
Mixed or average reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 27
  2. Negative: 4 out of 27
  1. Thankfully, producer Dr. Dre is there to temper the lyrical bloodletting, laying heavyweight hooks over even the most scabrous tales of family disturbia, and setting 'Bagpipes From Baghdad,' Em's inspired riff on rumored ex Mariah Carey, to snake-charming woodwind squiggles.
  2. By letting Dr. Dre take over the low-end-funk production, and rhyming about things he actually cares about, he comes up with a more painful, honest and vital record than anyone could have expected at this late date, up there with "The Eminem Show" or maybe even better.
  3. His flow is so good, his wordplay so sharp, it seems churlish to wish that he addressed something than his long-standing obsessions and demons.
  4. His original army of fans, however, will surely enjoy most of the elements of Relapse and it certainly sets up the sequel nicely--though it might be wise to include a few more crossover hits on the second installment, you know, for everyone else.
  5. If you’re able to tolerate the graphic descriptions of rape, incest, drug abuse, dismemberment and felching (Google it), the reward is an incredible amount of introspection, and top-shelf production by Dr. Dre throughout adds to the replayability factor.
  6. 80
    We know everything about Marshall Mathers...and on Relapse, he leaves Marshall behind. Instead, he embodies characters that we know aren't him, but allow him to re-channel the shock-and-awe rebellion (and skill) that made him great in the first place.
  7. 70
    When Relapse ditches Eminem the craaaazzzyyy white rapper, in favor of a maniacal narrator obsessed with graphic rape and violence (subjects much more in line with hip hop’s forgotten horror-core subgenre than anything to do with being a superstar rapper in 2009), Em works wonders with words, expanding the boundaries of the art of rap itself.
  8. Eminem settles for sensationalism straight up, and, worse still, makes you wonder whether he ever truly knew the difference.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 1078 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. BrianD
    May 20, 2009
    I love the new CD, I don't know why so many people don't the accent is okay on most songs so yeah.
  2. Jun 23, 2011
    I don't know why this has a lower metascore than "Encore." It's a crying shame because it's easily 10 times better than that pile of **** ThisI don't know why this has a lower metascore than "Encore." It's a crying shame because it's easily 10 times better than that pile of **** This is undoubtably Eminem's return to form. Old Time's Sake, Same Song & Dance and Deja Vu are my favorite songs. Full Review »
  3. Jun 12, 2011
    Stunning album, so underrated. Eminem is still the best after more than ten years. Contains masterpieces such as "Same song and dance", "DejaStunning album, so underrated. Eminem is still the best after more than ten years. Contains masterpieces such as "Same song and dance", "Deja vu" or "Beautiful". Full Review »