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Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: This is the latest full-length solo release for experimental Japanese artist Hiromi Moritani as Phew.
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  • Record Label: Mute / Napalm Records
  • Genre(s): Electronic, Avant-Garde, Experimental Ambient, Experimental Electronic
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Dec 20, 2021
    Haunting and gripping, New Decade is one of Mute's most striking releases in some time, and gives Phew a bigger platform to prove what her die-hard fans already know: she's at the peak of her powers.
  2. Dec 20, 2021
    New Decade comes across as bleak, but it’s deliberately restrained; its meditations cut through the real sentiments of our confusing years with the sincerity of a haiku. Especially amidst isolation and the uncertainties of modernity, we are reminded of the power of self-expression.
  3. The Wire
    Dec 20, 2021
    The gauzy textures that she creates on New Decade do capture something of crystalline stasis. It’s only the rhythmical structure of the “Snow And Pollen” – two electronic pulses that sound, one, two, one, two – that connotes a diffuse sense of menace. [Nov 2021, p.57]
  4. Dec 20, 2021
    New Decade may be the perfect distillation of this sonic alliance Phew created, existing as it does outside of any trends or genre tags. As a result, Phew continues to push forward by crawling deep inside.