• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: May 10, 2005

Mixed or average reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 25
  2. Negative: 8 out of 25
  1. Rolling Stone
    A breakthrough for Weezer... Cuomo's songs are his most plaintive and brilliant since Pinkerton. [19 May 2005, p.74]
  2. It may be a spiritual cousin to Pinkerton, yet it's far removed from the raw, nervy immediacy of that album.... This has a lighter, brighter feel than any of its predecessors, not just in the music but in its outlook.
  3. "Make Believe" is classic Weezer, further refining the template of unthreatening heavy metal riffs... welded to smart lyrics, largely of satirical nature, and infectious melody.
  4. Q Magazine
    Hints that Cuomo may be approaching some sort of personal epiphany about his place in the world. [Jun 2005, p.116]
  5. Entertainment Weekly
    Weezer's most conventional disc... a cleaner-sounding record heavy on way-earnest power ballads. [13 May 2005, p.85]
  6. You can hear them struggling on Make Believe to keep fans bouncing along to the power-pop anthems but also keep it interesting for themselves so frontman Rivers Cuomo won't put the whole thing on hiatus again.
  7. Filter
    The thread that made Weezer everyone's favorite nerd-rock quartet--the soul and core behind the dramatic guitar crescendos--has unraveled completely, leaving us with a record full of, well, a lot of dramatic guitar crescendos. [#16, p.87]
  8. A chunk of almost straight-faced love/self-doubt songs show that while these geeks may not inherit the earth, they can play their competitors at their own game.
  9. It's the schizophrenic sound of a band starting over a decade later.
  10. Neither the best nor the worst album this band has recorded.
  11. Some songs are worth a listen, but the overall package sounds and feels redundant and, putting myself at the mercy of =W= fans everywhere, renders itself irrelevant.
  12. Blender
    In striving for Zen-like purity, the songs often end up eerily blank. [Jul 2005, p.122]
  13. Mojo
    Another patchily edifying addition to the Cuomo enigma. [Jul 2005, p.106]
  14. The truth is that any Weezer copycat band could have made this record.
  15. Far from the unpredictable genius of old, it seems that Rivers Cuomo has returned lacking both edge and sparkle.
  16. Many of these songs are thin schematics for “perfect” pop songs. They’re impressive in their commitment to formula--deploying catchy, whiny hooks, taut structure, loud-soft interplay, and well-timed guitar peals. Yet for all their nakedness, they offer little in the way of revelation.
  17. Uncut
    The guitars still kick, but charm is thin on the ground. [Jul 2005, p.89]
  18. Make Believe might sound more sincere if the clean, precision-metal production didn’t steamroll Cuomo’s lyrical misery in bombastic arrangements featuring factory-issue power chords and a MOR-safe rhythm section.
  19. Make Believe seems so simple compared to [Weezer's] other albums.
  20. Weezer's once unique aesthetic has been replaced by something formulaic and ultimately too safe.
  21. The New York Times
    Infuriatingly plain. [16 May 2005]
  22. It's a sweet, open, daringly earnest album in which the sad old Cuomo does battle with the wise old soul Cuomo wants to become. By conventional wisdom, it should never work as a rock album, and most of the time, that conventional wisdom is dead on.
  23. Make Believe finds Cuomo donkey-punching the formaldehyde-soaked corpse of his former glory.
  24. You can feel how dreadful this record is from the very first bar.
  25. Sometimes an album is just awful. Make Believe is one of those albums.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 325 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 97 out of 325
  1. Nov 24, 2017
    A very belated review of a very unfairly criticized album. MB is the sound of Weezer nailing the near perfect power pop aesthetic. ForgetA very belated review of a very unfairly criticized album. MB is the sound of Weezer nailing the near perfect power pop aesthetic. Forget Pacific Daydream which is trite rubbish by comparison and give this a try. Full Review »
  2. May 5, 2016
    Easily one of the most under-appreciated Weezer albums. While the lyrical work doesn't come close to anything from Pinkerton or Blue, everEasily one of the most under-appreciated Weezer albums. While the lyrical work doesn't come close to anything from Pinkerton or Blue, ever song fits so well together in that buttery alt-rock-pop zone. Full Review »
  3. Oct 15, 2014
    I'll never understand why so many people give this album such a hard time. I'll admit it's a little too mid-tempo at times and could haveI'll never understand why so many people give this album such a hard time. I'll admit it's a little too mid-tempo at times and could have been better, but it's a pretty solid and "classic" Weezer album imo. Full Review »