• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jun 17, 2008
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 86 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 86
  2. Negative: 2 out of 86

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  1. HalordV.
    Jul 5, 2008
  2. EricE.
    Jun 26, 2008
    Great stuff from one of metal music legends! Ambitious and bold statement from musicians who are not afraid to do things their way. Lot´s of to appreciate for old fans of Priest but much fresh and surprising stuff too. Highly recommended!
  3. MarceloA
    Jul 9, 2008
    Made me enjoy the difference of a band that is always the same. This album did not change its metal trend, it has enriched it.
  4. CliveN.
    Aug 4, 2008
    Totally different, but awseome. Gets better the more it is played.
  5. FrankH.
    Sep 6, 2008
    This album is ultimately listen-able. It delivers on every single level. Yes, it's a double disc concept album about Nostradamus. Yes, there are lesser tracks on the album, but none of them are bad. They simply act to elevate the best songs of the album to a level beyond expectation. Don't be too quick to judge. The album gets better with each and every listen. After seeing the This album is ultimately listen-able. It delivers on every single level. Yes, it's a double disc concept album about Nostradamus. Yes, there are lesser tracks on the album, but none of them are bad. They simply act to elevate the best songs of the album to a level beyond expectation. Don't be too quick to judge. The album gets better with each and every listen. After seeing the Metal Masters tour I was shocked to see they only played one song from the new album. Well worth the time. Rock on. And on. And on. Expand
  6. DanielR.
    Jul 20, 2009
    Judas Priest took a risk with there latest studio album, some of the song were a bit too much of a departure, but the album still rocks.
  7. Sandeep
    Dec 6, 2008
    I didn't like the album when i first heard it but now i love it. Tracks like prophecy, nostradamus, pestilence and plague, revelations and many more are simply superb. Rob's voice is outstanding and all those solos are simply great and those keyboards do add melody. It's a great album. Priest! Priest! Priest!
  8. JimP.
    Jun 22, 2008
    being a priest fan for nearly 25 years I had more anticipation for this album than any other, that being said, I was a little disappointed in the vocal arrangements throughout the album except for nostradomus and future of mankind when rob halford returns to form its to bad we have to wait until the end of the story to hear it. then again no two priest albums are alike, props for changing being a priest fan for nearly 25 years I had more anticipation for this album than any other, that being said, I was a little disappointed in the vocal arrangements throughout the album except for nostradomus and future of mankind when rob halford returns to form its to bad we have to wait until the end of the story to hear it. then again no two priest albums are alike, props for changing up and doing what they want thats why I love em. Expand
  9. BlakeT.
    Jun 26, 2008
    OK, so its not Painkiller. don't rate the album by comparing it to old Priest classics or you will be disappointed. if you rate it as a seperate entitiy, you find a very well done epic concept album with very cool atmospheric and acoustic parts. it may not sit well with many old Priest fans, but its still an amazing piece of music, regardless of the sound change. nad Hlaford still OK, so its not Painkiller. don't rate the album by comparing it to old Priest classics or you will be disappointed. if you rate it as a seperate entitiy, you find a very well done epic concept album with very cool atmospheric and acoustic parts. it may not sit well with many old Priest fans, but its still an amazing piece of music, regardless of the sound change. nad Hlaford still sounds as amazing as ever. try it out. Expand
  10. BrentN
    Jul 23, 2008
    An epic masterpiece!
  11. MusicLover
    Jul 6, 2008
    A masterpiece!!!
  12. MissiT.
    Jul 9, 2008
    Okay I think that this album is wonderful. For Priest fans that think it isn't hard enough go back and listen to Rocka Rolla or Sad Wings of Destiny (and I don't mean the victim of changes or the Ripper I mean the WHOLE album) I think that it is a new sound for them, but a good one. They tell the story well and the emotions that they convey through the music is just mind Okay I think that this album is wonderful. For Priest fans that think it isn't hard enough go back and listen to Rocka Rolla or Sad Wings of Destiny (and I don't mean the victim of changes or the Ripper I mean the WHOLE album) I think that it is a new sound for them, but a good one. They tell the story well and the emotions that they convey through the music is just mind blowing. Rob's vocals are a bit lower (give him a break the man is nearly 60) but still amazing. He sings wonderfully in Italian in pestalence and plague. I think that the harmonies are great between KK and Glenn, and most of thier solos deffinately have the priest sound to them. I know some people may not get it but it is worth a few listens even to people that are the hardest of headbangers who may not like it at first. Expand
  13. GeorgeD.
    Aug 6, 2008
    I've always felt that Judas Priest were a heavy metal band combining elements of hard rock, classical music and opera. This album confirms my belief. It is an absolute masterpiece. The vocals are hauntingly brilliant, the drumming (which I have never really noticed before) is superb, and the guitars are their best work to date. Their best album by a long shot.
  14. m3tal
    Sep 12, 2008
    Well, Im a big Maiden, Megadeth and Helloween fan. The only song I really listen to by Priest was Breaking the Law. Well I walked into a CD store, lookin for some new CD's. Then I came a cross this one, then BAM! Like, the prophecy, alone, death. future of mankind, nostradamus..just really amazed me. I guess you can add priest to my list of favorites now lol.
  15. smackynopants
    May 9, 2009
    Great album, not the best but worth your money! I loved Nostradamus, Prophecy, Exiled and the song Death the most. It's heavy but slow so if that's not your thing then you probally won't like this album. Painkiller, angel of retribution and this one are now my top 3 priest albums!
  16. DaneZ
    Dec 2, 2008
    Great album, its something new and different. Its a lot like Gods of War, it takes 2 or 3 listenings to really get into it.
  17. RobertB.
    Jun 22, 2008
    This is not by any means business as usual, and maybe that is why i like it so much, but, visions in the night, war, pestilence and plague, and persecution are still straight forwarded hard pounding rockers. i love most the notes, it is dark, deadly, and given time likely to be called their best studio effort so far. some are calling it sad wings 2 , and i think that is quite apt. but This is not by any means business as usual, and maybe that is why i like it so much, but, visions in the night, war, pestilence and plague, and persecution are still straight forwarded hard pounding rockers. i love most the notes, it is dark, deadly, and given time likely to be called their best studio effort so far. some are calling it sad wings 2 , and i think that is quite apt. but maybe, just maybe it surpasses it. it is a maturing of priest, that is not only welcome but shows that they are not simply old metal bandits, but talented and versatile musicians. way to go go. Expand
  18. [Anonymous]
    Jun 26, 2008
    Love the album. At first it was different but after a few listens I love it! Can't get the songs out of my head!
  19. GlennC.
    Jun 26, 2008
    Unique ,original Concept album. The more you listen the more you like and understand what was to be acheived. Would love to see it live. I am going july 30 and hope to hear alot of new stuff.
  20. MikeO
    Jun 30, 2008
    Better than most critics will admit, this CD does take some time to get used to. But keep listening! After several listening though, its really growing on me. "Persecution" is an absolute classic. A worthy CD from a great band.
  21. RogerW.
    Jul 10, 2008
    A concept album like this is often all about the story and the lyrics, so what´s the idea I thought. Who have ever bought a Priest album for the lyrics..? At first listening my recction was - crap! When putting on a new Priest CD, I want to be thrown out the window by the power. This was someting else, but now it starts to get to me. I just can´t get some songs out of my head. A concept album like this is often all about the story and the lyrics, so what´s the idea I thought. Who have ever bought a Priest album for the lyrics..? At first listening my recction was - crap! When putting on a new Priest CD, I want to be thrown out the window by the power. This was someting else, but now it starts to get to me. I just can´t get some songs out of my head. It´s good, very good... And at least there is a real Judas thrasher in the song "Nostradamus" anyway. The Halford-scream in the beginning is a sure goosebumper! Expand
  22. ChukT
    Jul 11, 2008
    If you liked Sad Wings of Destiny then this album is for you. There are no top 20 hits here but Priest has never really tried to please everyone. Instead they go for a mood and theme and they connect on both attempts. I have been a fan since the late 70's and I am still a fan. I like the album and was glad they tried to do something new and at the same time touch on some old sounds. If you liked Sad Wings of Destiny then this album is for you. There are no top 20 hits here but Priest has never really tried to please everyone. Instead they go for a mood and theme and they connect on both attempts. I have been a fan since the late 70's and I am still a fan. I like the album and was glad they tried to do something new and at the same time touch on some old sounds. Give it a try and then give it a second listen. You will be glad you did. Expand
  23. JimM.
    Jul 11, 2008
    This is a great album. Some listeners will expect raging guitar and thundering drums but Priest changes it up on this one. Yes there is still a bit of that but there is so much more to this diverse band. It is melodic and moody which reminds me of "Sad Wings of Destiny." Great stuff.
  24. HalordV.
    Jul 18, 2008
  25. e-jitAnderson
    Jul 18, 2008
    At the grand old age of 44, I've been the worlds biggest Priest fan for over 30 years. Nostradamus is a varied mixture of Priest at their best and at their worst. However as a continous piece of music it should be judged as such. People like Mozarts 5th symphony but don't breakdown the individual components. Overall Nostradamus is a good piece of music that takes a few listens At the grand old age of 44, I've been the worlds biggest Priest fan for over 30 years. Nostradamus is a varied mixture of Priest at their best and at their worst. However as a continous piece of music it should be judged as such. People like Mozarts 5th symphony but don't breakdown the individual components. Overall Nostradamus is a good piece of music that takes a few listens to fully appreciate. Embrace the 'cheese' and you'll enjoy it. Otherwise avoid. Not for the faint hearted. Expand
  26. NathanH
    Jul 28, 2008
    I am a massive Priest fan and have been now for many years now and I do not see how anyone can slander this album. A lot of people are saying it isn't in keeping with the "Priest sound", but I don't quite see how people can say thney have a sound when they have changed and evolved so much over the years. They have always tried simething different with each album and this is I am a massive Priest fan and have been now for many years now and I do not see how anyone can slander this album. A lot of people are saying it isn't in keeping with the "Priest sound", but I don't quite see how people can say thney have a sound when they have changed and evolved so much over the years. They have always tried simething different with each album and this is another one of those albums. This is another completely different experience and even if you dont think its like Priest you should still be able to appreciate as a piece of music for what it is. There are some fantastic tracks on here, highlishts being Prophecy, Revelations, Death, Pestilence and Plague, Visions, Nostradamus...well pretty much all of the album is a highlight. The shorter tracks between main songs link them together perfectly and keep the narrative going. The orchestral elements add extra epic qualities to KK and Glenn's riffs and the keyboards give it a mystical, magical feeling which is very fitting with the content. I personally love this album and think it is one of the best Priest has ever done. It is way up there with albums like Sad Wings and Painkiller. A must buy for any Priest fan. Just sit down, stick it on (loud) and have an open mind! Expand
  27. Kreed
    Jul 28, 2008
    In knowing all the JP music from their start and seeing several of their concerts. I really do like the Nostradamus theme and music. I am however extremly dissapointed in the concert for the album. As much as I like the past concerts I was under the belief that this concert was to be a concept theatrical rock like opera stage show with only the music from the album to be played. Then at a In knowing all the JP music from their start and seeing several of their concerts. I really do like the Nostradamus theme and music. I am however extremly dissapointed in the concert for the album. As much as I like the past concerts I was under the belief that this concert was to be a concept theatrical rock like opera stage show with only the music from the album to be played. Then at a later date for them to retour and play their old music. Instead they played 2-3 songs from the album and the rest from the past Expand
  28. AndrewA.
    Jul 3, 2008
    It's a masterpiece.
  29. GarryB.
    Aug 19, 2008
    If you listen to just 1 song listen to death (the entire song). If then you are not mesmerized into listening to the entire cd you should rethink your appreciation for what is true metal art.
  30. EduardoL.
    Aug 29, 2008
    From Halford's powerful vocals, Tipton's and Downing's mesmerizing dual guitar riffs and solos, to the thunderous rythym section, this CD kicks ass. It does take a couple of listens, but it is definitely a great concept album.
  31. AndyD.
    Sep 19, 2008
    Pushes the boundaries of Metal (in a resoundingly positive way). Manowar's "Gods of War" did the same, by extensive use of (REAL) Symphonic and Operatic elements. Without albums like "Nostradamus" and "Gods of War", Metal would be COMPLETELY dead-slash-written out withing 10 years. Whereas calculator-loving bands like Dragonforce and Lost Horizon have no emotional impact, their Pushes the boundaries of Metal (in a resoundingly positive way). Manowar's "Gods of War" did the same, by extensive use of (REAL) Symphonic and Operatic elements. Without albums like "Nostradamus" and "Gods of War", Metal would be COMPLETELY dead-slash-written out withing 10 years. Whereas calculator-loving bands like Dragonforce and Lost Horizon have no emotional impact, their vision is completely incarnated via the bands they all looked up to the most. Manowar and Judas Priest have grown up, and now Metal starts looking toward Wagner-ian futures. Expand
  32. RodrigoG
    Mar 16, 2009
    Great album, great story, great music. Full power, the best Metal album of the year.
  33. MarkoP
    Dec 16, 2008
    This album is best album that is ever done!
  34. DaveS
    Dec 16, 2008
    Very good album, some of the stuff was a bit to pop music for me, but over all i am happy i purchased it.
  35. HughJ.
    Oct 23, 2008
    Nickadermis predicted the big one in Los Angeles and he predicted a plague of locusts. This album is to his predictions as cheese is to a sandwich.
  36. AndrewH.
    Jun 21, 2008
    Excellent metal concept charting the life of Nostradamus ranging from some hard hitting metal to mellow ballads with symphonic feel. As with most great metal albums it gets better every listen!
  37. TerrL.
    Jun 22, 2008
    In a time when most classic bands repackage the same old hits in different forms,its great to see a band put some effort in creating something different and new! Just sit back and let The Priest carry you away! All the harsh criticisms are not needed! It's only rock and roll not brain surgery.Crank it up and enjoy!
  38. OliverD
    Jun 22, 2008
    Excellent and different.
  39. AdamB.
    Jun 26, 2008
    A very good and Very different priest album, i love the new style they have chosen for this record, it suits them so well, the keyboards, piano, choir, everything it fits so well, and the songs are amazing, not blistering fast like painkiller, but filled with GREAT riffs, harmonies, solos, interludes, everything. this album has so much variety, there are songs taht remind me of A very good and Very different priest album, i love the new style they have chosen for this record, it suits them so well, the keyboards, piano, choir, everything it fits so well, and the songs are amazing, not blistering fast like painkiller, but filled with GREAT riffs, harmonies, solos, interludes, everything. this album has so much variety, there are songs taht remind me of painkiller, and some that remind me of sad wings of destiny. Every true priest fan should have this album. Expand
  40. ThomBaker
    Jul 15, 2008
    Awesome. Almost sounds operatic at times, but, hey, it's Halford at the reigns and it sounds beautiful. It still tastes like Priest, the guitars are great, just like Glen and KK. I feel that this project will grow in appreciation with time, and even cross over to people with other music tastes. I can't wait for their next project, or the CONCERT in August (in Phoenix)
  41. Atoradio
    Jul 16, 2008
    Great concept album!! As other metal bands are today swimming in circles (Iron Maiden, Saxon, etc.) Judas Priest continues to evolve and adapt to new tendencies taking us to new listening productions.
  42. GreggS.
    Jul 24, 2008
    This is an AWESOME album. Most of you people are idiots and can't see how good something is because you are used to the same old same old. Brilliant Album.. Sounds a little like Manowar Style.. Go Priest.
  43. HenrikS.
    Sep 11, 2008
    Best Priest album ever, very epic. A great story, told with awesome lyrics mixed with some amasing instrumental performances.
  44. Jul 12, 2014
    Wow .. an epic album from Metal Gods !! This album is great!! 23 wonderful songs make this album a masterpiece...All songs are dramatic..Only Judas are able to make that album
  45. Jul 31, 2014
    This is a fantastic album. Production is great. Everything can be heard clearly. Halfords voice is wonderful.

    I don't understand the flack people give this album. Its a great long piece of music that took real effort. No ...its not 10 songs about rockin and rollin ... rollin and rockin ..... THANKFULLY Great concept, great execution. I love it. I love that they did this album and in
    This is a fantastic album. Production is great. Everything can be heard clearly. Halfords voice is wonderful.

    I don't understand the flack people give this album. Its a great long piece of music that took real effort. No ...its not 10 songs about rockin and rollin ... rollin and rockin ..... THANKFULLY

    Great concept, great execution. I love it. I love that they did this album and in the end I think everyone will be able to say "you know that was an awesome record" rather than complain it wasn't painkiller. Painkiller of course is awesome too. But they already made that album and tried something new. Which worked. Different for sure and a gamble. But after 40 years ... do you really want the exact same formula every time? I don't. This one worked for me.

    The only problem I have with this record is the vinyl release was packed horrible in vinyl eating sleeves. Everyone I know who bought one cant play them without hearing the shoosh and swish of burnt vinyl surface. Too bad.
  46. Dec 31, 2016
    Definitely not your typical priest album, but a uniquely symphonic offering; meritorious in it's own right. Listen to it seamlessly, with an open mind and you'll understand why this is a truly underrated gem. Definitely worth a listen if you can find it on sale.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. The songs themselves are hit or miss, with the emphasis falling on the latter, due mostly to an over-reliance on three-chord, midtempo filler, but as is the case with nearly every Priest offering, when they're on they're dead on.
  2. Nostradamus isn't likely to surprise you--this is softcore for the hardcore.
  3. Some of the music is brilliant, some is numbingly indulgent.