
Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Morning Tide is a collection of songs that take the word ‘pop’ in ‘pop music’ literally, bursting with effervescence and joy.
  2. The band's debut full-length, Morning Tide--released on Chop Shop Records--allows that sound to sprawl and unfurl.
  3. The slower songs do have the effect of balancing the album. Even some of the upbeat tunes, usually The Little Ones' strength, are sometimes in danger of veering from endearing into cloying.
  4. Blender
    They're intensely twee indie rockers, prone to brisk, even jittery, grooves, and with his pinched voice, Reyes sounds as though he's grasping at something just out of his reach. [Nov 2008, p.75]
  5. The Little Ones are, for the most part, pretty melodious producing indie pop fun with touches of Afro-beat, maybe, possibly!
  6. The Little Ones share their pop predecessors' taste for blossoming melodies and saccharine sentiments. By the end of the album, your face will hurt and you'll be desperate for some Napalm Death.
  7. Despite its faults, Morning Tide will no doubt satisfy fans of crafty pop and have them dancing and singing.
  8. Under The Radar
    If The Little Ones' debut had been released in June, it would undoubtedly have been proclaimed the soundgrack of the summer, but the band's relentlessly bright, angst-free sound seems to have even greater appeal the darker and shirter the days become. [fall 2008, p.76]
  9. The Little Ones however have produced a record that naively ignores all the elements that make reality real, and therefore it doesn’t make much sense. It’s happy and lively to the point of vulgarity.
  10. Morning Tide, though pleasant and by no means bad, is also far from original and too "of the moment" to make much of an impact beyond appearing in the occasional TV show or film soundtrack--basically anywhere that pleasant, generic modern rock is needed.
  11. Creating a musical theme that stretches across the album isn’t a bad idea, but The Little Ones fail to pull it off, and the songs suffer from a frothy sameness.
  12. Q Magazine
    Mostly, it's just not interesting enough to hold the listener's attention throughout. [Aug 2008, p.139]

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