
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Through it all, the guys stay just as tight (translation: radio-ready) as ever, offering up tracks in near-perfect three-minute doses.
  2. A thunderously hooky album that seamlessly blends the group's disparate sonic elements into radio-friendly perfection.
  3. Isn't so much a revelation as it is a ready-made crowd pleaser that delivers on the familiar.
  4. Miraculously, given the similarity of the design, 'Meteora' avoids being a stagnant retread of 'Hybrid Theory'.
  5. While being as well-crafted, catchy and dynamic as the first one, it leaves you feeling distinctly underwhelmed, as if the band had simply reprogrammed the Pro-Tools machine that they'd made the first album on and changed the lyrics and speed of the songs a bit.
  6. The band manages to squeeze the last remaining life out of this nearly extinct formula with volatile performances and meticulous editing.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 749 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 40 out of 749
  1. JanaF
    May 24, 2009
    Really good album! As the others LP's albuns, meteora was perfect! Hello from Brazil.
  2. Feb 21, 2014
    In my personal opinion, this is the best album that has ever been made in music history. I understand the weight of that statement but it isIn my personal opinion, this is the best album that has ever been made in music history. I understand the weight of that statement but it is something that is constantly reaffirmed when I listen to the album a tenth or eleventh time around. Without a doubt, it is the most emotional Linkin Park album produced. Hybrid Theory was a good debut album for them where anger,angst, and a new musical energy flowed so creatively throughout it. But in their follow up album, they kept all of that and drowned it in beautiful melody. Instead of sounding like whining teenagers, the emotion came from something more and their maturity shined as a band compared to hybrid theory. Meteora spawned Don't Stay, Somewhere I Belong, Lying From You, Easier to Run, Faint, Breaking the Habit, From the Inside, Faint, Nobodys Listening, and the monster hit Numb. All songs that showcased the raw emotion of a band in their prime. I credit this album for peaking my peaking my overall interest into music and still remains the foundation of where my music taste comes from. I recommend this album to anyone and everyone. You will not be dissapointed. Full Review »
  3. NancyR
    Apr 9, 2003
    I've been a long time fan of LP and I believe this CD is a perfect follow up of "Hybrid Theory" it certainly surpassed my expectations. I've been a long time fan of LP and I believe this CD is a perfect follow up of "Hybrid Theory" it certainly surpassed my expectations. I LOVED it the first time I bought it and just keep loving it more no matter what some critics say it's one of the best 15 some dollars I've spent. All I can say is that it's AWESOME musically and is unbelievable through it's art and emotions it evokes. -Keep Up that Magic LP Full Review »