
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. This isn’t an album you can dip into; instead dive in and sink to the bottom and let it all gloriously wash over you.
  2. 80
    British Sea Power have shown their competence and achieved another level of musical integrity--the album, perhaps best enjoyed when paired with the film, nonetheless holds its ground as a standalone product, expanding the mise-en-scène of the film enormously and contributing to the documentary (if perhaps problematic) legacy of Robert Flaherty’s work.
  3. Mojo
    It's a creative fecund, primeval power. [Jul 2009, p.100]
  4. Yet while this is good mood music, like a lot of soundtrack material it requires the element inspiring it--the visuals.
  5. Under The Radar
    It's not the most likely of moves for the Brighton-based lads, but it pays off well. [Summer 2009, p.64]
  6. They may play noisy guitar rock, but they also wear military uniforms in concert and write songs about Czech history. Man of Aran illustrates both the successes and shortcomings of that dichotomy.
  7. The shift in perspective necessary to "get" it, though, does work on that level: at the least, it's a fitting testimonial to British Sea Power's partially effective relocation of a classic film into a modern aesthetic scheme.

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