiring and ingenious, this is an album you shouldn't be without.
  2. Think of it as avant-garde composer John Cage trying his hand at disco and getting it right.
  3. One of the best albums of 2006.
  4. Though Herbert has outdone himself and matches his ambitions with his achievements, the songs are unmistakably his and Siciliano's, sounding like no one else, twisting and swinging and drifting with optimum vibrancy.
  5. A lean, focused record, Scale is Herbert's best record to date, and a must-buy for any dance-music fan.
  6. Under The Radar
    It's too early to call Scale a classic, but... Herbert has achieved one of the deftest balances of pop music and politics heard in some time. [#13, p.86]
  7. Herbert has outdone himself when it comes to his usual conceptual three-ring circus. But, crucially, this time he's put all that theoretical effort into his most memorable songs.
  8. Inch by inch -- concept, production, groove -- Scale will measure your desires and dole out exactly what you want: depth, politics, creativity, or club-ready curios.
  9. Entertainment Weekly
    Herbert sneakily subverts Scale's apocalyptic thematic thread into something warm and danceable. [2 Jun 2006, p.83]
  10. Some of his recent work has prioritized conceptual aims at the expense of his formidable musical talent, but Scale strikes a balance with songs as melodic and inviting as any he's ever composed.
  11. Warm and quirky. Pleasantly bizarre. Sophisticated and daft. Herbert at his best.
  12. His most accessible album to date.
  13. [The songs'] politicism is woven so masterfully into the lush electronic pop medium that you’re never coerced into consideration of any one issue.
  14. Q Magazine
    A pleasure, featuring some of his most winging music since [Roisin] Murphy's Ruby Blue. [Jul 2006, p.118]
  15. A highly enjoyable album that doesn't beg to be parsed too deeply.
  16. Uncut
    Entertainingly eccentric pop, even if at times it seems to pull in too many directions. [Jun 2006, p.103]
  17. Urb
    Scale slips into un-passionate, boring territory--in part due to the vocalist, who make sthe whole thing sound somewhat homogeneous. [May 2006, p.86]
  18. The Wire
    Herbert still seems like the same oddball he ever was. But the first half of Scale underlines how much fun there is to be had in playing the misfit. [#268, p.56]
  19. If Dani appeared on a few less tracks here, Scale may have been one of the year's finest.
  20. So we've got pop music too lightweight to do much more than fancy up the background and a conceptual underpinning, that, due to the seamless way it's blended into these songs, is near imperceptible.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 27
  2. Negative: 2 out of 27
  1. JayT
    Mar 29, 2007
    Yes, some of the elements here are familiar, but anyone calling this abum predictable doesn't listen to anything but the most surface Yes, some of the elements here are familiar, but anyone calling this abum predictable doesn't listen to anything but the most surface elements. It's a deceptively accessible and glitzy album with an increible amount of depth of arrangement and composition. Very close to being an absolute classic, but kind of loses steam in the second half. Full Review »
  2. mattt
    Jan 23, 2007
    great and creative masterpiece, one of the best of 06. definitely deserves more listens in 07. I agree with Javier on the Knife and Junior great and creative masterpiece, one of the best of 06. definitely deserves more listens in 07. I agree with Javier on the Knife and Junior Boys but I'm From Barcelona is by far one of the best new bands and has one of the best new releases. Full Review »
  3. JavierM
    Aug 30, 2006
    Probably the worst album of the year beside the I´m from Barcelona one...Matt, is that electronic?..C´mon!!! This is cheap and Probably the worst album of the year beside the I´m from Barcelona one...Matt, is that electronic?..C´mon!!! This is cheap and awful.There was a time when u used to be cool and good enough, but now u´re terrible. Forget the critics, this is bad and predictable music, created with the worst taste on earth. Please!! Do the critics listen to the music the review?, Do they know anything about electronic?.. Check The Knife or Junior Boys new releases...Matt and the critics, you all just pull people´s leg... Don´t buy this album, just ignore it. Full Review »