
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Mar 16, 2015
    The sounds he and Smith craft together gel in a way far more urgent and quickly unfolding than most Eluvium material, taking Maze of Woods into a place that seems less quietly observant and more driven to explore, attempt, and understand.
  2. Mar 10, 2015
    Maze of Woods is a superb record and one that should give confidence in the continued potential of the band.
  3. Mar 10, 2015
    Sometimes challenging, other times comforting, Inventions encourage you to step inside the imagination portal and dream.
  4. Mar 19, 2015
    Throughout, and to the album's benefit, the duo's individual identities are more fully dissolved, so they can be more malleable in pursuing the idea behind a given song.
  5. Mar 10, 2015
    Often interesting and occasionally moving, and at a compact 40 minutes, Maze Of Woods certainly doesn’t outstay its welcome and steers well clear of self-indulgence.
  6. 65
    The artistry is unquestionable, but ultimately the indulgence of the album’s creation seems to have fogged Invention’s original vision.
  7. Mar 16, 2015
    Maze Of Woods occupies a different plain, a more embryonic one that finds its stand out moments in a subtler way.
  8. Mar 13, 2015
    There's very little on offer to ground the listener here, which makes Maze of Woods a challenging collection; it's the aural equivalent of a 90-minute movie that feels like a 3-hour watch.
  9. Q Magazine
    Mar 10, 2015
    Its meticulously layered creations are hampered by both a pervasive aura of high seriousness and general lack of sonic variation. [Mar 2015, p.110]

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