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Hexadic Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: The latest release from the Ben Chasny solo project is based on a new composition method Chasny invented.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Feb 20, 2015
    Devising a new way of playing heavy music is nothing if not a brave undertaking, and Hexadic rewards significantly with each repeated listen.
  2. Feb 10, 2015
    The constantly-disruptive feel of Hexadic makes it perhaps the most consistent Six Organs albums to date.
  3. Feb 12, 2015
    Hexadic is most certainly a challenging and confusing album and one that can, at times, be a struggle to listen to. It is worth persevering however, for there are flashes of brilliance to be found in the constant battle between control and abandon.
  4. 65
    Hexadic works best when Chasny dials down the guitar squall and channels his energies towards more nuanced fare.
  5. Mojo
    Feb 13, 2015
    Nothing here is ever structurally predictable, nor is it all cacophonous. [Mar 2014, p.98]
  6. Q Magazine
    Feb 4, 2015
    Full marks for originality, then, but it's definitely something you have to be in the mood for. [Mar 2015, p.116]
  7. Feb 18, 2015
    While Six Organs of Admittance do an admirable job of crafting big walls of feedback and drones over which to jam, the tracks on Hexadic tend to meander and stumble around without really going anywhere.

See all 17 Critic Reviews