• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Jan 22, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Feb 3, 2016
    To hear the sonic progression between the two distinct albums is to hear an artist constantly evolving, reevaluating and creating at a vital pace. In this, Cale proves himself to be, if not the most culturally significant member of the Velvet Underground, certainly the most musically so.
  2. Jan 27, 2016
    If M:FANS represents a world that is colder and less forgiving than the time and place that spawned Music for a New Society, it also confirms that Cale is still a strong and vital artist, and one capable of offering two very different sets of perspectives on these songs that are both bold and compelling listening.
  3. Jan 22, 2016
    The original record’s improvisational nature is still here but hidden, its minimalist touches are scant.
  4. 80
    M:FANS is certainly a fair deal more interesting than yet another note-for-note trek down memory lane.
  5. Jan 20, 2016
    Music for a New Society was characterised by its sparseness and the space between its sounds. M:FANS fills them completely and yet retains the sense of dark weirdness; it is a completely different album that conveys the same disturbing, disturbed atmosphere. At 73 years of age, Cale is still making some of the most ambitious, exciting music out there
  6. Jan 19, 2016
    It could so easily have been an ill-fitting coat worn loose on the shoulders of the original’s stark beauty. But these slabs of noise, where Cale picks at the wires like a scab, scarring and slashing old canvases to remake the old, add to rather than re-hash his legacy.
  7. Mojo
    Jan 7, 2016
    It proves to be an oblique, sometimes outre, but always artistic reinvestigation rather than an indulgent lap of honour around erstwhile glories. [Feb 2016, p.94]
  8. Q Magazine
    Jan 7, 2016
    There are moments of real pathos. [Feb 2016, p.108]
  9. Jan 27, 2016
    The palette of the acronymic M:FANS, issued with a handsomely remastered version of the original Music For A New Society, is largely electronic, the sound of a septuagenarian composer and rock dude using the past as a bridge to the present.
  10. Jan 7, 2016
    M:FANS perhaps loses some of those dissonant, euphoric yet deeply melancholic moments that Music For A New Society has to give us; tracks where it seems a self-consuming feat for Cale to bring himself to sing. But the two work in a partnership rather than against each other.
  11. Uncut
    Jan 7, 2016
    It all takes a bit of getting use to.... [M:FANS} is yet another fascinating maverick move. [Feb 2016, p.70]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Jan 22, 2016
    Wasn't expecting that. Was a great listen. Definitely worth my time but i hope they follow this up with something stronger. It has flaws butWasn't expecting that. Was a great listen. Definitely worth my time but i hope they follow this up with something stronger. It has flaws but flaws in a perfect way that showcase a debut. Full Review »