
Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. This is one striking album from start to finish.
  2. Mojo
    Their most affecting and cohesive statement to date. [Oct 2001, p.108]
  3. How I Long to Feel That Summer in My Heart further underscores how brilliantly anomalous and unfashionably brilliant GZM are.
  4. Resonance
    The voices of Euros and Megan Childs are a breath of mountain-fresh air, while the chamber-meets-country pop summons the spirit of Nick Drake. [#32, p.56]
  5. The aged authenticity of these songs comes so easily that you'd be forgiven for thinking that they discovered the formula.
  6. There are no shocks or surprises, but instead, How I Long... thrills us softly, its tiny layers and details all intricately woven together into a cohesive and aesthetically delightful tapestry.
  7. A testament to the influences of their youth; echoes of Lennon and McCartney, Simon and Garfunkel, Nick Drake, and Fairport Convention glide through the album before tiptoeing into a corner and reappearing a few tracks later.
  8. Practically a concept album about the bittersweet nature of nostalgia--specifically, nostalgia for, you guessed it, summer.
  9. There is a feeling of carefully constructed, mellow folk simplicity running through all these songs.
  10. The ghosts of prog exorcised fully at last, Gorky's have once more put in a serious challenge to the Super Furries as Wales' most inventive band, and they've produced an album that, both in terms of its astounding quantum leap and its ambitious orchestration, swings excitingly near to the Delgados' genius breakthrough opus 'The Great Eastern'.
  11. Alternative Press
    Gorky's emotional punch is as heavy as it ever was--despite the bells and whistles. [Jan 2002, p.84]
  12. Un-inspirationality aside, Gorky's still exhibits glimmers of sonic uniqueness and loads of pop craftsmanship throughout the record.
  13. Spin
    Gorky's make the leap from ramshackle prog pop to meticulously crafted folk-symphonics. [Nov 2001, p.130]
  14. It is a collection of whimsical neo-psychedelic folk songs of no little charm, but, crucially, little drama either.
  15. Although they don't quite hit the emotional peaks and valleys of some of the tracks on labelmates Mojave 3's last disc, they've got a similarly fetching combination of lush music, terrific voices and sad but hopeful songs.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 6 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 1 out of 6
  1. BrendanD
    Jan 30, 2007
    How anyone could not give this album a perfect score is far beyond the scope of my foggiest comprehension. It's not an album from which How anyone could not give this album a perfect score is far beyond the scope of my foggiest comprehension. It's not an album from which you can take a song or two and say, "This is what this album is." Rather, it's a mood piece, reflections on the impetuousness of youthful romance when seen in the rear-view mirror of post-adolescence. Some reviews I've read have said that the Zygotic ones lost their sense of exuberance, or that this record lacks charm. I wonder if we listened to the same thing. This is a record you listen to when spring is slowly fading to summer or October is bringing in the first whisps of autumn air; it's reflective, poignant, and beautiful. The gorgeous refrains of the title track give way to the best simple lyrics since the Beach Boys insisted that we add some music to our day, providing the perfect counterpoint to the jangling harpsichord that will make just-grown men weak at the knees. "Her Hair Hangs Long" devolves from a simple tune to a Velvet Underground dirge, as if John Cale has been reborn and is playing on the third Velvets record. It's an album not devoid of hope or cheer but devoid of the sentimentalizing of old age. It's filled not with regret but with meandering. The melodies take much time to build, but the payoff is as rewarding as any album of the millennial years. Full Review »