• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Oct 3, 2006
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 334 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 30 out of 334

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  1. Sep 30, 2010
    Great follow up too the great Hot Fuss , The Killers certainly dont do things by halfs and the ambition and passion of this album is infectious , my favourite tracks are Bling and This River is Wild the Enterlude / Exitlude are a really nice touch and overall this album feels like a journey rather than just a series of (very good) songs with a common theme like Hot Fuss
  2. PC
    Nov 19, 2006
    I must admit, when I first listened to this album I thought it was utter crap. It was too loud and sounded like they were trying so hard to be great that they crammed everything they counld into these tracks. And then somewhere along listening to the album all the different melodies and sounds seperated into something I could actually listen to. To be honest, I dont really like any recent I must admit, when I first listened to this album I thought it was utter crap. It was too loud and sounded like they were trying so hard to be great that they crammed everything they counld into these tracks. And then somewhere along listening to the album all the different melodies and sounds seperated into something I could actually listen to. To be honest, I dont really like any recent ablums, I'm more of a classic rock guy listening to artsits like ELP, Yes, The Beatles and Pink Floyd. This album echoes the sounds of those great bands that today's young have forgotten about. How many people today know that Meatloaf was something other than a food? Sam's Town is a very musically complicated disc. It takes many listens to actually see some of the brilliance behind some of the tracks. It just takes some time to see that brilliance, something critics dont have time to do. Hence the bad reviews Expand
  3. JoshK.
    Jul 6, 2007
    One of my favorite albums. It is as good as Hot Fuss, but it takes a few listens to see it. After that you'll notice how every track except the two enter and exit tracks are completely unique.
  4. ZackA
    Oct 3, 2006
    Definitely I would say it is a better album as a whole than Hot Fuss. It does have a few awkward moments, but the great moments are really great. Some of the songs are more like 2 or 3 songs shoved down into one. They almost underuse some great riffs. But still, I would say it is growth for The Killers, no matter what anyone says. I think they're still going places. Standouts are Definitely I would say it is a better album as a whole than Hot Fuss. It does have a few awkward moments, but the great moments are really great. Some of the songs are more like 2 or 3 songs shoved down into one. They almost underuse some great riffs. But still, I would say it is growth for The Killers, no matter what anyone says. I think they're still going places. Standouts are "This River Is Wild," "Bling (Confessions of a King)," and "Bones." Expand
  5. robbys
    Oct 4, 2006
    Brilliant from the first to last track.Has to be albm of the year if not decade!!!
  6. gregor
    Oct 5, 2006
    They will lose a few fans due to the new direction, but a fantastic album nevertheless even if it is a little daunting at first.
  7. NellyZ
    Oct 9, 2006
    I Love it, it has great songs and who cares what the critics say.
  8. GunnarS.
    Jan 20, 2010
    This is the really best of The Killers! Amazing album!
  9. JohnN
    Oct 10, 2006
    This is an ok effort You have Bling which is excelent easily the standout track and Sam's Town, when we were young, the River is Wild which are all top tracks also. However Bones which most seem to like is awful but why do I keep counting is one of the worst songs I have ever heard it flat out sucks. The rest of the tracks are samesy and do not stand out.
  10. colinw
    Oct 18, 2006
    i was unimpressed originally, but the album has really grown on me. songs such as "why do i keep counting," "the river is wild" and "Bling (confession of a king)" have become particular favorites of mine, to join "While you were young" and the enter/exitludes. overall, a very satisfying album.
  11. CWhit
    Oct 20, 2006
    Anyone who doesn't appreciate the lyrics on this album has never heard of a metaphor - which apparently includes most of the reviewers..
  12. randolfl
    Dec 4, 2006
    On first listen there's enough about Sams Town to draw the listener in. Fans will instantly recognize Flowers' distinctive vocal tones while newcomers are likely to turn their ear to its urgency and energy. This is the bands strength; a telling energy infused with a kind of spiritual yearning and professional desire to go all the way. Throw in the big band theatrics and the On first listen there's enough about Sams Town to draw the listener in. Fans will instantly recognize Flowers' distinctive vocal tones while newcomers are likely to turn their ear to its urgency and energy. This is the bands strength; a telling energy infused with a kind of spiritual yearning and professional desire to go all the way. Throw in the big band theatrics and the recipe except for its most crucial elements is almost complete. Authenticity is something aspiring bands, especially those in their early years, need to build. Its rare abnyone arrives fully formed. In Sams Town there is more ambition than authentic greatness but the let don is still leaves plenty of room for hope. I think The Killers have it in them to make a great rock and roll record, Flowers just has to find the right place inside himself to come up withh lyrics and the delivery. Less U2 now, more Springsteen 30 years ago. Expand
  13. AlexA
    Oct 27, 2006
    Sounds epic. Brandon Flovers and co. are the new U2, that's for sure!
  14. JordanC
    Oct 3, 2006
    An album filled with wonderful catchy moments, hummable tunes and fantastic lyrics. More rounded than Hot Fuss, more of a story, and in my opinion, better.
  15. JoeW
    Oct 4, 2006
    pretty good all in all, takes a while to get into but after about the third listen you know all the songs and all the hooks. However the ending is pretty poor and that is why i am only giving it a 7
  16. Marc
    Oct 4, 2006
    Dangerous departure from the first album. But they succeedded in making something more lasting and rewarding for listeners who get it. It has a kind of urgency, that makes it sound like they are playing for their lives, like Flowers voice that sounds like it's just one high note away from breaking. It's heartfelt and more honest than the first album. Less posturing, more music.
  17. MichaelC
    Oct 5, 2006
    Definitely not "the best record of the last 10 years" like Brandon Flowers boasted, but good enough. Thoroughly enjoyable and solid. It is definitely an improvement on Hot Fuss. The standout track is, by far, "Bones"
  18. staystay
    Oct 5, 2006
    Just give it a chance. This record is very good.
  19. TrevorH
    Oct 6, 2006
    Oh dear... the cynics won't like this at all. That too-cool-for-school posse of world weary Serious Music Fans are bound to sneer at the naive ethusiasm on display here. Unfashionable themes of optimism and dreaming of better thing are grabbed and held tight. Pre-corporate Springsteen comes to mind. It may not have the depth of Born To Run, but it has it's soul in excess
  20. AlexE
    Oct 9, 2006
    It's hard to reach the soul of the songs through all this bombast & overproduction; but it's also hard to not let it win you over, once you've been there. Brandon Flowers delivers a perfomance that should have been given much more room to shine. Excellent!
  21. BobM
    Sep 28, 2006
    Not as good as Hot Fuss, but an amazing album nonetheless.
  22. DavidM
    Jan 29, 2007
    With this album the Killers strike me right in my heart. I realy love the lyrics and melody and the way that it feels like a unity.
  23. JerryT
    Feb 16, 2007
    I LOVE this CD. The more you listen to it the more you learn. The lyrics are great and so is the sound. Congrats to the Killers for topping their first album.
  24. Jeroen
    Aug 31, 2007
    One of the best albums I have. (only listened to it since 3 weeks).. Am listening now for 3 weeks to it. That happens rarely. Category new one from Kings of leon...Very very good.
  25. AnnM
    Sep 8, 2008
    Sams Town is definitely as good as Hot Fuss. This is the only band that has captured my heart. Some of the critics must be listening with their ears closed.
  26. K.C.S
    Oct 11, 2006
    Fantastic. I've had the same impressions as the rest who like the album. Of course critics don't like it, its listenable. I also agree that "Bones" is not the strongest song on the album and should not be the next single. But, am I the only one who thinks that "Why Do I Keep Counting?" is the catchiest, most radio friendly track on the disc? The first thing that came to mind Fantastic. I've had the same impressions as the rest who like the album. Of course critics don't like it, its listenable. I also agree that "Bones" is not the strongest song on the album and should not be the next single. But, am I the only one who thinks that "Why Do I Keep Counting?" is the catchiest, most radio friendly track on the disc? The first thing that came to mind when hearing the album was Springsteen. Nothing wrong with that. Expand
  27. JamesT
    Oct 12, 2006
    Are these guys aiming too high? Certainly. But some of the best rock albums of all time have come from musicians aiming too high. I think that this is one of them.
  28. faheemh
    Nov 4, 2006
    If u hear it long it sounds like a spoof album (if theres such a thing). The lyrics are overreaching yet shallow. Musically its not uniquely Killers. The album starts out at a frenetic tempo but gets muddled towards the end.But I still give it 9/10. Why? It is just unbelievably addictive. I hear the title track atleast 10 times every day. Read my mind, bling, When u were young, Reasons If u hear it long it sounds like a spoof album (if theres such a thing). The lyrics are overreaching yet shallow. Musically its not uniquely Killers. The album starts out at a frenetic tempo but gets muddled towards the end.But I still give it 9/10. Why? It is just unbelievably addictive. I hear the title track atleast 10 times every day. Read my mind, bling, When u were young, Reasons unkown all rock. Hot Fuss is a nigh on impossible album to follow up. But Sams town comes really close. Go for it. Expand
  29. GrahamV
    Oct 10, 2006
    Well said, Trevor H. It's hilarious how ambition is lauded in hip hop and scowled at in rock 'n' roll. This is an ambitious rock album toying with big, non-ironic themes and the sounds of some of the biggest bands of the last 20 years. That makes the frustrated-musician set uncomfortable. This is a powerhouse album that, granted, shoots too high, but largely hits the Well said, Trevor H. It's hilarious how ambition is lauded in hip hop and scowled at in rock 'n' roll. This is an ambitious rock album toying with big, non-ironic themes and the sounds of some of the biggest bands of the last 20 years. That makes the frustrated-musician set uncomfortable. This is a powerhouse album that, granted, shoots too high, but largely hits the target. When hope and faith become bad words in rock, we're really in trouble. Go cower in your bedroom with Morrissey if you don't like this. Expand
  30. Al
    Oct 2, 2006
  31. GGinaThis
    Oct 2, 2006
    This is a very good record. I think only time will allow people to listen to it and stop comparing it to all of the artists that the band said inspired them during the making of Sam's Town. It's lush-- and although I think every one has his right to an opinion I wonder how many critics actully listened to this record in its entirity. I say this because I've listened to it a This is a very good record. I think only time will allow people to listen to it and stop comparing it to all of the artists that the band said inspired them during the making of Sam's Town. It's lush-- and although I think every one has his right to an opinion I wonder how many critics actully listened to this record in its entirity. I say this because I've listened to it a few times and ultimately, it's good. I'm surprised that some of the crap that has been released recently can receive such raves while this record that truly is from such a new, creative band is panned. Rock and Roll has suffered so much lately-- mostly because there are very few new bands who admit to being rock and roll artists or who strive to be. Thank goodness for bands like Wolfmother.....and thank goodness for the Killers for trying to keep the rock and roll dream alive. Listen with your ears and decide for yourself, if you don't like it, then you don't like it, but don't let critics tell you that you don't. Expand
  32. moooochhahhahha
    Oct 24, 2006
    Good album but nothing stands out bones sounds like some crap from the magic numbers and you dont really get to hear the rest of the band as it is seems to be based around brandon cant touch hot fuss and some of its songs i find sams town have turned away from what it did in hot fuss and have just become something which i no longer think sounds great.
  33. JosephA
    Oct 20, 2006
    It may not be "The best rock album in 20yrs." as the band proclaimed, and its definitely not "Hot Fuss 2" as many seem to have wanted, but I can't stop listening to it. I think its a great rock album, certainly one of the best since "Hot Fuss". It's very different from "Hot Fuss" and very ambitous. The lyrics seem a bit convoluted at times, and I can't really tell what some It may not be "The best rock album in 20yrs." as the band proclaimed, and its definitely not "Hot Fuss 2" as many seem to have wanted, but I can't stop listening to it. I think its a great rock album, certainly one of the best since "Hot Fuss". It's very different from "Hot Fuss" and very ambitous. The lyrics seem a bit convoluted at times, and I can't really tell what some of the songs are about, but the melodies and overall grandeur have me hooked. Expand
  34. CandaceS
    Oct 20, 2006
    This album is nothing short of amazing. As a fan of Hot Fuss it's easy to see how much they've grown as songwriters and musicians.
  35. GGRanger
    Oct 3, 2006
    Good Record.
  36. RichardC
    Oct 3, 2006
    It is not as good as Hot Fuss, but it does have a few very catch songs on the album that make it a worthwhile listen. The lyrics are generic and bland, but I pay more attention to the "music" of albums, and in this regards, Sam's Town is pretty decent. That being said, it is inconsistant, and there are some tracks that I just hate. Overall: 7.6/10, but since there is no decimal It is not as good as Hot Fuss, but it does have a few very catch songs on the album that make it a worthwhile listen. The lyrics are generic and bland, but I pay more attention to the "music" of albums, and in this regards, Sam's Town is pretty decent. That being said, it is inconsistant, and there are some tracks that I just hate. Overall: 7.6/10, but since there is no decimal increments, I will round up my metacritic rating to 8/10 Expand
  37. ShawnM
    Oct 3, 2006
    I'm a big fan of Hot Fuss, and I love the direction that The Killers took with this album, instrumentally. But Flowers' voice is definitely showing its weakness here. Hard not to recommend, but sometimes hard to listen to.
  38. elliot
    Oct 30, 2006
    The critics who trashed this album are dead wrong. It is more complete, nuanced and more consistently good throughout vs Hot Fuss. A more grown up band just having fun. After reading the reviews I hesitated buying it but after listening to the tracks for over a week I am sure this will be a favourite from 2006. The RS review was particularly off...
  39. Jon
    Oct 3, 2006
    I absolutely love this album. Like it more than the frist album. I think it's more solid start to finish. I hear more U2 than Springsteen or Queen.
  40. BrandonFlowers
    Oct 4, 2006
    63?! You're kidding. The most important record of the past twenty years and you think it's a 63? This album's slick, innovative Springsteen/U2 sound has made albums like Born In the U.S.A. and The Joshua Tree totally obsolete. How can you give a 63 to a guy who ripped his image from Rivers Cuomo after getting tired of ripping his image from Duran Duran? Has anyone else 63?! You're kidding. The most important record of the past twenty years and you think it's a 63? This album's slick, innovative Springsteen/U2 sound has made albums like Born In the U.S.A. and The Joshua Tree totally obsolete. How can you give a 63 to a guy who ripped his image from Rivers Cuomo after getting tired of ripping his image from Duran Duran? Has anyone else tried to recycle New Wave recently? I didn't think so. The least I'll except is a 94. Otherwise, I'm moving to Mars. Critics are idiots. Expand
  41. C.Mick
    Oct 5, 2006
    I remember when Hot Fuss came out and American Critics Ripped it as an 80's pastiche. Then the Killers became huge and the same critics attempted to leap on the bandwagon at the last minute. This band writes great songs, looks great, girls love them - who cares what the dateless nerds who read pitchfork think
  42. Joris
    Oct 6, 2006
    Brilliant! Bling (Confession of a King) does forget Mr. Brightside immediately. When We Were Young has to be the best single in ages.... Other standout tracks are the growing For Reasons Unknown and My List. Great effort, love the Ziggy Stardust exitlude and it's more consistent than Hot Fuss.
  43. Noj
    Oct 6, 2006
    I'd say it's pretty clear from the reviews that the only people that don't like this album are stuck up indie guys who can't like any band that is also liked by more than 100 people or by someone who has some sort of bone to pick with Flowers. The album to me is great. It is more solid from the beginning to the end than Hot Fuss. Sure there's no Mr. Brightside but I'd say it's pretty clear from the reviews that the only people that don't like this album are stuck up indie guys who can't like any band that is also liked by more than 100 people or by someone who has some sort of bone to pick with Flowers. The album to me is great. It is more solid from the beginning to the end than Hot Fuss. Sure there's no Mr. Brightside but there's a lot of really good solid songs on this album. I haven't stopped listening to it since I got it. Expand
  44. DrewN
    Oct 7, 2006
    I have to say that I've liked the Killers in the past, but I was never an avid fan. I thought their music was catchy, but not especially clever. Well I'm over that now, I'm a true fan. I'd had my doubts over this album, and the band's turn towards more serious sounds. I even thought the first single was "boring" on the first few listens. But this is not music that I have to say that I've liked the Killers in the past, but I was never an avid fan. I thought their music was catchy, but not especially clever. Well I'm over that now, I'm a true fan. I'd had my doubts over this album, and the band's turn towards more serious sounds. I even thought the first single was "boring" on the first few listens. But this is not music that hits you instantly. It quietly (but ever so slyly) works its way into your head, until you realize you're singing these songs at the top of your lungs. A must-buy album of the year. Standout tracks: When You Were Young, Bones, Sam's Town, Bling (Confessions of a King), For Reasons Unknown (which is my personal favorite) Expand
  45. JimS
    Oct 7, 2006
    I have been a Killers fan since their debut album, and I was always surprised by how poorly their songs are received by critics. This is the best album of the year to date, no questions asked. Sure its short, and maybe it has too many cliches. But there are so many songs which on this album which would make my top 20 of the year, period. Sheer musical brillance.
  46. ThriftyT
    Oct 9, 2006
    If you're too cool to listen to any band that plays to more than a club full of people, forget about the Killers' Sam's Town. The sound is big, the production is grandiose, the vocals uplifting, and the hooks are unrelenting. This is a big-time rock album by a big-time rock band.
  47. DaveT
    Oct 9, 2006
    i hate Bones, other wise the album has grown on me.
  48. rp
    Oct 9, 2006
    Why criticize this album? It is different, not as catchy as hot fuss, but I like it. It is just a more complete album with also more "rock" songs and not only catchy songs.
  49. sindym
    Feb 10, 2007
    I love this album, but it take a couple of listens before individual songs stood out to me. I loved hot fuss and i feel a little sad that they have left that part of their lives behind. I love both albums, but they sound like two different bands. My two favourite bands.
  50. PalomaM.
    Jul 9, 2007
    It took me some time to fully appreciate it, but now it's definitely one of my favourite albums: catchy chorus, good guitars, lyrics with something to say... If I had to point something not so good, maybe I'd say it's a bit "overproduced".
  51. scottw.
    Aug 19, 2007
    They are true pop rockers and this album proves it. An other one thats a must buy for todays rock fans.
  52. KaseyM.
    Sep 14, 2007
    An All-time favorite album!! (and Im picky when it comes to lyric and vocal creativity) The album is full of character and energy that most artists today are lacking... plus the concert was absolutely amazing! Seeing Sam's Town live was the highlight of my concert-filled summer and I enjoyed it so much I'm driving to Texas to see it again! Rolling Stone should fire the critic An All-time favorite album!! (and Im picky when it comes to lyric and vocal creativity) The album is full of character and energy that most artists today are lacking... plus the concert was absolutely amazing! Seeing Sam's Town live was the highlight of my concert-filled summer and I enjoyed it so much I'm driving to Texas to see it again! Rolling Stone should fire the critic who gave Paris Hilton a better review than Brandon Flowers and The Killers. Expand
  53. BenH
    Feb 20, 2008
    At first I said "This album is terrible" but the more I listened to it i realized what musical genius it is. It is the best album that has ever been created, it just takes you listening to it ten times to realize it.
  54. AidanK
    Mar 8, 2008
    Hot fuss was frustrating and frequently switched between brilliant and rubbish, this one however is a joy from begining to end. A really good effort.
  55. CamiJ
    Jun 23, 2009
    This CD is rock heaven; I love everything about it. I think it's impossible to find any genuine flaws in both the songs and the band, and it's for that reason that I will support them to the end.
  56. DeanM.
    Aug 20, 2009
    I agree totally with Brandon Flowers, this is possibly the best album of the last 20 years, so far, a fears rival of their first album hot fuss, its yet another great album from the Las Vegas Superstars !
  57. melissam
    Oct 1, 2006
    takes a few listens to fully appreciate the album. when you were young, is the best track on the album.
  58. Cat
    Oct 13, 2006
    I love the new sound. Just an all together feel good album.
  59. MIchaelF
    Oct 15, 2006
    Excellent follow up. Anyone who compares this to Hot Fuss needs to actually listen to both albumes. Definite maturation in the lyrics, much more even in tone and sound than the first album. Don't know about aiming too high, but they have acheived a great follow up.
  60. duncanf
    Oct 16, 2006
    this cd has what most don't. it has class and it'soriginal unlike most cd's that i have listened too.
  61. BrianL
    Oct 18, 2006
    This album is fun, catchy, and motivating. Does that count for anything? Do albums have to be artsy and challenging to get critical support, or can they just be enjoyable. Boy I hate music critics. Don't read the reviews: hear it yourself.
  62. DukeC
    Oct 2, 2006
    At first I didn't believe that this album was as good as Hot Fuss. But after about six-seven listens, I now believe think that it is better than Hot Fuss. The only weak songs on the album are "Why Do I Keep Counting" and "Uncle Johnny"; both seem uninspired.
  63. bb
    Oct 23, 2006
    making a killer second album after such a popular and awesome, smash breaking first album, is always hard, and most of the time not so succesful...the killers have done a decent job, the thing is that most of the fans/listeners were used to the 'hot fuss' sound, and had expectations on the new album somewhere along those lines, but the killers went a new way. this is confusing making a killer second album after such a popular and awesome, smash breaking first album, is always hard, and most of the time not so succesful...the killers have done a decent job, the thing is that most of the fans/listeners were used to the 'hot fuss' sound, and had expectations on the new album somewhere along those lines, but the killers went a new way. this is confusing and new and like...yea...the fans/listeners were probably like: "wtf? this is just plain shit....*further insults*"...but in the realistic world nothing can be liked given only one chance, so after some listens to this new album, i've grown to like my visits in sam's town... Expand
  64. RichS
    Dec 4, 2006
    Good CD, different than first one so some may not like it. It has a good variety of songs.
  65. amelia
    Oct 25, 2006
    Loved it. It may not be Hot Fuss and does take 2 or 3 listens to appreciate it but so worth it. Thankyou Mr Flowers for a great album :)
  66. JohnB
    Oct 3, 2006
    It's not Hot Fuss, but it's still the quality I expect from them. Definitely hints of the Cure and Simple Minds. Some critics just seem to want to hate on them, taking shots at the song writing and such, but the one thing I think they overlook is that the Killers appeal stems primarily from how they make you feel. I just want to turn it up, sing along, and shift into fifth.
  67. DenmarkJ
    Oct 3, 2006
    I don't get the reviews that say it is not as good as Hot Fuss. Sure, there is no sequal to Mr. Brightside, and I'll admit that I misssed that at first. But it is such a stronger album track for track, and unlike Hot Fuss, gets strongest toward the end. Thanks Killers!
  68. drewr
    Oct 3, 2006
    i love this band and i love this album
  69. SB
    Oct 3, 2006
    While this album makes me wince at a couple of points, i still can't help but be so stoked. They had me at "When You Were Young".
  70. DarenWixson
    Oct 3, 2006
    I just bought the CD on-sale, I'm on track 7, had to see the reviews on Metacritic right-away anticipating a great review! Much Better then the 63 the critics gave! I agree with Mojo "An action-packed blockbuster.", we it grow on you, we'll have to wait and see!
  71. MattD.
    Oct 3, 2006
    Not quite as good as Hot Fuss, but no sophomore slump. The Springsteen/U2 sound, when combined with the Killers' new wave touches, makes Sam's Town more than just a copy. The album's end is a little weak, but by then you've had a fun time.
  72. BrendanM
    Oct 3, 2006
  73. Samantha
    Oct 3, 2006
    I really like this album. Its alittle different then there first album 'Hot Fuss' (which I love) but, I think the songs are great and catchy. And Brandon Flowers has an amazing sound. All and all, I love their music, lyrics, and there whole musical style.
  74. JonS
    Oct 3, 2006
    not as good as hot fuss. what would be? not really hearing the springsteen influences. hear some simple minds, and u2, and more obscurely - the the. definite 80's type of vibe being dished out. good. more mature than hot fuss...i dig it more each time i listen to it.
  75. Sven
    Oct 4, 2006
    Works for me. I quite like the idea of a band having numerous personas. It has a different feel to Hot Fuss, which will arguably be seen retrospectively as one of the most classic debut albums, bo so what. The songwriting is strong and the tunes instantly cathy. A Mr Brightside there isn't, but I'm sure I will be tapping along to many of these tacks when I see them live next Works for me. I quite like the idea of a band having numerous personas. It has a different feel to Hot Fuss, which will arguably be seen retrospectively as one of the most classic debut albums, bo so what. The songwriting is strong and the tunes instantly cathy. A Mr Brightside there isn't, but I'm sure I will be tapping along to many of these tacks when I see them live next month. It has a very familiar feel already - I usually take 4 or 5 listens of an album to even get an opinion. I like it. Expand
  76. DanielM
    Oct 4, 2006
    A rock Opera masterpiece. 80's, Springsteen inspiration and The Killers at their best.
  77. CarlosV
    Oct 4, 2006
  78. Ian
    Oct 5, 2006
    Sure, it thinks its more important than it is and the lyrics aren't revolutionary. But that doesn't make the music, Flowers' voice or the overall experience any less remarkable. Better than Hot Fuss, and kudos for a band willing to grow a little.
  79. ConorW
    Oct 6, 2006
    Epic album, driven by a real emotive power and the overwhelming feeling that there is something immense going on behind the music. With Sam's Town the killers have transcended novelty status, taking their rightful place at the forefront of modern music. The sign of a great band is that their music evolves and progresses - meaning that this isn't Hot Fuss all over again, and some Epic album, driven by a real emotive power and the overwhelming feeling that there is something immense going on behind the music. With Sam's Town the killers have transcended novelty status, taking their rightful place at the forefront of modern music. The sign of a great band is that their music evolves and progresses - meaning that this isn't Hot Fuss all over again, and some less open-minded fans and critics will resent this. However anyone willing to properly appreciate musical prowess will find immersive depth in this album and see that The Killers have in fact made a change for the better. Expand
  80. Patrizia
    Oct 9, 2006
    Absolutely great!!
  81. RyanL
    Sep 19, 2006
    From the 30 seconds I've heard on each track, yeah. This is Hot Fuss #2, but it doesn't have a single hole. Can't wait to hear the rest.
  82. Paul
    Oct 12, 2007
    Awesome album. One of my favourites of 2006.
  83. DinoM
    Dec 4, 2007
    This one grew on me. Great album, definitely worth getting, most of the songs are content filled and each with unique appeal. The indie feel is still this for this huge mainstream band. Instant classics which are not easily forgettable. Do yourself a favour and get this album.
  84. ReviewBoy15
    Jan 26, 2007
    The lyrics are'nt amazing at first but it's the way that they combine the lyrics into their instrumental music that gets you hooked. It's not as good as "Hot Fuss" but it's a great record nonetheless. Kept me hooked for weeks on end.
  85. JohnF.
    Dec 7, 2007
    it's a massively under-rated album, probably my favourite of all time.
  86. ScottW
    Apr 13, 2007
    This album is not perfect but it is better than "Hot Fuss." While it's true the band sounds more bombastic, they have every right to be with the great songs on this album. The best song is "Bling (Confession of a King)" and the worst is "Bones."
  87. JimD
    Apr 14, 2007
    Took about 500 listens for me to comment - I LUV this album. Sprinsteenian lyrics, sweet ambitious songs that demand your attention. The best of music evokes thoughts and images and that's just what this album does.
  88. CoolKid
    Apr 24, 2007
    Good record. Key idea though is that each song ranslates VERY VERY well to the live show. See them live.
  89. HermiaJ
    Apr 26, 2007
    Strong follow up to Hot Fuss that shows growth and more complexity in both the music and lyrics.
  90. GarethL
    May 27, 2007
    I loved Hot Fuss ! I love Sams Town ! Why do so many people expect artists to churn out the same stuff, album after album ? Musically fantastic ... can't stop listening to it ... cant wait to see where they go next time ! Just LISTEN !!!!
  91. SulH.
    Jun 28, 2007
    A solid album (albeit a bit too much grandeur) that really grows on you with every spin..
  92. JW
    Feb 4, 2008
    One of the most important albums of this decade.
  93. AnonymousAnon
    Mar 20, 2008
    Very underrated, vocals are almost god-like at times.
  94. Loriell
    May 1, 2008
    I think this is a great album....... all of these people that give them bad reviews really need to stop because they are one of the few bands that actually have meaning behind their songs.
  95. LoriG
    May 1, 2008
    Okay this is really rediculos that some people are giving the album a bad review because brandon flowers speaks his mind! he is one of the few artists of this decade that actually has a brain and he is intitle to a freaking opinoin! And compared to the crap in the radio like freaken Hannah Montanna I think they are the best thing in 20 years!
  96. BernieG.
    Feb 26, 2009
    Give it a few years. Sam's Town will be considered one of the greatest albums of all time. It gets better with each listen.
  97. SuleimanM.
    May 18, 2009
    The best album from the The Killers as of late. (My two cents.) Sam's Town has it's fair share of slow songs, as well as the up beat style that The killers are known for. While it's most certainly different than Hot Fuss, and more or less strays from the formula they are known for, it still manages to be an incredible album. Most certainly recommended.
  98. DerekB
    Nov 11, 2006
    I'm tired of people saying that this album is like Bruce Springsteen. Maybe they haven't listened to it and only looked at recent photos of the band. Or maybe all the reviewers decided to copy each other so they didn't actually have to listen to the album. Long story short...you wouldn't mistake this album for anything other than the Killers. Very catchy, great songs. I'm tired of people saying that this album is like Bruce Springsteen. Maybe they haven't listened to it and only looked at recent photos of the band. Or maybe all the reviewers decided to copy each other so they didn't actually have to listen to the album. Long story short...you wouldn't mistake this album for anything other than the Killers. Very catchy, great songs. Most of these songs will stick in your head for days afterwards. Expand
  99. LukeM
    Nov 1, 2006
    I agree with those who say the album reveals its strength after repeat listens. I was at first disappointed, then warmed to a few tracks, and now consider it a truly outstanding piece of work. The criticism of ripping off Springstein is somewhat misguided--the first album imitated New Wave and did a great job. This one imitates Bruce and U2 and also produces a great series of tracks. I agree with those who say the album reveals its strength after repeat listens. I was at first disappointed, then warmed to a few tracks, and now consider it a truly outstanding piece of work. The criticism of ripping off Springstein is somewhat misguided--the first album imitated New Wave and did a great job. This one imitates Bruce and U2 and also produces a great series of tracks. Perhaps imitating the latter is sacrilege for some critics but those who trashed this album let their personal feelings cloud their judgment. This is a great album. Expand
  100. AJLooman
    Oct 11, 2006
    Idont know what the critics are griping about. im absoulutly stunned that this album is getting mixed reviews. The songs are great. thier song writing, melodies and overall sound is so advanced over rock bands out today. whos better fall out boy? panic at the disco? these bands cant touch the killers intensity.Its an album that gets better with every listen and anyone bashing it has Idont know what the critics are griping about. im absoulutly stunned that this album is getting mixed reviews. The songs are great. thier song writing, melodies and overall sound is so advanced over rock bands out today. whos better fall out boy? panic at the disco? these bands cant touch the killers intensity.Its an album that gets better with every listen and anyone bashing it has probably not givin it at least one full spin. Bones is my favorite song, and i wish it and all the other songs on the album would get the credit they deserve Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 32
  2. Negative: 2 out of 32
  1. Uncut
    The problem... is that size seems to be used as an excuse for the lack of musical ideas. [Nov 2006, p.102]
  2. Crucially, Sam's Town sounds like a complete collection, with a far better strike rate than its predecessor.
  3. 80
    It is very good.