• Record Label: Mercury
  • Release Date: Sep 18, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Here is a man unafraid to rep for the drippiest balladeer ever, Dan Fogelberg--and no one will call Edmonds on it, because his restraint and care eliminate any sense of the maudlin.
  2. Passion, not laid-backness, rules on Playlist, a set of originals and covers.
  3. Everything is suited for Babyface, often to the point where the songs don't sound tremendously different from what he has written during the last several years.
  4. His performance throughout is solidly heartfelt.
  5. Sonic sap threatens everything here, but Edmonds usually manages to stave off Hallmark ickiness with an ear-tickling detail or two.
  6. However a hard sell this album may be, though, it’s a satisfying trip down memory lane.

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