• Record Label: Epitaph
  • Release Date: Feb 24, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 1 out of 5
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  1. Alternative Press
    Mar 2, 2015
    Falling In Reverse have given fans the rare gift of an artist stepping back to the sound they originally fell in love with. [Apr 2015, p.89]
  2. Mar 2, 2015
    Post-hardcore fans will certainly enjoy what is Falling in Reverse’s strongest record to date.
  3. Mar 2, 2015
    The best Falling in Reverse songs, with rare exception, are the ones where Ronnie sounds like he's struggling to keep up with the song's pace.... The weakest songs on the album are, again, easily written-off as the band falling into familiar traps.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 22
  2. Negative: 5 out of 22
  1. Mar 2, 2015
    A step back in the right direction for the band. While Radke doesn't fully return to his roots with a "Dying is Your Latest Fashion" styleA step back in the right direction for the band. While Radke doesn't fully return to his roots with a "Dying is Your Latest Fashion" style album there are traces of that gem here. However it doesn't quite achieve that same level of quality and a little too much of their last album "Fashionably Late" is still hanging around.

    There are a few songs that contain the original magic of Radke's old personality. Those songs are when the album is at it's best and it recalls the excellence of their first album "The Drug in Me Is You" and his older work. However too much of this album feels like it's trying to recapture former glory and is just falling short. Those songs are still good, but far from memorable. The biggest issue this album has is that it seems like they haven't totally learned from the mistakes of their last album.

    "Wait and See" is a hip-hop song the likes of which earned them a lot of backlash on Fashionably Late. The lyrics are more meaningful though (and not totally stupid) and better then any of his other work with that genre, but it's still the weakest track on the album and honestly like many I just think it's a type of music he is just awful at.

    "My Heart's to Blame" is a pop-rock track with techno/electronic elements. Again something the vast majority of people couldn't stand on the last album. I personally don't think it's that bad in this track, but something this band should ditch if they really want this band to be taken seriously again.

    Like I said it seems like the band hasn't fully learned yet. Then again the title track "Just Like You" hints at the fact that they do know and just included those elements as sort of an FU to those of us who disliked them. The song is definitely pop-rock and the lyrics are a sarcastic bash on their haters. It's more of this new Radke that grates on just about everybody's nerves, but it's far from his worst work.

    However despite revisiting some career lows and not hitting the nail on the head with most of the songs, tracks like "God, If you Are Above...," "Chemical Prisoner," and "The Bitter End" almost completely strike the right cords and bring back the sound that made people fall in love with this band and it's lead singer all those years ago.

    However this entire album's biggest success is the song "Brother." It's absolutely gorgeous and emotional. It's the most mature song Radke has ever written and maybe the best work of his career. It's that huge of a masterpiece.

    So "Just Like You" isn't perfect, but it's a step in the right directions for the group's redemption. Super fans of the band are sure to eat this up, and the rest of us can take pleasure in the fact that the band has released an album that is at least able to be listened to again. How much of an improvement it is will just come down to personal taste. I personally still think they need some more work, but I do enjoy a lot of what's offered here.

    I give this album a 7.4/10.
    Full Review »
  2. Aug 21, 2016
    A good album but minor flaws but very great and one of their best but still not perfect as some of their others so this one is kinda flawedA good album but minor flaws but very great and one of their best but still not perfect as some of their others so this one is kinda flawed but very great. Full Review »
  3. Jun 2, 2015
    Not a return to "Dying is Your Latest Fashion" at all, unlike what most people claim. It's a decent album, and has one or two (maybe evenNot a return to "Dying is Your Latest Fashion" at all, unlike what most people claim. It's a decent album, and has one or two (maybe even three) gems. However, the rest of the album is pretty bland and generic. Almost all of the songs have the same, low monotone pitch that drags you along. The tempo is considerably slower, and there is no catchy beat in any of the songs, unlike it's predecessors. Their first album had an upbeat yet dark sound, while the second album was upbeat and positive. This album is slow and "meh" and there isn't really anything that stands out. Full Review »