• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Nov 23, 2009

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. On an album without humor or melodrama, a devotional spirit reigns.
  2. For fans of Boyle's original Britain's Got Talent clip, the result might be a bit of a letdown, especially in snoozily competent versions of 'Daydream Believer' and Madonna's 'You'll See,' which offer none of her jarred-lightning charm.
  3. There are some lovely vocal performances here and some well-appointed and understated arrangements. But not one of Boyle’s versions transcends the original or adds much of an emotional shading, other than a consistent undercurrent of melancholy that makes the album feel increasingly drab.
  4. Boyle sings beautifully throughout, delivering more of the same of what she did in her moment in the sun on television. Those won over by Boyle, either her voice or story, will surely be satisfied.
  5. Boyle is perfectly comfortable singing actual hymns like 'Amazing Grace,' though her take on them is pretty much on a level with any local church's choir star. She's at her worst when she pushes harder; she doesn't know how to build drama, and her throat seems to constrict as she reaches for bigger notes.
  6. The earnest piano arrangements and Boyle's tender but colourless readings of 12 familiar songs will undoubtedly be bliss to fans of musical theatre; anyone else will be gnawing the sleeve in frustration after five minutes.
  7. I Dreamed a Dream finds Ms. Boyle casting about for some kind of musical identity.
  8. Because the songs are so riddled with cliches and are largely too familiar, and because the music is so tepid and tasteful to a fault, the album simply isn't able to overcome that lack of depth.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 46 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 46
  2. Negative: 14 out of 46
  1. Nov 8, 2010
    Not too shabby for a 48 year old. Her covers on some songs are amazing, particularly 'I Dreamed A Dream' and 'Wild Horses'.
    Her original song
    Not too shabby for a 48 year old. Her covers on some songs are amazing, particularly 'I Dreamed A Dream' and 'Wild Horses'.
    Her original song 'Who I was Born to Be' is very meaningful and very perfect for SuBo to sing.
    All in all, a pretty good album, I can say.
    Full Review »
  2. LarC
    Dec 7, 2009
    She has a nice voice and good control, but no sense of creativity in her treatment of the songs. She's about as vanilla as they come. She has a nice voice and good control, but no sense of creativity in her treatment of the songs. She's about as vanilla as they come. Her CD is good for one, maybe two listenings, but probably no more. Full Review »
  3. MarieN
    Dec 6, 2009
    There are so many good singers that probably deserve more attention than Susan Boyle. She has a nice voice but it is at the same time very There are so many good singers that probably deserve more attention than Susan Boyle. She has a nice voice but it is at the same time very limited. I believe that is why all the songs are slow ballads. No, this is not a record I would buy. Full Review »