• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Oct 18, 2005

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 13
  2. Negative: 5 out of 13
  1. This is a very good record. I personally dare the “ASHLEE SUX” folks reading this to give it a reasonably objective spin.
  2. Billboard
    With constant acknowledgement of imperfections, Simpson separates herself from the peppy Lindsay Lohans and Hilary Duffs. [22 Oct 2005]
  3. The pop hooks are there, but we can't shake the feeling that the sentiments come off as phony.
  4. I Am Me isn't half bad--but it's only half good.
  5. If this fluffy, punk-lite petulance, devoid of any real personality is to your taste, lap it up.
  6. Entertainment Weekly
    Every song feels like a retread of some hit you've heard before, somewhere. [21 Oct 2005, p.73]
  7. No matter how hard Simpson tries, no matter how foreboding the surface, beneath it all she's still light and frivolous. But that doesn't mean, by any stretch, that this is bubblegum music, since that term implies that this music is frothy, fun, and, most important, hooky, and I Am Me is none of those things.
  8. Q Magazine
    Sadly, this follow-up shows signs of premature ageing. [Mar 2006, p.109]
  9. Los Angeles Times
    Her singing is not convincing in the least. [16 Oct 2005]
  10. In venturing to offer something for everyone, Simpson offers nothing for anyone.
  11. The New York Times
    "I Am Me" has an awful lot of brooding teen-rock songs, none of which flatter Ms. Simpson's rather breathy, mannered voice. [24 Oct 2005]
  12. Blender
    The songs are soggier, the sentiments more banal. [Dec 2005, p.154]
  13. Her sense of self-importance [is] so prevalent on her second album that it negates the mild pleasure you might otherwise get from it.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 204 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 90 out of 204
  1. Jul 16, 2016
    "I Am Me" is my favourite album released by Ashlee Simpson. I loved the more darker undertones in some of the songs. Highlights for me include"I Am Me" is my favourite album released by Ashlee Simpson. I loved the more darker undertones in some of the songs. Highlights for me include "Boyfriend" (it was fun and sassy), "In Another Life" (in which she feels like she knew someone in a previous life), "Beautifully Broken" (a song that shows her at one of her most vulnerable moments), "Dancing Alone" (she got all pretty, but it looks like she will be "dancing alone," "dreaming solo"), "Catch Me When I Fall" (who will catch her when she falls?), and "Say Goodbye" (a really emotional ballad). Ashlee Simpson managed to make an album that surpassed her previous one in many ways, and I hope she releases more music. Full Review »
  2. Mar 17, 2015
    Track by track review:
    1. Boyfriend 10/10
    2. In Another Life 10/10 3. Beautifully Broken 10/10 4. L.O.V.E. 10/10 5. Coming Back for More
    Track by track review:
    1. Boyfriend 10/10
    2. In Another Life 10/10
    3. Beautifully Broken 10/10
    4. L.O.V.E. 10/10
    5. Coming Back for More 10/10
    6. Dancing Alone 10/10
    7. Burnin Up 10/10
    8. Catch Me When I Fall 8.5/10
    9. I Am Me 10/10
    10. Eyes Wide Open 10/10
    11. Say Goodbye 5/10

    Highlights: Boyfriend, Coming Back for More, Burnin Up, I Am Me
    Potential singles: Boyfriend, Beautifully Broken
    Full Review »
  3. Apr 26, 2012
    Ooh not gonna lie, I sunk my teeth into this album from Simpson. Some of the songs are fun, catchy, and upbeat, Then, there are the songs thatOoh not gonna lie, I sunk my teeth into this album from Simpson. Some of the songs are fun, catchy, and upbeat, Then, there are the songs that will just make you want to turn the lights out and cry. Exactly like the song "Undiscovered." What a song. Songs like "Catch Me When I Fall" and "Say Goodbye" are very sad tunes. "I Am Me" is my favorite song on the cd. It packs so much anger! Nice one for her. Full Review »