• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Oct 1, 2002

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Man vs. Machine is an intense set that never stops.
  2. Even if this is business as usual for Xzibit, then at least business is good.
  3. Xzibit's best efforts are done in by the usual culprits -- misogyny, crudity, and blinding bravado.
  4. 60
    As a whole, Man Vs. Machine signifies a dialectic vacillation between lyrics and beats that are refreshingly intelligent, without being pretentious, and themes (manifested sonically and ideologically) that are recycled and uninspired.
  5. Blender
    Much of the material features clamorous, heavy-handed production, and though Xzibit's subject matter ranges from orgies to the benevolence of his mama, his dexterous rhyming style is a little too undifferentiated. [#10, p.132]
  6. The last holdover from Xzibit's underground days is also his sole weakness: cartoonish hooks that sometimes spiral solid material off in an awkward direction. Otherwise, Man vs. Machine is state-of-the-art.
  7. You best spend your time listening to older Xzibit joints and wait around for the next one to buy new.
  8. Uncut
    Entertaining, largely forgettable. [Jan 2003, p.120]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 15
  2. Negative: 2 out of 15
  1. Apr 2, 2018
    This is a West Coast Masterpiece. Like everybody knows,another name for Xzibit is "Underrated". I just love his flow and his rhymes are theThis is a West Coast Masterpiece. Like everybody knows,another name for Xzibit is "Underrated". I just love his flow and his rhymes are the sickest rhymes you wouldn't imagine in your vocabulary. The best track on the album is Multiply,and the Say My Name track was one of the most aggressive records i heard back then.Respect to Mr X to Tha Z. Full Review »
  2. bastian
    Mar 15, 2005
    restless is the best cd in the world he is the best and snoop dogg it's the shit
  3. Me
    Sep 10, 2004
    For me there are 3 main things that make an album: The beats, the rhymes, and how the rhymes fit the beats. This album only has a few good For me there are 3 main things that make an album: The beats, the rhymes, and how the rhymes fit the beats. This album only has a few good beats (most of them are too mainstream for my taste), and after 2 listens I can't think of any rhymes that stand out. There are no beats dropping out on dope rhymes because there are no dope rhymes. No creativity. Like most mainstream artists Xzibit cares more about the money than the product. If you want an album with a mainstream feel, check out Masta Aces new album. Full Review »