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Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
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  1. Feb 5, 2016
    Listening to Human Ceremony as a whole-album experience is not so rewarding, but listening to one piece at a time can reveal some pleasurable surprises. Sunflower Bean's indie-pop-meets-psychedelia style of making music is not a novelty, but their ability to make hard rock infusions throughout the album is promising. Let's wait for a better work in their next project.

    Best tracks: I Was
    Listening to Human Ceremony as a whole-album experience is not so rewarding, but listening to one piece at a time can reveal some pleasurable surprises. Sunflower Bean's indie-pop-meets-psychedelia style of making music is not a novelty, but their ability to make hard rock infusions throughout the album is promising. Let's wait for a better work in their next project.

    Best tracks: I Was Home, Creation Myth, Space Exploration Disaster
  2. Mar 5, 2016
    Human Ceremony is enjoyable while it is playing, but there isn't a lot of comeback quality here. The musical ideas are generally interesting and played well, but the album lacks the sort of conviction that makes strong indie rock albums something special.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Apr 1, 2016
    Sunflower Bean have enough homegrown ability between them to draw up a series of immersing and original compositions.
  2. Mar 17, 2016
    Despite the messiness of searching for their sound, they balance modern psych and glam rock with obvious pride.
  3. Feb 26, 2016
    Singer Julia Cummings’ saccharine vocals overpower as they search for meaning and purpose. Sadly, they end up being somewhat more tepid and irritating.