
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Mar 11, 2014
    When they nail the postmodern smash-up thing, it's explosive, inventive rock.... The flip side is tracks like the limp Tears for Fears rewrite "Camera."
  2. Jan 24, 2014
    They've found a capable formula that will appeal to many, but some more personality would go a long way to seal the deal.
  3. Jan 24, 2014
    Young the Giant are a technically proficient group who no doubt shred through these tracks during live performances, but the over-production is an impediment to enjoying the individual performances.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 35
  2. Negative: 1 out of 35
  1. Jan 27, 2014
    Young The Giant's second album is really impressive. So often sophomore albums are extremely disappointing but in no way did YTG disappoint.Young The Giant's second album is really impressive. So often sophomore albums are extremely disappointing but in no way did YTG disappoint. They could have easily produced an album that is similar to their first but instead they chose to develop their sound while maintaining their original voice. It is a thoroughly enjoyable album from start to finish. Full Review »
  2. May 15, 2015
    Amazing Give it 2 listens. By the end of the second go around, you'll agree. Not exactly like the first album, just as amazing, better even,Amazing Give it 2 listens. By the end of the second go around, you'll agree. Not exactly like the first album, just as amazing, better even, but in it's own way! Over a year later and I'm still listening to this album. A PHENOMENAL album! One of my top 10 favorites. Full Review »
  3. Feb 3, 2014
    I was a big fan of young the Giant's first album, with its laid back sound meshing well with the energized powerful hits that were all overI was a big fan of young the Giant's first album, with its laid back sound meshing well with the energized powerful hits that were all over the radio and beer ads, and I am similarly enthralled with this addition to their catalogue. People seem to assume that the key to success and progress is a sound that changes album by album, but in this case I think that expanding on their original work was the right move. This album ebbs and flows well in terms of tempo and general feeling. From the fast and upbeat anagram onward into It's about time, the opening salvos of the album are confident and triumphant.
    Though Mind over matter has a cool sound and a few cool vocal moments, by this point the album borders on the repetitive, however they quickly remedy that by jumping into the slower, tranquil Firelight, which is a surprising and welcome development. The album is rounded out well by the ending tracks including one of my personal favorites, teachers. This song starts of sounding like a typical YtG offering, but becomes a seriously good, bombastic vocal rollercoaster with excellent backup instrumentals to keep it rolling. Generally an excellent 2nd album all things considered.
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