• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Sep 28, 2010

Universal acclaim - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
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  1. Halcyon Digest is, to my mind, the best we've seen from Deerhunter, and a hint that their best is still to come. It's a fascinating document to study, but I'm not sure that makes it all great music.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 153 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 4 out of 153
  1. Sep 28, 2010
    After every new album that has amazed me this year, I immediately tell myself "Best of the year". But after a few weeks, I dont quite feel theAfter every new album that has amazed me this year, I immediately tell myself "Best of the year". But after a few weeks, I dont quite feel the same way. So this time, I will not say "Best of the year". But damn, it certainly has a chance at taking this spot. Definitely the most beautiful of the year Full Review »
  2. Oct 9, 2010
    You know, I've listened to the bulk of Deerhunter and Atlas Sound's collective output, and I've realized a couple things...first, as much asYou know, I've listened to the bulk of Deerhunter and Atlas Sound's collective output, and I've realized a couple things...first, as much as everyone claims that this album is unique and a step ahead, it's stylistically no different from their previous album, Microcastle--same heavily treated guitars droning on for way too long, same vocals wailing with forced emotion in the distance, same clunky percussion. This album is by no means a step forward, and a step forward is what Deerhunter really needed. Second, the album doesn't hook you in and make you want to listen to it all the way through--the opener is a snoozer at best. Bradford Cox may like to write "thought-provoking" instrumentation, but he falls flat on his face when he tries to pen music that's in any way catchy. You have to force yourself through the first couple songs, which I suppose was intentional--Deerhunter panders to an elitist indie clientele, right? Overly dry and pretentious music is sure to weed out the majority of listeners and leave only devoted followers of the band. For everyone who isn't a Bradford fanboy, I highly recommend passing this one by. Halcyon Digest is really not worth the extra time or money. Full Review »
  3. Sep 28, 2010
    A blur is forming too much between Deerhunter and Atlas Sound. A majority of the songs are wonderful. The tribute to Jay Reatard and the songA blur is forming too much between Deerhunter and Atlas Sound. A majority of the songs are wonderful. The tribute to Jay Reatard and the song with the saxophone (!) The shame is...where is the saxophone and banjo and all these other instruments in the other songs? Halcyon Digest is a solid album - don't get me wrong, but the transition from Cryptograms to Microcastle is still much more impressive. Full Review »