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Universal acclaim- based on 50 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 50
  2. Negative: 4 out of 50

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  1. SalP
    Nov 7, 2003
    words can't describe the beauty of this album! rock and roll with a true soul. no doubt, best album of 2003!
  2. AaronV
    Sep 10, 2003
    This is the best album of the year. It's so beautiful!
  3. RomulusS
    Sep 9, 2003
    Though more polished than their two previous rustic, yet very inviting, releases, It Still Moves continues to capture this group's genuine passion for making music. And after hours of saturating yourself with its delicate yet thrashing sounds, you too will find your escape back into a window of music familiarly reflecting the classics of the 60s and 70s. Be patient and honest and Though more polished than their two previous rustic, yet very inviting, releases, It Still Moves continues to capture this group's genuine passion for making music. And after hours of saturating yourself with its delicate yet thrashing sounds, you too will find your escape back into a window of music familiarly reflecting the classics of the 60s and 70s. Be patient and honest and this album will truly be rewarding. Expand
  4. ChrisB
    Sep 7, 2006
    immersive, recalling the expansiveness of pet sounds to the haunting reverb of MMJ's earlier albums, to the introspective wisdom and idelible souther charm of Neil Young. Impossible to compare to Z, but at least in my top 10 for the new millenium
  5. DaveM
    Feb 14, 2007
    A great album from one of the best bands out right now. They harken back to the emergence of rock as an art form while speaking directly to the modern (or post-modern) age. Great music that is accessible, yet insightful; familiar yet original.
  6. cassidym
    Mar 31, 2004
  7. davidm
    Oct 21, 2003
    they need to visit sactown again
  8. TomB
    Dec 7, 2003
    Just give it a listen...
  9. ritag
    Sep 16, 2003
    beautiful album. combines elements of riverpissing, barefeet on round stones, making out in the ethnic foods aisle, and waking up early on accident. not to be missed.
  10. TonyF
    Jul 13, 2006
    Simply amazing, my favorite mmj album. they are all great though.
  11. JohnS.
    Aug 22, 2007
    Amazing music. Reminds me of some of the great classic rock of the 70's.
  12. Apr 11, 2011
    Just realized that I had never rated/reviewed It Still Moves-- one of my favorite albums of the 00's. Evokes great classic southern rock while sounding natural, rather than the forced imitation that a lot of their current peers in the genre fall into.
  13. Matt
    Sep 26, 2003
    It may seem a bit strange at first to those who haven't heard MMJ before, like it was to me when i first bought this cd, but give it a chance and you'll love it
  14. AndrewE
    May 15, 2006
    Almost perfect, just meanders a bit and runs too long at the end. An album filled with legitimate classics nonetheless. An album you can shout it your car, fall asleep too, marvel at in headphones, or even impress your parents with. Even the 9-minute, slow-burn "I Will Sing You Songs" keeps your attention with its beauty. Melodies in "Mageetah", "Dancefloors", and especially "One Big Almost perfect, just meanders a bit and runs too long at the end. An album filled with legitimate classics nonetheless. An album you can shout it your car, fall asleep too, marvel at in headphones, or even impress your parents with. Even the 9-minute, slow-burn "I Will Sing You Songs" keeps your attention with its beauty. Melodies in "Mageetah", "Dancefloors", and especially "One Big Holiday" soar. "Golden" recalls nothing other than Zeppelin's "That's the Way", with gorgeous slide fills. A great album for a truly underrated band. Expand
  15. TristramC
    Sep 16, 2003
    I have really enjoyed this disc and MMJ seem like a group that will have longevity. I look forward to following them.
  16. Ryan
    Oct 1, 2003
    Don't believe the "album of the year" talk. There are great points on the album that make me understand why people would say that. But i dont know how they can overlook the completely grating songs that ruin this cd. MMJ are at their best when the songs run long and go into the spacy guitar solo jams..and for that its worth it. However, the poppier songs like #1 and 2 make me want to Don't believe the "album of the year" talk. There are great points on the album that make me understand why people would say that. But i dont know how they can overlook the completely grating songs that ruin this cd. MMJ are at their best when the songs run long and go into the spacy guitar solo jams..and for that its worth it. However, the poppier songs like #1 and 2 make me want to break the cd in half. Expand
  17. DavidM
    Feb 24, 2004
    Two or three standout tracks. The rest is forgettable at best and grating at worst.
  18. MarcS
    Sep 23, 2003
    This record is lousy! I bought it because it was marked wrong at Best Buy ($3.99) and I'd seen a lot of good reviews. But the songs are all plodding and go on way too long! The production is terrible too, each song sounding as if it was recorded in an airplane hanger. Or at the other end of a big tunnel. The singer's high plaintive whine may give some people a roots Americana This record is lousy! I bought it because it was marked wrong at Best Buy ($3.99) and I'd seen a lot of good reviews. But the songs are all plodding and go on way too long! The production is terrible too, each song sounding as if it was recorded in an airplane hanger. Or at the other end of a big tunnel. The singer's high plaintive whine may give some people a roots Americana buzz, like the Band but worse (and the Band wasn't very good IMHO)... I barely made it through this cd. So dull. Expand
  19. Jul 24, 2020
    Only three good songs, the rest crap. Easily the worst MMJ jacket album. Highly overrated. I enjoy all their other albums, some of which I would consider my favorite albums of all time. Not this one though. No.

Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. My Morning Jacket has come into its own here, transcending underground fetishizing to become the kind of band that can make jaws drop and tears fall anywhere it damn well pleases.
  2. 100
    Some are already calling it a landmark. This year's 'Deserter's Songs' or 'Soft Bulletin'. In truth it's probably better than both of those records.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    At times, the results can be distancing. [22/29 Aug 2003, p.132]