
Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. 100
    Some are already calling it a landmark. This year's 'Deserter's Songs' or 'Soft Bulletin'. In truth it's probably better than both of those records.
  2. Uncut
    It's a record of passion and richness, with a hoard of memorable songs, that demands to be treated the equal of its inspirations. [Sep 2003, p.102]
  3. 100
    Instantly engaging, and totally engrossing over time.
  4. 91
    This time, the band lug the still-smoking amps from their lightning-strike live show into the studio and let the noise chase the midnite vultures away.
  5. It Still Moves is the kind of album that can inspire both wonder and respect in equal measures.
  6. Q Magazine
    Finds their meld of expansive rock, country melodies and myriad other elements scraping truly inspirational heights. [Oct 2003, p.111]
  7. For a band only three albums into their career, they're showing inordinate amounts of brilliance.
  8. Filter
    There is something so honest about My Morning Jacket--something fresh and something Skynard. But in a good way. [#7, p.91]
  9. My Morning Jacket has come into its own here, transcending underground fetishizing to become the kind of band that can make jaws drop and tears fall anywhere it damn well pleases.
  10. An album by turns beautiful and possessed, by others raucous and fiery.
  11. The faster, moonshined rock epics border on the kind of indulgent radio classics that leave you banging your head in the car, singing out of your range, and drinking with more swagger than your body can actually handle.
  12. It Still Moves courts the easygoing, the wistful, and the devastating all at once, and the group's strange, wonderful gift is that it understands how those three moods are all shades of the same blue.
  13. Blender
    At 72 minutes, the gorgeous gloom of It Still Moves lasts a bit longer than it has to--but it offers a host of tarnished gems along the way. [Sep 2003, p.126]
  14. Mojo
    Epic, lyrical, and as ultimately old-fashioned as those words suggest. [Oct 2003, p.106]
  15. Mostly acoustic, with flecks of jaunty snares and loping bass work, his singing is the best so far -- confessional, inspired and bracingly touching.
  16. The spaciousness of James' yearning borders on the mystical, imbuing It Still Moves with its contemplative nature.
  17. When they're on, though, they're on, and although this album doesn't quite reach the heights that their earlier At Dawn does, it's still a great disc from a young group who will be making even more noise in the future.
  18. The songs are still structured with minimal vocals and long repetitive jams, but they seem more crafted this time, not just meandering soundscapes.
  19. Alternative Press
    Answers an interesting question: What if, after The Bends, Radiohead had discovered pedal steel instead of Pro Tools? [Oct 2003, p.138]
  20. My Morning Jacket are going nowhere fast - but in all the right ways.
  21. Entertainment Weekly
    At times, the results can be distancing. [22/29 Aug 2003, p.132]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 50 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 50
  2. Negative: 4 out of 50
  1. Jul 24, 2020
    Only three good songs, the rest crap. Easily the worst MMJ jacket album. Highly overrated. I enjoy all their other albums, some of which IOnly three good songs, the rest crap. Easily the worst MMJ jacket album. Highly overrated. I enjoy all their other albums, some of which I would consider my favorite albums of all time. Not this one though. No. Full Review »
  2. Apr 11, 2011
    Just realized that I had never rated/reviewed It Still Moves-- one of my favorite albums of the 00's. Evokes great classic southern rock whileJust realized that I had never rated/reviewed It Still Moves-- one of my favorite albums of the 00's. Evokes great classic southern rock while sounding natural, rather than the forced imitation that a lot of their current peers in the genre fall into. Full Review »
  3. JohnS.
    Aug 22, 2007
    Amazing music. Reminds me of some of the great classic rock of the 70's.