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Universal acclaim- based on 117 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 5 out of 117
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  1. Mar 2, 2019
    Sharon Van Etten, thankfully, delivers on her new album Remind Me Tomorrow. Switching out her electric guitar and drum-machine for silky synths and bellowing production, Etten manages to keep her soft sound without drowning the listener in ambient drone. She also creates wonderful moments of nostalgia on the record, calling on sounds from the 80's to create emotional depth.
  2. Jan 26, 2019
    Chaotic mess. Don't know whose misery life is it. But Sharon Van Etten's deliverances (with her new hype-maker Jupiter) are all that matters.
  3. Jul 15, 2019
    A giant of an album in terms of scope, theme and general ambition even if it doesn't completely come off. The sound is multi-faceted, bringing a myriad of artists to mind. There's obviously the one and only Kate Bush in terms of making complex pop music but also more contemporary influences like Bat for Lashes and St Vincent. I also got a bit of late 90's Smashing Pumpkins from theA giant of an album in terms of scope, theme and general ambition even if it doesn't completely come off. The sound is multi-faceted, bringing a myriad of artists to mind. There's obviously the one and only Kate Bush in terms of making complex pop music but also more contemporary influences like Bat for Lashes and St Vincent. I also got a bit of late 90's Smashing Pumpkins from the gloomier material on this. All that said, this is very much a record with its own identity and these comparisons are there to give an idea of what this sounds like rather than a direct comparison. "Seventeen" is a standout song placed at the heart of proceedings but the likes of "No One's Easy to Love", "Comeback Kid" and "Jupiter 4" are all top end tracks. Expand
  4. Jan 18, 2019
    I was really looking forward for this album having listened to the four singles that she released and it was worth the wait. It has everything a good album should have, meaning good vocals and lyricism. Some songs are memorable and passionate like Seventeen, Jupiter 4 , I Told You Everything while other songs are just good ( Memorial Kid, Malibu). I personally think that Comeback Kid isI was really looking forward for this album having listened to the four singles that she released and it was worth the wait. It has everything a good album should have, meaning good vocals and lyricism. Some songs are memorable and passionate like Seventeen, Jupiter 4 , I Told You Everything while other songs are just good ( Memorial Kid, Malibu). I personally think that Comeback Kid is going to be an indie classic hit. To conclude, a great album from a great artist. Expand
  5. Apr 6, 2019
    After a five year break between albums, Von Etten returns with her most focused album so far. The first half is rather difficult but after a couple of listens i have come to like it a lot more, the moody opener "I Told You Everything" is nice glimpse into Von Etten's newfound digital dream world. "No One is Easy to Love" and "Comeback Kid" are more rock oriented songs in the vein of herAfter a five year break between albums, Von Etten returns with her most focused album so far. The first half is rather difficult but after a couple of listens i have come to like it a lot more, the moody opener "I Told You Everything" is nice glimpse into Von Etten's newfound digital dream world. "No One is Easy to Love" and "Comeback Kid" are more rock oriented songs in the vein of her older records and "Jupiter 5" is the ballad to end all folk ballads, perhaps not as successful as "Malibu" a ballad from outer space and more in line with the tone of the rest of the record. Her songs here are slow paced, but you can hear and feel every single note and nuance, such is the delicacy of Sharon's brand of rock n roll.
    The second half of the record is where Von Etten and her band really shine, and it is easily the best thing she has ever done! Blasting anthem "Hands" is her most powerful soul-searching rocker, while the trickily worded "Your Shadow" and should be hit "Malibu" betray an almost Caribbean influence. "Seventeen" is the most accessible rock number she has made yet but it totally works as a teenage anthem, and closer "Stay" points to her future as an electronic music sculptor. is her most introspective and diverse work, incorporating the digital sound into the singer songwriter atmospherics a la Low or Sparklehorse. This album merges traditional folk rock with new found exploration into the music of the 2010's in a perfect way.
  6. Jan 18, 2019
    An incredible album, a natural progression for an amazing artist, Sharon has captured her spirit in this body of work, and it pays off. A must-listen.
  7. Jan 27, 2019
    Incredible album, fresh sound, reference to the best rock moments of the '10s!
    This the rock music as we would like to be.
  8. Jan 18, 2019
    Its a good album, I don't think it's as good as a lot of critics are saying it is though. I'm not a fan of an artist revamping their sound with synths b/c that's what's expected of them. SVE has been churning out solid indie rock/folk rock for over a decade, and now that she's added synths people lose their crap.

    On the flip side, "Seventeen" has SOTY potential. One of her most dynamic
    Its a good album, I don't think it's as good as a lot of critics are saying it is though. I'm not a fan of an artist revamping their sound with synths b/c that's what's expected of them. SVE has been churning out solid indie rock/folk rock for over a decade, and now that she's added synths people lose their crap.

    On the flip side, "Seventeen" has SOTY potential. One of her most dynamic tracks yet.
  9. Feb 3, 2019
    Remind Me Tomorrow is a little all over the place in terms of style and pacing, but is nevertheless another solid set of songs from Sharon Van Etten.


  10. Jul 27, 2020
    In this record Sharon explores new sounds with much more electronic, which on a side render more haunting feel in songs like "Comeback kid", "Jupiter 4", "Seventeen", on the other leave less space to her Pat Benatar Eliza Gilkysonesque vocal rides found on the previous record "Are we there". So this album can be fully appreciated listening to live shows like "MicroShow for The Current atIn this record Sharon explores new sounds with much more electronic, which on a side render more haunting feel in songs like "Comeback kid", "Jupiter 4", "Seventeen", on the other leave less space to her Pat Benatar Eliza Gilkysonesque vocal rides found on the previous record "Are we there". So this album can be fully appreciated listening to live shows like "MicroShow for The Current at the Warming House in Minneapolis" Expand

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 34
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 34
  3. Negative: 0 out of 34
  1. Jan 24, 2019
    It's certainly the best album of her career so far, but Remind Me Tomorrow is also quite obviously more of a jumping-off point than a culmination of any kind. Even as she ponders how she got here, Van Etten's sights are clearly attuned towards where she'll be heading next.
  2. Jan 23, 2019
    Remind Me Tomorrow, then, isn’t only a return to her calling, but a grand surprise. Sharon Van Etten has finally, truly, embraced just how appealing her unique voice can be.
  3. Jan 22, 2019
    A mix of highs and lows, pains and struggles, joys and triumphs.