• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Aug 22, 2006

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Los Angeles Times
    Few artists could line up an ode to bondage right next to a love song so sweet that it could be played at a wedding or invoke Joan Jett right after sharing a cosmic trip with Cee-Lo. That's what Kelis does here. [20 Aug 2006]
  2. The songs are individually good, but don't really sound like they should have been grouped together on an album.
  3. The results are not quite Tasty, but they're pretty damn close.
  4. She does so many things right it's hard to point out any one in particular.
  5. Q Magazine
    Kelis is blessed with a unique voice. [Nov 2006, p.143]
  6. Uncut
    Kelis' versatility... may mean she'll never hit like Beyonce, but she's still many producers' most stylish leading lady. [Nov 2006, p.117]
  7. Entertainment Weekly
    The results are eclectic, erratic, and lacking anything likely to repeat the success of "Milkshake." [25 Aug 2006, p.85]
  8. With the oddball charisma toned down and the lens zooming in on Kelis' melisma-adverse vocals, one is left with the sense that all of these songs could be bigger and more distinct, but it's hard to pinpoint how exactly. This drawback is also ultimately the album's draw: Given time to settle in, many of these songs are among Kelis's most charming, ingratiating themselves with surprising ease.
  9. What makes it less successful than 1999's Kaleidoscope and 2003's Tasty is that it's extremely choppy and excessively long, and it doesn't have the range of emotions to match the varied backdrops.
  10. Kelis... raps, rants and successfully maintains her spacey freakiness while sailing out into even radio-friendlier waters.
  11. Kelis is one of the mainstream's most exciting artists right now, and she continues to defy expectations with Kelis Was Here.
  12. New Musical Express (NME)
    Although the collaborations here read like pop's Yellow Pages... it feels not like desperation, but a wildly ambitious Warhol-esque art project. [9 Sep 2006, p.35]
  13. The result? An album that could just as easily bear the name of any other pop singer working the charts today.
  14. It's typically garish and glorious.
  15. Spin
    Her... most streamlined effort yet. [Sep 2006, p.104]
  16. The album occasionally misfires... but there's still sass and creativity here.
  17. Sliced in half, Kelis' fourth album would be twice as good. As an EP it would be perfect. But in it's current incarnation, it's one to cherry pick from your favourite download store.
  18. Mojo
    A typical case of slack self-editing... Kelis was here too long, frankly. [Nov 2006, p.101]
  19. Kelis Was Here sounds like a talented, left-field hip-hop diva in a holding pattern, concerned about her legacy but uncertain as to how to go about cementing it.
  20. Her multitudinous influences, free from the collagen that an omnipresent production team offered, have dissolved and separated out of their former matrix, the subsequent runny blotches of genre-hashing burbling up to fill Kelis Was Here with rubbish that has no discernible order.
  21. Bloated with ideas and parsimonious with tunes.
  22. A bloated 77-minute collection that badly mistakes quantity for quality.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 40 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 40
  2. Negative: 5 out of 40
  1. Oct 23, 2017
    Kelis continua se aventurando no estilo urbano, agora com uma pegada mais eletrônica/dance. Lil Star é uma ótima canção, que causa umKelis continua se aventurando no estilo urbano, agora com uma pegada mais eletrônica/dance. Lil Star é uma ótima canção, que causa um relaxamento no meio do álbum com fortes batidas. Full Review »
  2. Aug 15, 2013
    This is Kelis' best album yet! Kelis will always be the best R&B singer. The best tracks are "I Don't Think So", "Circus", "What's That RightThis is Kelis' best album yet! Kelis will always be the best R&B singer. The best tracks are "I Don't Think So", "Circus", "What's That Right There", and, of course, "Bossy". Full Review »
  3. Lisa
    Nov 26, 2006
    This is one of the best albums that I have bought in a long time. This album may not be pure genius, but her hooks are captivating and so are This is one of the best albums that I have bought in a long time. This album may not be pure genius, but her hooks are captivating and so are her beats. But what I really like is Kelis' smooth voice. It's just so smooth and easy over whatever she sings. I can't get her songs out of my head. I find myself listening to the album over and over again. My Favorites: Like You, Awww $hit, Living Proof, Till the Wheels Fall Off, Handful, Lil Star, Handful, I Don't Think So, Circus, Trilogy, Goodbyes, Blindfold Me, & What's That Right There. & no you guys I did not just name the whole album. Full Review »