• Record Label: La Face
  • Release Date: Aug 22, 2006
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 94 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 94
  2. Negative: 5 out of 94

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  1. MahjeedM
    Aug 17, 2006
    This album is exceptionally diverse; it simply transcends what we know as musical genres and fuses all of them to create a funky amalgamation of good shit. Standout tracks include "In Your "Dreams," "PJ and Rooster," "N2U," "The Train, and "Hollywood Devorce." These are not the only good songs on the album however, for just about all of them are worth your listen. Please pick up this This album is exceptionally diverse; it simply transcends what we know as musical genres and fuses all of them to create a funky amalgamation of good shit. Standout tracks include "In Your "Dreams," "PJ and Rooster," "N2U," "The Train, and "Hollywood Devorce." These are not the only good songs on the album however, for just about all of them are worth your listen. Please pick up this album at stores and your ears shall thank you later. Expand
  2. haywoodjiblomiey
    Oct 16, 2006
    People who dont like this album have no ears. If they dont enjoy the sweet, sweet songs that this group has produced, that just means their minds arent developed enough to fully appreciate the smooth sounds of Idlewild.
  3. Mars88
    Oct 1, 2006
    Hip hop is dead, and if anythjing, these guys are bringing it back, and making it alot more original than anyone else in hip hop (besides danger mouse)! keep going guys!
  4. Rob
    Aug 17, 2006
    The production on this album is good and on some songs it's even great, but Andre 3000's lack of rapping and his average singing brings down the album quite a bit. Pretty much all of Big Boi's tracks are dope and this album deserves a listen based off that alone and there are about 3 or 4 good songs from Andre so overall this album is completely worth it in terms of as The production on this album is good and on some songs it's even great, but Andre 3000's lack of rapping and his average singing brings down the album quite a bit. Pretty much all of Big Boi's tracks are dope and this album deserves a listen based off that alone and there are about 3 or 4 good songs from Andre so overall this album is completely worth it in terms of as purchase, The few tracks that Andre and Big Boi are on together are great and really make you wish the entire album was like that. ANdre's songs a good lyrically, but it just his singing voice that really brings down this album, plain and simple he does not have a strong singing voice and at some parts it ventures into the area of being bad. Andre stick to rapping... Expand
  5. nate
    Aug 22, 2006
    this album is a breath of fresh air into a comatose rap game.
  6. TwanA
    Aug 29, 2006
    nobody else can do it like them.
  7. jays
    Aug 31, 2006
    this is the first time that i've been truly let down by an outkast album. more 'graffiti bridge' than 'purple rain'. the roots' 'game theory' is VASTLY superior
  8. MattyW
    Nov 18, 2006
    this album is class. highly original. My fave tracks are: the train, peaches, N2U, Bugg Face. My favourite track of all though is "call the law" as it is so different to everything.
  9. joshs
    Oct 16, 2006
    This album is the best thing outkast has produced thus far. It shows a side to 3000 and big boi that puts them in a much more mature light. I love every track on the lp.
  10. Erik
    Aug 18, 2006
    Aaron, FYI: This is Outkast's 6th album, not their 4th.
  11. Spongeee
    Aug 23, 2006
    OutKast just keeps pushing the limit...this isnt even a rap, its a rag time, soul, blues fest that happens to feature rapping. From the first album, none have been similar, and this follows suit. I only wish Dre and Big were on more song together, but even then, you can tell that this is an OutKast album...they need each other.
  12. RobS
    Aug 23, 2006
    This album is in a class all by itself. You have to be very creative to pull this one off. If you listen to the music it's well organized and it fits the movie which is why it probably took so long to release. I actually like both concepts of Dre and Big Boi. Dre has stepped up his game in the production arena and Big Boi is laying down the lyrics what a combo. I would like to hear This album is in a class all by itself. You have to be very creative to pull this one off. If you listen to the music it's well organized and it fits the movie which is why it probably took so long to release. I actually like both concepts of Dre and Big Boi. Dre has stepped up his game in the production arena and Big Boi is laying down the lyrics what a combo. I would like to hear Dre spit more he leaves you wanting more. I I can't wait until their next album. Expand
  13. beastee
    Aug 23, 2006
    This review is simple. Idlewild is a solid album. Put it on your iPod, delete the pointless filler interludes, and you have a ragtime rap hybrid that has moments of greatness.
  14. Afroman
    Aug 24, 2006
    Greating album
  15. asfasasfasf
    Aug 25, 2006
    not as good as the other albums but is too low and needs to be higher.
  16. JosephA
    Aug 28, 2006
    It took a minute for me to feel it, but it kept drawing me back and it grows on you. I love it now, plus after seeing the movie (which the album isnt really the soundtrack to) it seems more cohesive, where as before it seemed a little directionless. Movie and album recommended.
  17. MichaelC
    Aug 29, 2006
    Definatly better than Speakerboxxx/Love Below. This is a very solid album, with not much filler at all, it takes some repeated listens to see its true brilliance, thats why it's score isn't up there with Stankonia or Speakerboxx/Love Below, most of these critics are judging it upon first listen, and thats not really far. I'll agree, it's not there best, by a longshot, Definatly better than Speakerboxxx/Love Below. This is a very solid album, with not much filler at all, it takes some repeated listens to see its true brilliance, thats why it's score isn't up there with Stankonia or Speakerboxx/Love Below, most of these critics are judging it upon first listen, and thats not really far. I'll agree, it's not there best, by a longshot, but it does stands its own against anything released this year. I am not in the least bit let down. Outkast is always trying something new, and this album shows that. Expand
  18. richardj
    Aug 29, 2006
    This is the album of the year! If anything can better this prove it to me. I have been waiting for this all year and I´m not disappointed atall! The interludes are pointless though,(damn De La Soul 3 feet and rising for starting that off) but it actually has alot of diversity and it is musically A +, to be honest i feel it has relevance in many forms (i can´t wait to wacth the This is the album of the year! If anything can better this prove it to me. I have been waiting for this all year and I´m not disappointed atall! The interludes are pointless though,(damn De La Soul 3 feet and rising for starting that off) but it actually has alot of diversity and it is musically A +, to be honest i feel it has relevance in many forms (i can´t wait to wacth the movie but won´t be in Britain till October legally!) to me this is better then speakerbox and the love below because it´s a solid unit! May not sell well though becasue of it´s diveristy and will be in competetion with a lot of music albums being released soon but if you have money for one album this year buy this you won´t be dispapointed! Please listen to this album before agreeing to reviews form some magazines as i feel they clearly didnñt listen to the album in full! Billboards/Rollingstones are examples of crap reviews! Expand
  19. TyeN.
    Aug 31, 2006
    Although it's not their best work, it is still a wonderul disc. The critics have got it wrong this time. The best songs are "Mighty O", "Idlewild Blue", "Morris Brown", "Peaches", "Hollywood Divorce", "Call The Law", "PJ and Rooster", "Mutron Angel", and "The Train." All around, 'Idlewild' is one of those few albums that you can listen to all the way through without getting Although it's not their best work, it is still a wonderul disc. The critics have got it wrong this time. The best songs are "Mighty O", "Idlewild Blue", "Morris Brown", "Peaches", "Hollywood Divorce", "Call The Law", "PJ and Rooster", "Mutron Angel", and "The Train." All around, 'Idlewild' is one of those few albums that you can listen to all the way through without getting the urge to skip a song. Buy the album, see the movie. Expand
  20. MihaiP
    Sep 2, 2006
    Man, people just don't seem to get it. I love every single Kast album to date, and I gave up on trying to compare them. Just accept the fact that they're ahead of the game, and keep an open mind. Billboard, Rolling Stone, and obviously some of these individual reviews are written by people lacking soul.
  21. aL.ck
    Sep 29, 2006
    I realised i need to say something: the critics are expecting too much from outkast because their previous materials have been classic.Well i think this album is really good...
  22. THawk
    Oct 17, 2006
    This album to me is more than music, its a leeson on life yet a lesson in music history which Hip - Hop is the end product. I'd rather listen to "Makes No sense at All " than listen to all that crap they play on the RADIO !!! Hearin the same weak azz music 20 times a day, now that makes no sense at all !!!
  23. Aaron
    Aug 15, 2006
    All over the place, not nearly as good as the first three albums . . . and altogether great. Don't be scared off by the diversity of the album, you'll like it . . . soon enough.
  24. FatherNathanielN
    Aug 21, 2006
    Wonderfully Weird.
  25. Jason
    Aug 21, 2006
    This album is exceptional. Definite candidate for album of the year in my opinion. Some of these critics have no idea what they're talking about. 'Call the Law' out of place? That's one of the dopest tracks on the entire album easily (and I'm not alone on this one) and seems to fit the album and the movie perfectly. Janelle Monae absolutely kills that joint. This album is exceptional. Definite candidate for album of the year in my opinion. Some of these critics have no idea what they're talking about. 'Call the Law' out of place? That's one of the dopest tracks on the entire album easily (and I'm not alone on this one) and seems to fit the album and the movie perfectly. Janelle Monae absolutely kills that joint. Another critic said 'Mutron Angel' was a filler track! What?! Once again, one of the dopest songs on the album (deeper than deep). Leads me to wonder did they even really LISTEN to the album. I could see if they said 'Look In Your Eyes' or 'Bugface' or even 'Makes No Sense At All' (which I personally think is a dope track, but there are many who aren't feeling it) It's one thing if Outkast isn't your cup of tea, that's understandable and I can respect that. Some get it, some don't. But please thoroughly listen to the album before you give an analysis because its obvious that a few of these critics failed to do so... Bottomline: This album is dope! Is it on par with the first 3? Hell naw! But neither are Stankonia or SB/TLB. Still dope albums nonetheless. Hell, the first 3 are classics. Expand
  26. MLatilleon
    Aug 21, 2006
    It's funky. Big Boi carries the load, but Idlewild has its moments. Andre 3000 needs to stick mainly to rapping and producing, but he's gotta do what he's gotta do. "Morris Brown," "PJ and Rooster," and "Hollywood Divorce" stack up with the best songs from Outkast.
  27. Sam
    Aug 21, 2006
    What is wrong with these early reviewers? OutKast have set such a high limit that when they come out with a solid album, it's considered to be worse than Christina Aguilera??? Ignore what's been written, pick up the album and enjoy.
  28. Atlien10
    Aug 24, 2006
    Big Boi keeps coming with some great music (a musical mash up that happens to feature rapping) and Dre keeps going off and adding trippy elements to various genres of music. The album lacks superficial cohesion, but in a subtle way, everything ties together and fits in with the whole Idlewild feel. This is probably not the best Kast album, but it beats 99.99% of the music out there. If Big Boi keeps coming with some great music (a musical mash up that happens to feature rapping) and Dre keeps going off and adding trippy elements to various genres of music. The album lacks superficial cohesion, but in a subtle way, everything ties together and fits in with the whole Idlewild feel. This is probably not the best Kast album, but it beats 99.99% of the music out there. If only Dre would appear on more songs with Big, whether singing or rapping or producing...other than that, if you Expand
  29. Andy
    Aug 31, 2006
    What is wrong with these early reviews. This is such a good album. Ive only listened to it 3 times and its fucking great. Every tune is so catchy and ,as usual, the beats are sublime. Totaly agree with richard j. us brits have got sense m8
  30. GH
    Aug 31, 2006
    In todays reviews a group is always judged by their previous performances. Critics like to think they are always being objective but no matter what they are always comparing an artist's current work to their previous work. This is true in movies, music, books. This album may not be Outkasts best album (although I think that is arguable) but it is the best album of the year. Even on In todays reviews a group is always judged by their previous performances. Critics like to think they are always being objective but no matter what they are always comparing an artist's current work to their previous work. This is true in movies, music, books. This album may not be Outkasts best album (although I think that is arguable) but it is the best album of the year. Even on Stankonia I found I was still reaching for the fast forward button but on Idlewild I have never touched it. Even songs like "Makes No Sense at All," captivate me despite it's oddity. Put it this way; if the first 14 tracks were one album it might be the hip-hop album of all time. The rest of the music is just a bonus and is still fullfilling. I cannot understand for the life of me how this is getting such poor reviews. Expand
  31. DanielS
    Sep 28, 2006
    Outkast is all about "breaking the mold" well, they smashed it with this record. Not thier best album but it is completely different and very enjoyable. You have to give it more than one listen though to truly enjoy.
  32. May 2, 2015
    7/10 .................................................................................................................................................

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Rolling Stone
    Their weirdest music yet. [24 Aug 2006, p.89]
  2. Ambitious but flawed, at turns stunning, maddening and confusing, Idlewild is a curate's egg - but the good parts are implausibly delicious.
  3. OutKast have stretched rap's boundaries to the breaking point before, but this time their experiments come across as gimmicky or strained.