
Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 20
  2. Negative: 2 out of 20
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  1. Sep 29, 2014
    If Art Official Age is a juicy reaffirmation of Prince pop basics, Plectrumelectrum, his collaborative album with 3rdEyeGirl, represents a more intriguing departure, even if it too reaches back into the past, making a bold connection with a time when Jimi Hendrix was the last great black American rock star, before funk really left rock 'n' roll to the white man.
  2. 83
    He and the girls trade off vocal duties, creating a bold, dynamic playfulness.
  3. Q Magazine
    Oct 3, 2014
    The sound of him working with a lean combo is so refreshing, and a welcome first in his mammoth catalogue. [Nov 2014, p.107]
  4. The 3rdEyeGirl album has a much cleaner sound, and a sharper focus, than Prince’s solo album.
  5. Sep 29, 2014
    Hardcore Prince guitar-freaks--those who yearn for an entire album of six-string slash-and-burn in the mold of Jimi Hendrix, Ernie Isley, Eddie Hazel and Prince himself on "Purple Rain" and "I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man"--will find much to love on PlectrumElectrum.... Though the 3rdEyeGirl rhythm section of Donna Grantis, Hannah Ford Welton and Ida Nielsen provides a solid foundation, and shares some lead vocals, the songs feel slight, a touch predictable.
  6. Oct 3, 2014
    Taken as a whole, PlectrumElectrum is a fantastic rock and roll party record (although there are some more serious lyrical themes sprinkled throughout). But when you really pick apart some of the pieces, it becomes a little less interesting.
  7. Oct 1, 2014
    This is a commendable album and the two acts clearly work together incredibly well and challenge one another. But the most magic always happens when Prince’s presence is at its strongest.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 33 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 33
  2. Negative: 11 out of 33
  1. Apr 28, 2020
    I feel as though the beats the band lay out with the musical legend are good enough to qualify as a good album, although it may not have theI feel as though the beats the band lay out with the musical legend are good enough to qualify as a good album, although it may not have the most meaning set in some songs in the list. Full Review »
  2. Oct 18, 2014
    Saw many of these compositions live when Prince & 3rdeyegirl visited Portland, OR in 2013. Longtime Prince fan have always dreamed of himSaw many of these compositions live when Prince & 3rdeyegirl visited Portland, OR in 2013. Longtime Prince fan have always dreamed of him putting out a unfiltered rock it is and its lovely. The ladies of 3rdeyegirl are much more present in these songs than the ladies in the Revolution were back in the day. Straight up rockers "Another Love", "Ain't Turning Around", "Fixurlifeup", "Marz", and the incredible "Plectrumelectrum" carry this album. The latter song absolutely lit up the crowd at the Prince concert in Portland last year.....I mean the room was electric! "Whitecaps" is a timeless ballad and "Boytrouble" is a funky and very nice rap and "tictactoe" is song that could have been on "ArtOfficialAge." Excellent work, I'm so glad he did this one...its one for the ages! Once people get past their little snarky "Prince" issues and really listen to this album and "ArtOfficialAge" they will come around. Superb work! Full Review »
  3. Oct 3, 2014
    Definitely the weaker of the two new Prince albums. When its good ("AnotherLove" "Wow" "Fixurlifeup") its very, very good- good enough for meDefinitely the weaker of the two new Prince albums. When its good ("AnotherLove" "Wow" "Fixurlifeup") its very, very good- good enough for me to give it a considerably higher score than I would have otherwise. Unfortunately outside of those 3 songs this is mostly a very throwaway album. "Stop this train" and "pretzelbodylogic" are decent enough, there are several tracks that have no real Prince element to them, such as the consecutive trio of "ainturninround" the instrumental title track and "Whitecaps" ...not intolerable songs by any means but it feels like the star of the show is missing and you're instead listening to a generic girl rock group. Then theres the absolute lowlights of the album "Boytrouble" probably takes the cake, again lacking an obvious Prince presence and containing some truly painful rapping. "Marz" has potential but feels underproduced and half finished (it clocks in at under 2 mins) while album closer "funknroll" is essentially a rubbish version of the song of the same name on Princes new solo release.

    All in all, if "Wow", "FixUrLifeUp" and "AnotherLove" had been plucked from this album and put on Art Official Age instead, PlectrumElectrumt would have literally no reason to exist.
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