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Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 37 Ratings

  • Summary: The third full-length release for the British electronic producer Stuart Howard features guest appearances from GABI, JFDR, Louisahhh, and Talvi.
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You've got my heart And I can't let go When death is stark How long has it shown? And I'll sit right here And I'll wait for you Forever And I'll... See the rest of the song lyrics
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Jun 30, 2017
    Altogether, Ruinism feels like a far more considered, cerebral effort than Lapalux has delivered before. It may not offer the uniformly sensuous pleasures of those earlier works, but it does a lot more to stimulate other parts of the body.
  2. Jul 6, 2017
    Ultimately, this seems to be his goal on Ruinism; to take you into a world of house and electronic music, where each and every artefact that you thought were held dear can be just as easily crumbled and recontextualised to create a whole new atmosphere. This is where which he wants you to venture, and not look back.
  3. Jun 30, 2017
    With Ruinism, Lapalux has succeeded in achieving something genuinely unique. It’s not a case of him throwing the pieces in the air to see where they fall as every track is still clearly painstakingly put together. Rather, it has freed himself from his expectations and his routine to achieve an unexpected purpose. It is a method that has resulted in one of the stand-out electronic releases of the year so far.
  4. The Wire
    Aug 8, 2017
    Opener “Reverance” gives us a great deal--tremolo string flourishes and swirling synthesizers, filter gates as grand as castle keeps that slowly open up to reveal lush vegetation within--but of percussion it gives us none. From there on, the album offers up interplanetary R&B. [Jul 2017, p.62]
  5. Jul 5, 2017
    Though far less accessible than his previous material, Ruinism isn’t the clinical listen it could have turned into. Its performers are never spotlit and yet its textures never lack a human soul. It is the kind of album that tends to frustrate a fanbase while cementing its maker as an artist for that very willingness to alienate the faithful.
  6. Jul 11, 2017
    Although at times the sound experiments can feel too inward-looking, Howard balances the darkness and lightness of his palette with relative ease, producing a record of imaginative depth and danceable surface.
  7. Jul 12, 2017
    There is a really great album rattling around in here and Howard's invention and ambition should be celebrated as such, it's just not quite at the level it could be.

See all 12 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 3
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 3
  3. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Nov 13, 2019
    Just heard this after Amnioverse, and I have to say, it is perplexing how good of a producer Lapalux is. This album is amazing
  2. Aug 4, 2017
    I can't begin to describe what this album means to me. Especially being from the UK, it brings back some childhood memories, Lapalux reallyI can't begin to describe what this album means to me. Especially being from the UK, it brings back some childhood memories, Lapalux really did a good job here, and I'm really looking forward to his future work. My favourite song is Rotted Arp because it has an incredible build up and reaches a fantastic climax. Expand
  3. Aug 4, 2017
    Lapalux delivers, with this masterpiece, through the excellent use of female vocals, alongside the expensive sounding production. For fans, itLapalux delivers, with this masterpiece, through the excellent use of female vocals, alongside the expensive sounding production. For fans, it may be hard to understand at first, but after a few listens, songs like 4EVA, and Essex is Burning will give euphoric emotions. Expand