• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Nov 7, 2006

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. The man writes honest, beautifully crafted songs that are adult enough to ponder, tough enough to rock, and tender enough to pull -- not tug -- on the heartstrings.
  2. Billboard
    [It] rocks harder and is more diverse than its three predecessors. [18 Nov 2006]
  3. His lyrics may be doggedly unspecific, but ear-worming hooks and top-shelf instrumentation largely rectify that shortcoming.
  4. At its best the music's hybrid of country roots with pop and rock strains is lively and enjoyable.
  5. Urban has the market wisdom to balance his artistic efforts with assembly-line Nashville pop-chart fodder.
  6. As a player, his bold, midrange-heavy tone complements his most nuanced vocal performances.
  7. Brass-flecked tracks like "Shine" and "Faster Car" show he's best when he skips the singalong arena choruses; leaner productions like "Stupid Boy" show he's accomplished in ballads, unafraid to scuff up his smoothness.
  8. The New York Times
    This is a well-made and slightly unpredictable album. [6 Nov 2006]
  9. Like [Phil] Collins, Urban is a true pro who makes crisp, seamlessly performed, expertly produced records -- and like Collins, Urban is a bit blah.
  10. Love, Pain & the Whole Crazy Thing, will certainly gain Urban new fans with its safety net of sweet ballads and radio-friendly songs, yet the album still affords him the ability to have a little fun and take a few risks on a number of the tracks.
  11. The natural energy of his performances keeps his songs appealing, but his catchy anthems sometimes sink into formula that does not take full advantage of his musical prowess.
  12. As a country album, a pop album, or something in between, Love, Pain, & The Whole Thing is simply bad.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 25
  2. Negative: 4 out of 25
  1. CarolynG
    Apr 24, 2007
    I love this CD, this is the very first time i have ever liked every single song on an album. It has everything u could look for in an album. I love this CD, this is the very first time i have ever liked every single song on an album. It has everything u could look for in an album. I truly believe that this is Keith Urban finest piece of work. People who don't even like country have found this enjoyable. I hope that this album will win many awards, I'm not saying this because im a HUGE Keith Urban fan, I'm saying this because it truly is a work of art. Full Review »
  2. NikkiR
    Feb 21, 2007
    I think he is a wonderful singer/sonwriter/guitarist. I don't think it sounds pop at all...if anything rock mixed with country...I give it 10+
  3. JulieM
    Dec 30, 2006
    Keith just never stops reaching and coming up with gold!