
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Jan 20, 2017
    Originally envisioned as the first in a series of efforts to help inspire artists (hence the title), this is the perfect album to sleep, cry or meditate to, an album for life on this planet from an artist usually obscured by the whirring of machines. Imagine that.
  2. Jan 20, 2017
    At the end of the album, Torrini sings that she's being carried through the dark while in a dream, and the listener is likely to feel the same way.
  3. Apr 12, 2017
    It’s encouraging to find Kid Koala beginning to push the envelope and explore new territory, and these transmissions from the satellite heart are a fine starting point for future adventures.
  4. Jan 25, 2017
    This record is not going to win over anyone who is already skeptical of ambient music, but for those of us who have always loved this kind of stuff, Music to Draw to: Satellite provides a beautiful respite from the noise of everyday life.
  5. Jan 20, 2017
    Listening to Music to Draw to: Satellite, it’s hard not to wish that Koala would lean just a bit more on his core skills, though there’s admittedly something admirable about his willingness to be seen as a novice, rather than a master.
  6. Jan 20, 2017
    Satellite feels very much like a transitional record in which Kid Koala is exploring new terrain. Not all of his tangents are successful, but his enthusiasm for stretching beyond his turntablist roots is refreshing.

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