• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Sep 8, 2023
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 562 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 95 out of 562
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  1. Sep 8, 2023
    Que maravilla de álbum, Olivia Rodrigo ha demostrado que el éxito de 'Sour' no fue solo coincidencia o suerte, guts esta a un nivel que otros artistas con sus segundos álbumes no logran
  2. Sep 8, 2023
    Amazing! She’s really showing her growth! So many amazing songs that will be on many playlists going forward.
  3. Sep 8, 2023
    Best sophomoro album in this decade and maybe in this century, olivia only make hits that's my review 10/10.
  4. Sep 9, 2023
    don’t know how olivia rodrigo keeps getting away with it, someone needs to stop her because i make her my personal therapist!!! at only 20 years old, her songwriting is just top tier and incomparable to any of her fellow artists that debuted less than 3 years ago. she encapsulated the girl experience in 36 minutes perfectly
  5. Sep 9, 2023
    Olivia always manages to surprise with her songs. This album is something I needed to listen to. Guts shows Olivia's feelings as she matures.
  6. Sep 9, 2023
    Blew Sour out of the park. I agree with the experts. This is a perfect album.
  7. Sep 9, 2023
    It's a great album and it's unfortunate that a certain fandom is trying to review bomb
  8. Sep 9, 2023
    I love how fun and relatable her music. I can sing this album, guts, while stuck in the traffic.
  9. Sep 9, 2023
    Álbum incrível de ouvir, músicas contagiantes e diversificadas. O irmão mais velho do álbum SOUR
  10. Sep 9, 2023
    Perfect. Olivia is a great singer and song writer! I cant even choose a favorite song
  11. Sep 9, 2023
    Super edgy and honest, I love where she took this album. Makes me excited that she’s not afraid to play with her sound.
  12. Sep 9, 2023
    Olivia trouxe um pop rock para as novas gerações e todo adolescente precisa disso! Ela fez de novo
  13. Sep 9, 2023
    Es un álbum demasiado completo, tiene pop tiene rock tiene alternativo tiene rock alternativo tiene bops...
    Tiene una producción maravillosa y una gran estética.
    Tiene sonidos refrescantes, nuevos y que te transmiten a otro sitio. Al igual su voz muestra todos sus registros demostrando su talento y lo versátil que es, el mejor álbum de 2023, a parte es mejor que sour, es un álbum mucho más
    Es un álbum demasiado completo, tiene pop tiene rock tiene alternativo tiene rock alternativo tiene bops...
    Tiene una producción maravillosa y una gran estética.
    Tiene sonidos refrescantes, nuevos y que te transmiten a otro sitio.
    Al igual su voz muestra todos sus registros demostrando su talento y lo versátil que es, el mejor álbum de 2023, a parte es mejor que sour, es un álbum mucho más maduro y perfeccionado en cuanto a líricas.
    Pd: sus líricas referencias.. son maravillosas, 10/10.
  14. Sep 9, 2023
    absolutely GUT wrenchingly beautiful. from vocals, to her stunning magical ability to songwrite - this album is pure perfection. sour was found shaking.
  15. Sep 9, 2023
    Excellent album with incredible and varied songs, it undoubtedly shows us the personal and lyrical evolution of Olivia Rodrigo, incredible second album
  16. Sep 9, 2023
    Un álbum realmente hermoso
  17. Sep 9, 2023
    A very cohesive album concept-wise, with brilliant vocals from Olivia Rodrigo and equally brilliant songwriting that will resonate to adolescents and adolesent-at-heart with its expertly crafted prose and undeniable sincerity.
  18. Sep 9, 2023
    Olivia Rodrigo's sophomore studio album, "GUTS," is an introspective record that explores similar themes to her debut album, "SOUR." Topics surrounding teenage angst, emotional heartbreak, and insecurities appear throughout the intricate lyricism of the album. This album feels like an amplified version of her debut, with the punk-rock songs being angrier and louder and the ballads beingOlivia Rodrigo's sophomore studio album, "GUTS," is an introspective record that explores similar themes to her debut album, "SOUR." Topics surrounding teenage angst, emotional heartbreak, and insecurities appear throughout the intricate lyricism of the album. This album feels like an amplified version of her debut, with the punk-rock songs being angrier and louder and the ballads being more powerful and emotional. This record proves that Rodrigo has quite the career ahead of her with her production, lyrics, and vocal performance improving every release. Expand
  19. Sep 9, 2023
    Perfect from start to finish. Her artistry is truly amazing and never disappoints
  20. Sep 10, 2023
    I really want her to deep dive into the rock stuff, she is so interesting, can't wait
  21. Sep 10, 2023
    I LOVEEEE Guts. Like all American **** boahg, pretty isn't pretty, Get him back! Are such standouts
  22. Sep 10, 2023
    This was an absolute amazing body of work. Olivia Rodrigo is a musical genius, and with Guts, she has cemented herself as one of the dominant forces in today’s music industry. It’s fun to so hear how much she has developed, both sonically and lyrically, and the songs are so well produced as well. You have to take a listen!
  23. Sep 10, 2023
    Firstly, I think this album is really good. Each song has its own unique features, and the lyrics are also quite interesting and satirical. Especially the ending song is really sad, and ending with a sad ending is really great! Olivia Rodrigo's talent is undeniable. We need to look at it rationally and not too subjectively. Comparing with others is completely meaningless behavior, andFirstly, I think this album is really good. Each song has its own unique features, and the lyrics are also quite interesting and satirical. Especially the ending song is really sad, and ending with a sad ending is really great! Olivia Rodrigo's talent is undeniable. We need to look at it rationally and not too subjectively. Comparing with others is completely meaningless behavior, and comparing with ourselves is the true competition. No one is perfect, and no one's things will be liked by everyone. Therefore, based on rational judgment, I have seen her growth and dedication for this album. Many rock songs have really brought me back to the 2000s! Keep working hard! I support you! Both subjective and objective support you! Expand
  24. Sep 10, 2023
    OLIVIA. MISS GURL. YOU DID AGAIN. I think that this a better album than her last album SOUR. I think SOUR was an amazing debut. But I think that it was just too sad and filled with too many ballads. There was a fun aspect missing from it. However, GUTS was filled with so many pop/punk/rock songs like All American **** love is embarrassing, get him back, etc. It also balanced the album outOLIVIA. MISS GURL. YOU DID AGAIN. I think that this a better album than her last album SOUR. I think SOUR was an amazing debut. But I think that it was just too sad and filled with too many ballads. There was a fun aspect missing from it. However, GUTS was filled with so many pop/punk/rock songs like All American **** love is embarrassing, get him back, etc. It also balanced the album out with ballads like lacy, making the bed, teenage dream, etc. I think her performance was amazing because her voice just fits well with punk and rock. I think she has matured a lot from sour and was able to bring her amazing songwriting with her to this album. I also like how she was about to be a little silly with some of the lyrics like "every guy I like is gay" and "I want to kiss his face with an uppercut". This album is a 10/10 and a no-skip album. Expand
  25. Sep 10, 2023
    esse álbum é de longe O MELHOR DO ANO e um dos melhores da década. eu nao esperava muito pois com o sour eu demorei bastante pra gostar, mas com esse album foi totalmente diferente, ela conseguiu consolidar uma identidade pra si própria usando o pop rock (que caiu muito bem nela) ao seu favor com letras LOUCAMENTE sinceras e sinistras de tão boas pois é impossível não se identificar comesse álbum é de longe O MELHOR DO ANO e um dos melhores da década. eu nao esperava muito pois com o sour eu demorei bastante pra gostar, mas com esse album foi totalmente diferente, ela conseguiu consolidar uma identidade pra si própria usando o pop rock (que caiu muito bem nela) ao seu favor com letras LOUCAMENTE sinceras e sinistras de tão boas pois é impossível não se identificar com TODAS. com esse album Olivia Rodrigo se tornou uma das minhas artistas favoritas e esse é um dos meus álbuns favoritos de todos os tempos. Expand
  26. Sep 10, 2023
    It’s an album so much mature and explores more places and topics, without leaving back the sweetness and youth that Olivia is characterized by, Guts has a song for everyone and every time and it’s an affirmation of the Olivias’s talent for those who didn’t believe on her.
  27. Sep 10, 2023
    the album is so good, she did it again aaahhh. i’m so proud of olivia. she just proves that she’s here to stay for 10 years more! i’m streaming hard right because she deserves all the love in the world. such a talented young lady.
  28. Sep 10, 2023
    First of all, I really wanted Olivia to switch to this genre, but in her terms. A really bold album. Considering that we aren't in a scene where Rock/Punkish albums rule the world like in the early 2000s. It feels edgy in a positive sense. It sounds like a classic record.
  29. Sep 10, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the best album of 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expand
  30. Sep 11, 2023
    Amazing album, 10/10. This should definitely win album of the year, it really deserves all the awards and praise.
  31. Sep 11, 2023
    Olivia Rodrigo's sophomore album, GUTS, is a bold and ambitious step forward from her critically acclaimed debut, Sour. The album is a more mature and experimental exploration of Rodrigo's songwriting, with a heavier focus on rock and pop-punk influences.

    At first listen, GUTS may not grab you in the same way that Sour did. The songs are more complex and less immediately catchy, and the
    Olivia Rodrigo's sophomore album, GUTS, is a bold and ambitious step forward from her critically acclaimed debut, Sour. The album is a more mature and experimental exploration of Rodrigo's songwriting, with a heavier focus on rock and pop-punk influences.

    At first listen, GUTS may not grab you in the same way that Sour did. The songs are more complex and less immediately catchy, and the album's overall tone is darker and more introspective. However, with repeated listens, GUTS reveals itself to be a truly special album. The songs are well-crafted and emotionally resonant, and Rodrigo's vocals are powerful and expressive.

    One of the things that makes GUTS so special is its honesty. Rodrigo doesn't shy away from exploring difficult topics, such as heartbreak, betrayal, and self-doubt. She sings with raw vulnerability, and her lyrics are both relatable and thought-provoking.

    The album's sound is also a departure from Sour. The guitars are louder and more distorted, and the drums are more aggressive. This gives the album a more visceral and energetic feel. However, the album still retains some of the sweetness and tenderness of Sour, thanks to Rodrigo's vocals and the occasional use of softer instrumentation.

    Overall, GUTS is a remarkable album that shows Olivia Rodrigo's growth as an artist. It is a more mature and complex work than Sour, but it is also just as emotionally powerful. GUTS is sure to become a classic, and it is the best sophomore album in a long time.

    I highly recommend GUTS to anyone who is a fan of Olivia Rodrigo or pop-punk music in general. It is an album that will stay with you long after you've listened to it.
  32. Sep 11, 2023
    i **** love it.i can't even pick out which one is the best.hearing a rock album made by a young female singer is great.
  33. Sep 11, 2023
    Skipless album, the best of this year! Im in love with the nostalgic feeling and amazing vocals and production
  34. Sep 11, 2023
    GUTS realmente é o melhor álbum do ano. Esse álbum consegue encapsular a montanha russa que é o fim da adolescência, com o rock como base do projeto, Olivia Rodrigo prova que é possível fazer músicas divertidas com um lincismo impecável. Destaques para faixas all-american **** making the bed e teenage dream.
  35. Sep 11, 2023
    A fantastic and very cohesive work of art, Olivia Rodrigo really is here to stay. Not a single skip.
  36. Sep 11, 2023
    i love this album so much! there are some songs that feel like she looked at my diary to write them!
  37. Sep 11, 2023
    This album is perfect. My favorites are Ballad of a homeschooled girl and love is embarrassing.
  38. Sep 11, 2023
    conseguiu superar o seu álbum de estreia, é nítido sua evolução vocal, escrita e na produção
  39. Sep 11, 2023
    Really surprised by the negative responders, especially ones calling her songs “noise” whereas I felt the parallel between the emotions in her lyrics and the instruments was really thoughtful. For example in the production in “bad idea right” is noisy to reflect all the drunken thoughts and the chaos that ensues. The plucking in “the grudge” mimics the ticking of a clock, as she mentionsReally surprised by the negative responders, especially ones calling her songs “noise” whereas I felt the parallel between the emotions in her lyrics and the instruments was really thoughtful. For example in the production in “bad idea right” is noisy to reflect all the drunken thoughts and the chaos that ensues. The plucking in “the grudge” mimics the ticking of a clock, as she mentions in the lyrics it takes time for her to forgive. Fine if rock / punk is not your vibe, but surprised at all the zeroes because the genre itself is not the person’s taste. Personally, loved the album and felt the lyric and instrumental selections were done meticulously and interestingly. Expand
  40. Sep 11, 2023
    Here she managed to give voice to the feelings of the young people of her generation. Thank you Olivia!
  41. Sep 11, 2023
    I think it's a pretty good album, it reminds me a lot of the 2000's and that's incredible. Olivia Rodrigo seems to me a versatile artist who is still looking for her style and I think she is doing very well, I have the album in repetition all the time, I love all american **** or making the bed, they are quite different but very good
  42. Sep 11, 2023
    she exceeded my expectations! olivia is outdoing herself so fast! i love all the songs, her writing. sb excelent álbum.
  43. Sep 11, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. THE BEST ALBUM OF YEAR BICTH, OLIVIA LO HIZO DE NUEVO, SIN NINGÚN SKIP PERRAS Expand
  44. Sep 11, 2023
    yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssdssssssssssssss olivia, yes
  45. Sep 11, 2023
    Definitivamente un álbum bien anotado de Olivia, anteriormente ya nos había sorprendido y no dudaba que lo volvería a hacer.
  46. Sep 11, 2023
    Guts is perfect. Totally the album of the year. Olivia is the best. She is one of the best songwriters. Making the bed is such a beautiful song. The grudge too. too.
  47. Sep 11, 2023
    Great album. Olivia Rodrigo is a very good singer and writer, “making the bed” is my favorite song!
  48. Sep 11, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. é um segundo álbum perfeito pra uma artista que teve uma ascensão meteórica. Olivia sabe descrever sentimentos como ninguém e não tem vergonha de expor os traços inseguros e tóxicos da própria personalidade. Com o guts ela se consagrada como a voz de uma geração que não tem problema em expressar os mais profundos sentimentos Expand
  49. Sep 11, 2023
    Olivia Rodrigo is certainly one of the main singers who will most mark her generation, in addition to having a beautiful voice, she exudes her talent as a composer and demonstrates this in GUTS, which shows that the princess of pop/rock is here to stay, Olivia Rodrigo is definitely someone worth following
  50. Sep 11, 2023
    Olivia has matured a lot lyrically, this album has wonderful compositions! She managed to surpass her debut, SOUR
  51. Sep 11, 2023
    Olivia has matured so much since sour!! Her voice is incredible, and her songwriting is fascinating. She can describe so well how it fells to be a young girl. Is already my favorite
  52. Sep 11, 2023
    Funny, witty, really encapsulates the teenage years in an absolute masterpiece. I loved SOUR, but this is better and shows her evolution as an artist
  53. Sep 11, 2023
    For me was the best album of this year, it deserves 10/10, if u think that it’s the same as SOUR you’re wrong
  54. Sep 11, 2023
    very good album. fun, but more mature themes than a 17 year old's heart breaking. I wonder what her third album will be like
  55. Sep 11, 2023
    a perfect sophomore album, olivia is here to stay. She mastered the pop punk sound while also being great at ballads. The production and lyrics are so good, definitely album of the year for me.
  56. Sep 11, 2023
    guts superou sour com letras mais maduras, como namorar pessoas mais velhas e as consequências disso, não conseguir perdoar uma quebra de confiança, como é assustador crescer… acho que foi tudo muito bem colocado, é como uma garota de 19 anos pensa e ela desses pensamentos uma arte.
  57. Sep 11, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An exceptional sophomore attempt at punk rock. Olivia is truly carving her own unique path in the music industry Expand
  58. Sep 11, 2023
    Me encantó este álbum es excelente, las canciones son muy buenas, olivia nunca decepciona.
  59. Sep 11, 2023
    This is **** genius! Olivia describe all my life in a album, it's amazing! ❤️
  60. Sep 11, 2023
    She is acting her age and people are mad about it. The power she holds is astonishing!
  61. Sep 11, 2023
  62. Sep 11, 2023
    A noticeable improvement from the already perfect debut album! It's definitely a no skip project.
  63. Sep 11, 2023
    This album is so perfect, she captures her emotions into her songs in a way not every singer can do!
  64. Sep 11, 2023
    I felt ALL the emotions listening to GUTS. Olivia's got a knack for hitting all the right emotional notes. I like that she wove moments of humor into her music to balance out the other sad and poignant moments. GUTS is a skipless album for me. I can't pick a favorite track; it changes every day.
  65. Sep 11, 2023
    yes wow so goof skdnejdbieejiwjejdjeidbdshehdjdhjsjdjehde
    skdnejdbieejiwjejdjeidbdshehdjdhjsjdjehdeh skdnejdbieejiwjejdjeidbdshehdjdhjsjdjehdeh
  66. Sep 11, 2023
    instant classic! bringing up the 2000s sound was so smart and it became her mark, i really hope she continues using it on her next albums, but will be eating it up even if that doesnt happen! she knows how to serve and she KNOWS music. its amazing how far she come with 20 years and only 2 years of career, but not surprising. she is definetely going places. already is.
  67. Sep 11, 2023
    GUTS is a beautiful graduation from Olivia Rodrigo’s spectacular debut album, SOUR. Rodrigo doesn’t only keep things new and refreshing, she manages to stay true to what makes her music hers and what really makes her stand out. The wide range of emotions i felt while listening to this album was CRAZY. One minute I was dancing in my seat during some pop punk anthem while the next I wasGUTS is a beautiful graduation from Olivia Rodrigo’s spectacular debut album, SOUR. Rodrigo doesn’t only keep things new and refreshing, she manages to stay true to what makes her music hers and what really makes her stand out. The wide range of emotions i felt while listening to this album was CRAZY. One minute I was dancing in my seat during some pop punk anthem while the next I was balling my eyes out to Rodrigo’s signature ballads. Truly an incredible album. Olivia Rodrigo has solidified herself a global rock star who’s here to stay. Expand
  68. Sep 11, 2023
    she made teenage dream and making the bed for me, this is a masterpiece and the lyrics are all so relatable.
  69. Sep 11, 2023
    I’m 19 and I relate to this album and Olivia’s experiences so much! I love her!!!
    Twitter: AllMinaj
  70. Sep 11, 2023
    She is a masterpiece and has a promising future ahead of her because she is very talented.
  71. Sep 11, 2023
    GUTS is a meaningful, outstanding, no skips record. An absolute treasure! One must listen to every song to grasp the entire concept of the album. Loved it instantly.
  72. Sep 11, 2023
    alternative title: Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. olivia rodrigo knows and understands her brand-- and she is here to stay!
  73. Sep 11, 2023
    An excellent, well-made album that I have grown continuously fond of every second I listen to it. Great opening song choice, as some would say “chef’s kiss” because it encapsulates the rest of the album so formidably! I say the same for the heartbreaking closing track that depicts what 19 was like for the singer Olivia Rodrigo to fans in a retrospective manner that she was handling thoseAn excellent, well-made album that I have grown continuously fond of every second I listen to it. Great opening song choice, as some would say “chef’s kiss” because it encapsulates the rest of the album so formidably! I say the same for the heartbreaking closing track that depicts what 19 was like for the singer Olivia Rodrigo to fans in a retrospective manner that she was handling those emotions and thoughts. Speaking about her emotions and thoughts, the album showcased those brilliantly with metaphors, references, angst, melodies and lyrics that speak to the soul and mind for those who relate and find comfort in them. Absolutely phenomenal in a multitude of ways that exhibit excellence. I look forward to new songs and albums from Olivia Rodrigo in the future! Expand
  74. Sep 11, 2023
    Perfectly encapsulates the feelings of being a girl in her late teens/early twenties. A true pop princess!
  75. Sep 11, 2023
    Album is very cohesive. It was like riding a roller coaster, having to go through different emotions while listening to the album.
  76. Sep 12, 2023
  77. Sep 12, 2023
    The album is very good and the pop-rock is perfect! Olivia made an album that shows her feelings and turned everything into beautiful songs. A true artist
  78. Sep 12, 2023
    A great album. Songs are getting better the more you listen. One of the best albums of the decade.
  79. Sep 12, 2023
    Only Olivia knows how to convey the feelings of a teenager so well these days, this is definitely the album of the year!
  80. Sep 12, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is such a good sophomore album.Rodrigo gives us incredible sounds to dance.Good job Olivia. Expand
  81. Sep 12, 2023
    Olivia Rodrigo's new album "GUTS" is an absolute gem that seamlessly blends catchy melodies with profound emotions. The dreamy, rock-infused soundscapes within this album are nothing short of captivating, drawing the audience into Olivia's world of insecurities, heartbreaks, and betrayal.

    With "GUTS," Olivia Rodrigo continues to establish herself as the voice of Generation Z. Her ability
    Olivia Rodrigo's new album "GUTS" is an absolute gem that seamlessly blends catchy melodies with profound emotions. The dreamy, rock-infused soundscapes within this album are nothing short of captivating, drawing the audience into Olivia's world of insecurities, heartbreaks, and betrayal.

    With "GUTS," Olivia Rodrigo continues to establish herself as the voice of Generation Z. Her ability to convey the raw emotions of her generation is simply unparalleled. Each track on this album serves an authentic dose of relatability that's often missing in today's music industry.

    What makes "GUTS" stand out is its fearless approach to addressing themes of vulnerability and self-discovery. Olivia doesn't hold back; she lays it all on the line, and that sincerity resonates deeply with listeners. The magnitude of emotion in this album is unmatched, making it an unforgettable musical journey.

    In a world where music often follows formulaic trends, "GUTS" dares to be different. It's a testament to Olivia Rodrigo's artistic prowess and her ability to connect with her audience on a profound level. This album is a must-listen, and it cements Olivia Rodrigo's place as a trailblazing artist in today's music landscape.
  82. Sep 12, 2023
    She really outdid herself with this one. Hands-down my favorite album of the year. Angsty, emotional and witty - love it!
  83. Sep 12, 2023
    I really loved it so much! Such a beautiful handwritting and amazing songs!
  84. Sep 12, 2023
    pop punk!! I love it!! Love you olivia I cant wait for guts tour Come to brazil baby
  85. Sep 8, 2023
    Si, es mejor que SOUR, pero tampoco es para tanto el alboroto que están haciendo.
  86. Sep 9, 2023
    Olivia, you are so good. Every want to spank you and feel every word of you. GUTS is a beautiful-crafted album and fun to listen to.
  87. Sep 8, 2023
    [ adjective, noun pur-fikt; verb per-fekt ]

    conforming absolutely to the description or definition of an ideal type:
    a perfect sphere;
    a perfect gentleman.
  88. Sep 8, 2023
    Concise lyricism and a committed/confident sound make this a fun and authentic album. Olivia knows what she’s doing with her vocals and is showing growth in both her sound and her maturity lyrically.
  89. Sep 8, 2023
    This album for me felt like a huge step up from Sour. Like she's truly found her sound & set herself apart from comparisons & proved herself as an artist. I liked Sour but didn't love it. I love this album & think it's 1 of my top 3 of the year. The people that are giving this album a 0 should listen to Corey Feldmans Angelic To The Core to find out what a real 0 sounds like. Favorites soThis album for me felt like a huge step up from Sour. Like she's truly found her sound & set herself apart from comparisons & proved herself as an artist. I liked Sour but didn't love it. I love this album & think it's 1 of my top 3 of the year. The people that are giving this album a 0 should listen to Corey Feldmans Angelic To The Core to find out what a real 0 sounds like. Favorites so far: Lacy, Bad Idea Right?, Love Is Embarrassing, Get Him Back, Pretty Isn't Pretty, All American **** & Girl I've Always Been (deluxe). Least favorites: The Grudge & Logical . Expand
  90. Sep 10, 2023
    This album is undoubtedly a great lyrical, honest and emotional performance. Olivia Rodrigo did a great job
  91. Sep 8, 2023
    Genuinely really loved this album, shows a lot of growth for her, and I’m loving some of the new sounds she has taken on too!
  92. Sep 8, 2023
    A strong follow-up to Sour. It has pretty great production value, a crisp, dynamic sound and Olivia is such a talented songwriter, lots of catchy songs while still perfectly conveying different emotions through them.
  93. Sep 9, 2023
    Es una exelente continuación, se nota el crecimiento de la artista, desde sus líricas y el sentimiento de encontrarse y seguir creciendo
  94. Sep 8, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un comienzo muy fuerte, con canciones que me alegro que estén como las primeras canción del álbum. Después salieron canciones que los primeros 10 segundos sentía que no me gustarían pero gracias a la letra tan realista y voz de Olivia me hicieron volverla a amar la canción, cosa que esta bien pero es algo a destacar. Este álbum es una ola de emociones e intensidad. Sientes como lentamente de pasar a canciones poderosas y de enojo desciendes a las canciones mas crudas y realistas posibles. Me encanto esa sensación. Expand
  95. Sep 8, 2023
    This time Olivia Rodrigo went so original that you can’t compare her songs with anyones. It kinda reminds of some rock artists, but still has one hundred percent of her personality. The personality of a girl teenager living thru love, fights, and the fears of real life.
  96. Sep 8, 2023
    This album is pretty different from SOUR, it’s an actual step forward. It’s obviously targeted to teenagers and young adults, but that doesn’t make it bad. The songs feel like they’re from the 2000s and honestly that’s sick!! I like that she took the risk to use a non-mainstream genre to do her sophomore album it really shows that she’s doing what she enjoys and she’s doing it good!!.This album is pretty different from SOUR, it’s an actual step forward. It’s obviously targeted to teenagers and young adults, but that doesn’t make it bad. The songs feel like they’re from the 2000s and honestly that’s sick!! I like that she took the risk to use a non-mainstream genre to do her sophomore album it really shows that she’s doing what she enjoys and she’s doing it good!!.
  97. Sep 8, 2023
    Even though it wasn't very different from the first album, it brought a solid and well-produced work, with good sound and meaning.
  98. Sep 8, 2023
    Its an amazing album, God dammit this direction of sound is amazing, fits so well in Olivia. Rock is the genre where Olivia shine as the star she is!
  99. Sep 8, 2023
    This is something you will never forget, just amazing.
    After Midnights by Taylor Swift this is one of those albums that become an instant classic
  100. Sep 8, 2023
    It's great, Olivia is giving us something fresh after many Clasic and Comercial pop, my favs are the slow down songs. I think Olivia is finding her sound. The she wrote the song, and the way she is so literal to giving us a story or just a feeling is so incredibly. There are two songs in the album that remember me to Drivers License, some notes are similarly and it's giving me nostalgic bcIt's great, Olivia is giving us something fresh after many Clasic and Comercial pop, my favs are the slow down songs. I think Olivia is finding her sound. The she wrote the song, and the way she is so literal to giving us a story or just a feeling is so incredibly. There are two songs in the album that remember me to Drivers License, some notes are similarly and it's giving me nostalgic bc it's been a long time since her debut. Her sophomore album is here and it's great.
    The main gender is of course the alternative rock, she is chill

Universal acclaim - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Sep 18, 2023
    “Teenage Dream” recycles a song title of Katy Perry’s and echoes a twisty-turny melody of Lana Del Rey’s. Yet Rodrigo’s emotional presence is so strong throughout “Guts” — so believable even at its most unrelatable — that you never lose the sense of a specific young person navigating a trial of her own making.
  2. Sep 15, 2023
    GUTS is emphatic proof that Rodrigo isn't just good for a kid -- she's grown into an artist with plenty of things to say, and the confidence and eloquence to say them her way.
  3. Sep 13, 2023
    These songs show that Rodrigo isn’t done after GUTS.