• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Mar 4, 2014
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 75 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 51 out of 75
  2. Negative: 12 out of 75
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  1. Mar 4, 2014
    This is probably Rick Ross' best work ever. For starters, the production on this is impeccable. The beats range from the mysterious and haunting (BLK & WHT) to the ostentatious and extravagant (Supreme). This album is a true delight just to listen to, but the parts that really stand our are the moments where the album displays its most ridiculousness. Take for example the little skit thatThis is probably Rick Ross' best work ever. For starters, the production on this is impeccable. The beats range from the mysterious and haunting (BLK & WHT) to the ostentatious and extravagant (Supreme). This album is a true delight just to listen to, but the parts that really stand our are the moments where the album displays its most ridiculousness. Take for example the little skit that starts off "Drug Dealers Dream." Its such a simple thing really, an automated teller providing the balance in a bank account, and then when you hear the final number it hits you. The thing is though, you feel a sense of uneasiness when you hear that number. Its ALOT of money, and its sitting in a single checking account and based off the title of the song "Drug Dealers Dream" is likely illegally obtained. It just perfectly sets the tone for one of the best songs on the album. Every single feature on this album also comes with their A-Game. Jay Z delivers probably his best verse since 2011's Watch the Throne, Young Jeezy, Lil Wayne, Kanye West, Meek Mill, all these artists really kill their features, and every feature sounds like it has a purpose. One of my favorite tracks is Mafia Music III, a cut that was apparently meant for Dr. Dre's Detox, but was saved for Mastermind, the gun shots and insane beat really conjure up images of a drug lord roaming the Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, etc. just cruising in a large boat moving his product, dealing with his enemies.

    People will hate on Rick Ross because he is "fake," and was a CO apparently. But I really think they are hypocrites. Just because he was a CO doesn't mean he didn't take part in some of this life style, and even if he didn't take part in this lifestyle, its not as if tons of other rap artists haven't lied on their records in the past. I sincerely hope no one took Eminem seriously when he rapped on Relapse about being a psychopath murderer, No one asks Drake to prove that he has killed someone everytime he says "catch a body." I mean who really cares if a rapper wants to take on a persona?
  2. Mar 4, 2014
    this is truly an incredible album. Rick Ross has finally learnt to successfully gives up on trying to satisfy done-to-death tropes and simply focuses on his strengths.
  3. Mar 5, 2014
    Mastermind is Rick Ross' best album so far, the production is on point and the same goes for the features. The album has a certain 90's feel to it and Ross seems to have focused on making a cohesive album filled with solid songs than just hits. This doesn't mean the album has a lot substance, it doesn't, however Rick Ross' voice and flow is heavy and distinctive on every track which helpsMastermind is Rick Ross' best album so far, the production is on point and the same goes for the features. The album has a certain 90's feel to it and Ross seems to have focused on making a cohesive album filled with solid songs than just hits. This doesn't mean the album has a lot substance, it doesn't, however Rick Ross' voice and flow is heavy and distinctive on every track which helps the listener to just listen to the production without focusing heavily on the lyrics. The stand-out tracks on the album are Drug Dealer's Dream, Paradise Lost, Nobody, Mafia Music III and Blessing in Disguise. The album is enjoyable but the subject matter for the most part is recycled from Ross' other projects, the stellar production is what makes the project above average. Expand
  4. Mar 4, 2014
    Amazing production, great flow, good imagery. Very smooth. Just a great hip-hop record. It seems he has learned from his previous album, "God Forgives, I Don't" and stuck what he is best at. Mafioso storytelling over grandiose production.
  5. Mar 5, 2014
    I like the collabos RR has done for this album (except with Diddy-stay behind the boards ni**a), although generally i am not a RR fan. The production is nice and fits RR's general style. Although he isn't saying anything new, lyrically i think this is his best work-which isn't saying THAT much. This was definetly produced to have more than a few singles hit the charts/clubs.
  6. Jun 4, 2014
    Once again, Rick Ross has managed to out-do himself. Calling this album the album of the year is an understatement. So many classics. Nobody-DIAL-Mafia Music 3-War Ready-What a Shame might be the greatest stringing of songs ever, each transition so smoothly into each other. Wow. Rozay is the king of rap.
  7. Mar 13, 2014
    Great production. It has some excellent beats, samples, and features. His voice retains the opulent feel and his flow is as impeccable as before. The lyrics are not so great however.
  8. Mar 4, 2014
    I have to say first off I have always liked Rick Ross. While I wasnt the biggest fan for his last album, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed Mastermind. Some hot stand out tracks are "blk and wht", "Supreme" (awesome to see Scot Storch killing it still!), "Sanctified" with Kanye and Big Sean. Some of the other tracks were mixtape quality and I could do without the skits.I have to say first off I have always liked Rick Ross. While I wasnt the biggest fan for his last album, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed Mastermind. Some hot stand out tracks are "blk and wht", "Supreme" (awesome to see Scot Storch killing it still!), "Sanctified" with Kanye and Big Sean. Some of the other tracks were mixtape quality and I could do without the skits. Bottom line is the past while hiphop have had too many mediocre releases and while this album isnt going to save hiphop, it at least is a start to show Rick Ross can still rap about the stuff he always does, as well as have an ear for hot beats. If you like Rick Ross, you probably will like this album, but if you don't, it isnt the album that will win you over. Expand
  9. Mar 6, 2014
    A pretty nice album from The Boss his sixth album is a triumph just like his previous five. Ross always has a great ear for production and he does not disappoint on this album. His rhymes is the same but the way he delivers the rhymes is what always makes everybody listens and enjoy his music. I personally believe the best tracks are Rich is Gangsta, Drug Dealer's Dream, Nobody, Supreme,A pretty nice album from The Boss his sixth album is a triumph just like his previous five. Ross always has a great ear for production and he does not disappoint on this album. His rhymes is the same but the way he delivers the rhymes is what always makes everybody listens and enjoy his music. I personally believe the best tracks are Rich is Gangsta, Drug Dealer's Dream, Nobody, Supreme, Blk & Wht, In Vein, Sanctified, and Thug Cry. The album has the same features most of his recent projects have had such as Meek Mill, Lil Wayne, and French Montana. I am a little disappointed that No Games did not make the final tracklisting but all in all this is another hit album for The Biggest Boss in the Game. Expand
  10. Mar 4, 2014
    Great album, the production is luxurious as expected and Ross really rides them more smoothly than ever. Stand out tracks are "Devil is a Lie" and in particular "Nobody" where French Montana comes through with an amazing hook, the song is not only a great tribute to BIG but stands on it's own too. The album is consistent throughout as well, while some songs fail to meet expectations set byGreat album, the production is luxurious as expected and Ross really rides them more smoothly than ever. Stand out tracks are "Devil is a Lie" and in particular "Nobody" where French Montana comes through with an amazing hook, the song is not only a great tribute to BIG but stands on it's own too. The album is consistent throughout as well, while some songs fail to meet expectations set by the great ones, they are nevertheless good songs and don't detract from the albums appeal. Expand
  11. Mar 8, 2014
    Metaphors fly all over the album. Some people can relate to that album. I don't relate to it at all.

    Pros: Good choice of guest appearances that turned out well. Skits were awesome especially "Dope **** Cons: Officer William is, once again, talking about "(Freeway) Rick Ross" dealing crack. He swore himself in the first few lines of Rich Is Gangsta. All in all, the album had
    Metaphors fly all over the album. Some people can relate to that album. I don't relate to it at all.

    Pros: Good choice of guest appearances that turned out well.
    Skits were awesome especially "Dope ****

    Cons: Officer William is, once again, talking about "(Freeway) Rick Ross" dealing crack.
    He swore himself in the first few lines of Rich Is Gangsta.

    All in all, the album had memorable highlights like Drug Dealers Dream, Supreme, In Vein and BLK & WHT.

    All in all I give the album 7.8/10. I'll be surprised if this one doesn't go gold.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 23
  2. Negative: 1 out of 23
  1. The Wire
    Jul 17, 2014
    It's only unfortunate that such a master of making Rick Ross albums must live in a world where there are already five other Rick Ross albums. [May 2014, p.74]
  2. Q Magazine
    Apr 23, 2014
    For a man who continues to spell his surname with two dollar signs, his act is lacking in real drama. [May 2014, p.121]
  3. Apr 8, 2014
    The pieces tie together, and at the end of the day, there’s no denying that Mastermind is a fun album.