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Universal acclaim- based on 57 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 49 out of 57
  2. Negative: 4 out of 57

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  1. DavidH
    Aug 22, 2003
    A a comment on our times and for just great music. "Bandit" rates with the best songs Neil, or anyone for that matter, has ever written. 'Nuff said.
  2. Dennis
    Sep 10, 2003
    I saw Neil Yong in Madison Square Garden this June and he performed all Greendale songs,of course,there also had a real set of some actors and actress to perform it on the satge. And 3 months later,I finally get the CD from record store and I put it in the player. I hear these brilliant songs and all the memories come to my mind.Just forget what they critics say.If you are a Neil Young I saw Neil Yong in Madison Square Garden this June and he performed all Greendale songs,of course,there also had a real set of some actors and actress to perform it on the satge. And 3 months later,I finally get the CD from record store and I put it in the player. I hear these brilliant songs and all the memories come to my mind.Just forget what they critics say.If you are a Neil Young fan or a rock'n'roll lover,you will find all you need in this masterpiece.I hear Bandit now,and I cry again. Expand
  3. JohnK
    Mar 15, 2005
    Hey, Mark T: It's SUPPOSED to be amateurish. If you went to a Neil Young concert expecting super-glossy corporate rock, you don't get Neil Young. You must have thought you were going to a Phil Collins concert. This album is magnificent, and live it's even better. However it's bound to have mixed reviews because it's so ambitious, and so many music reviewers are Hey, Mark T: It's SUPPOSED to be amateurish. If you went to a Neil Young concert expecting super-glossy corporate rock, you don't get Neil Young. You must have thought you were going to a Phil Collins concert. This album is magnificent, and live it's even better. However it's bound to have mixed reviews because it's so ambitious, and so many music reviewers are foaming at the mouth to rip into Neil for something. They can't be trusted. Listen to it a few times without thinking too hard and make up your own mind. By the way, Mark T, for a professional writer you sure don't avoid repetition or cliche. Expand
  4. JohnL
    Aug 18, 2003
    Neil is still doing his thing at 57 years old and still doesn't care what you think about it. ;)
  5. MarkC
    Aug 22, 2003
    Thank you Neil for a great piece of work. It seems you are always on the edge to try something new. That is why I always come back for more. This new effort is so relevant in today?s world, so creative its like listening to a novel with outstanding music. What is so refreshing, ?not being over produced? that is so evident in today?s popular music. Also packaged with an unbelievable DVD Thank you Neil for a great piece of work. It seems you are always on the edge to try something new. That is why I always come back for more. This new effort is so relevant in today?s world, so creative its like listening to a novel with outstanding music. What is so refreshing, ?not being over produced? that is so evident in today?s popular music. Also packaged with an unbelievable DVD (Neil and his acoustic). Wow what can I say but. Thank you Neil Mark, Toronto Canada Expand
  6. AntonisM
    Aug 25, 2003
    Excellent! A very nice work by Neil Young both in music and lyrics! The bonus dvd is very good too and i found the idea of giving us the opportunity to hear the electric songs in an acoustic mode very very interesting.I personally enjoyed the acoustic versions more than the electric! This cd will stay in my cd-player for a long time.Thank you Neil!
  7. BrianB
    Sep 24, 2003
    Like fine wine and whiskey Neil gets better with age. The Greendale album and the San Diego "GREENDALE" concert were as good as it gets. A perfect 10. The first time I have ever rated anything better than Pink Floyd's "THE WALL". Neil Young and Crazy Horse are the greatest!
  8. MichaelM
    Sep 6, 2003
    His music continues to amaze me much like an independent film that may not be real popular, but, will probably be respected years from now. He probably went a little overboard with the enviromental theme thus the rating of 8.
  9. MarkH
    Oct 19, 2004
    An amazing album.. I sat in stunned silence as thing unwound like a weird, musical snake. Tales of doping and cop killing and a call to revolution....reaches deep down inside ....and grabs you
  10. TomE
    Mar 3, 2004
    Both releases are worth the time to listen to and watch. Neil continues to do what he does But, unfortunately, most people don't understand that Neil wants you to feel his music, not just hear it. Greendale can be felt as much as it can be heard.
  11. JayG
    Sep 28, 2005
    His best since "Sleeps With Angels," not top-tier Young but definitely a good album nonetheless. Don't be fooled by the low '20' rating metacritic has for the Austin Chronicle, if you READ that brief review, you'll find that the reviewer hates the CD but LOVES the bonus DVD and actually likes the songs. From that same review: "The bonus DVD, on the other His best since "Sleeps With Angels," not top-tier Young but definitely a good album nonetheless. Don't be fooled by the low '20' rating metacritic has for the Austin Chronicle, if you READ that brief review, you'll find that the reviewer hates the CD but LOVES the bonus DVD and actually likes the songs. From that same review: "The bonus DVD, on the other horseshoe...brings to life a sly satire for these Imperialist times, Young's tight-lipped rambling fleshing out the already charmed storybook CD booklet...If his offhand allusion in concert is given any credence, the Greendale DVD may be Young's best-realized song cycle since 1975's masterful Tonight's the Night." Expand
  12. Tom
    Aug 19, 2003
    Brilliant lyrics, mood & feeling soar, truely Young's most inspired work in years, an album that is sure to grow on you the more you listen, a sign of a true classic!!
  13. erica
    Aug 20, 2003
    Every album from Neil is a breath of fresh one has more guts, determination and soul than Neil Young. NO ONE!!!
  14. CorteztheKiller
    Sep 15, 2003
    IMHO this is one of the best albums ever recorded. A true MASTERPIECE!! I was able to see the Greendale Concert three times. I traveled over 2000 miles to see it two more times after my first Greendale Experience. Music that touches your soul. Long may Neil run !
  15. George
    Sep 15, 2003
    Just some terrific guitar work, and very rockin tunes!
  16. JohnM
    Sep 15, 2003
    Unbelievably great concept cd. Neil proves he is the best
  17. BillQ
    Sep 16, 2003
    Awesome. A remarkable feat, not just musically but in that at the age of 57, Neil continues to challenge himself and his audiences with such unbridled passion. A wonderful album!
  18. JohnB
    Sep 16, 2003
    This album got stronger the more I listened to it. The concert was even better!
  19. georgeb
    Sep 18, 2003
    masterpiece! the more i listen to the cd, the more i like it. can't help to think that there is a little of "neil" in each character.
  20. JimS
    Sep 21, 2003
    Just got home from the Irvine Meadows show. To be honest I didn't know if I would like the show, but from the opening notes of the first song it was completely awesome and just got better and better. The man has something important to say and he does it very well. Plus, the completely unnecessary bonus concert after Greendale was equally awesome.
  21. WarrenM
    Sep 23, 2003
    It's hard to rate Neil Young on a scale of one to ten. This is definitely a better album than his last outing with Crazy Horse, 1996's "Broken Arrow." It is nice to see him playing with concepts again. Rock music, like any other art form when it is not bastardized by money-hungry corporate fatcats, is still an effective means of social commentary. This time it happens to be It's hard to rate Neil Young on a scale of one to ten. This is definitely a better album than his last outing with Crazy Horse, 1996's "Broken Arrow." It is nice to see him playing with concepts again. Rock music, like any other art form when it is not bastardized by money-hungry corporate fatcats, is still an effective means of social commentary. This time it happens to be given by one of the best. Young has never been predictable, but at least he still has a fire burning in his belly. And this time he's telling you that he's pissed. Expand
  22. StephenS
    Apr 26, 2006
    A gut-wrenching emotional disc that grows on one as they listen to the story. The music is typical Neil garage rock (which is not a bad thing), but combined with the simple, dramatic narrative - the whole is much greater than the sum of it's parts. Outstanding!
  23. paulk
    Aug 19, 2003
    those E! online neocons can rot and die, this is a great record. NEOCONS are destroying the world.
  24. Dan
    Sep 15, 2003
    This album is destined to take it's place among Neil's finest. See it live if you can.
  25. KathrynK
    Sep 15, 2003
    Beyond Belief
  26. joew
    Sep 15, 2003
    Great record-Neil's best since Ragged Glory.
  27. SallyR
    Sep 15, 2003
    Greendale is a piece of passionate and inspired art that speaks TO you, not at you, It's brilliant simplicity is laced with metaphors and layers that will wrap you up in it from here to next week.
  28. GlennQ
    Sep 17, 2003
    A great work generally grows on you-Greendale grows on you. Rock on-Be the Rain
  29. StephenN
    Sep 18, 2003
    I hope that Neil is the only one still growing his vege's in Greendale, it would be great if someone was still living those 71 dreams. We all gave when we had kids and now I'm grandpa and have done it all I look on in amazement as no-one she's what those insane Maoists in Ghorapani Nepal, this week I was offered $115,000 for an IT position but I'm still clinging to I hope that Neil is the only one still growing his vege's in Greendale, it would be great if someone was still living those 71 dreams. We all gave when we had kids and now I'm grandpa and have done it all I look on in amazement as no-one she's what those insane Maoists in Ghorapani Nepal, this week I was offered $115,000 for an IT position but I'm still clinging to Greendale for me it was Margaret River in the 70's in Western Australia Expand
  30. CharlieD
    Sep 22, 2003
    10 brand new Neil Youngs and they're as good as anything he has ever done. Go see the show. His stage play of Greendale will have you buying the CD the next day. Guaranteed!!!
  31. SeamusS
    Dec 24, 2005
    So I'm a sucker for rock-operas....whatever. And this may not have been the best Neil Young album for me to start out on....again...whatever This album kicked my ass Brillaint
  32. BrianD
    Nov 12, 2003
    Excellent. For NY fans like myself, any music made by Neil and Crazy Horse is worth the wait and never disappointing. On first listen, it was good and got better each time. Seeing them live in Manchester was out of this world. By the time Neil and Crazy Horse got to 'Sun Green', the arena was rocking and then climaxed with 'Be the Rain'. Like every Neil Young Excellent. For NY fans like myself, any music made by Neil and Crazy Horse is worth the wait and never disappointing. On first listen, it was good and got better each time. Seeing them live in Manchester was out of this world. By the time Neil and Crazy Horse got to 'Sun Green', the arena was rocking and then climaxed with 'Be the Rain'. Like every Neil Young composition, Greendale provides a unique opportunity to appreciate real words and real music. That is what it is all about! Expand
  33. Jan 2, 2012
    I love this album! The combination of the story and the music does it for me every time. No clue why it's not higher rated by the critics; it's one of his best modern albums by far in my opinion.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 17
  2. Negative: 3 out of 17
  1. Q Magazine
    Greendale is a bonkers, utterly headstrong conceit. Let's hope that Neil Young never stops having them. [Sep 2003, p.111]
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    About the time an FBI agent shoots the heroine's cat, prior to a Hair-style love-in finale, you'll know you and Young have weathered his career low point together. [19 Sep 2003, p.86]
  3. It all adds up to a very good record -- one that is interesting, and one that satisfies musically.