• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: Apr 8, 2016

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
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  1. 80
    Running at you full-steam ahead, seeing red and gutting you. This album is testament to the trials and tribulations they've endured and more so, how they've risen up.
  2. May 20, 2016
    There’s the odd filler track, such as Phantom Bride--an experimental shriekathon, which even guitar parts from special guest Jerry Cantrell of Alice In Chains can’t save--but those aside, Gore is an album with the depth and emotional range that Deftones fans have come to expect.
  3. Apr 25, 2016
    Gore is a listen as complex and engrossing as we’ve come to expect from Deftones, and they continue to be a band that matures organically, becoming more and more fluid in their own craft.
  4. Apr 19, 2016
    This is a record of sweeping complexity, that captures the raw energy Deftones have always thrived upon without eschewing the benefits of an intelligent eye being cast over the production.
  5. Apr 18, 2016
    A solid album, one which, given time to explore its layers and textures, justifies investigations tenfold.
  6. Apr 15, 2016
    Despite the promise of first single "Prayers/Triangles," most of Gore sits in the latter category--a hillock of doomy pop that cowers beside the band's formidable peaks.
  7. Apr 14, 2016
    If we pretend that on some level this album doesn’t contain the cringe-worthy hetero-male angst of early-2000s rock, we’d be lying to ourselves, but the technical quality of the work renders it engrossing nonetheless, especially taken alongside its odd tenderness, its prescient cultural relevance, and its culmination of the fluidity of gendered tropes that ran throughout their career, where the concept of aggression becomes as much a floating signifier among a sea of textural dynamics as a reification of rage.
  8. 80
    Largely flirting with conformity from a distance, Gore really comes into its own in the latter half, when Deftones open the silo doors on their buried missiles of epic melody.
  9. 80
    This is not simply Koi No Yokan 2.0: if anything, its true parallel is White Pony, another moment in the band’s history that seemed to find them catching lightning in a bottle, condensing all of the elements that made their early sound so intriguing together with as-yet-unheard influences and producing a classic in the process.
  10. Apr 12, 2016
    Nothing short of a name change will likely convince skeptics at this point, but Gore proves that Deftones can remain vital as they are relevant, if they don’t kill each other first.
  11. Apr 12, 2016
    Twenty-one years later, they're keeping both themselves and their listeners on edge.
  12. 91
    Gore ferociously asserts that Deftones haven’t lost any of their creative spark. If anything, their fire is blazing higher than ever.
  13. Apr 8, 2016
    Continuing to age gracefully, Deftones deliver an emotionally divided release with Gore, one that will continue to endear and swing with your own mood--however you're feeling.
  14. Apr 8, 2016
    While Gore is far from impenetrable, it’s still evident that Deftones are the most interesting and esoteric thing the radio-festival circuit might dare touch.
  15. Apr 8, 2016
    Gore could be the Deftones’ best album, but you can earnestly say that about any album they’ve ever created and make a strong argument. If anything, it’s the most modern, and a statement that style and substance are not mutually exclusive. Gore has both.
  16. Apr 7, 2016
    A complex and ultimately rewarding listen.
  17. Apr 7, 2016
    Gore brings together light and dark, airy and grinding, in a way that makes these seemingly disparate qualities seem like natural allies.
  18. Apr 7, 2016
    Dragging their new wave and post-punk influences to the fore, the Sacramento crew have produced their most dynamic, adventurous and downright strange album in years.
  19. Kerrang!
    Apr 6, 2016
    All that you take in is that Gore is Deftones being Good Deftones. [9 Apr 2016, p.50]
  20. 80
    While many of their contemporaries remain content with the particular style that brought them to the dance, Deftones never feared exploring new avenues to advance their sound; Gore represents their latest evolution.
  21. Q Magazine
    Apr 5, 2016
    It's a beautifully dark album. [May 2016, p.107]
  22. Uncut
    Apr 5, 2016
    Even by Deftones standards, their eighth album is hardly immediate. [May 2016, p.71]
  23. 80
    Abstract and startling, listen to the hefty groove of Prayers/Triangles or the slow blooming Phantom Bride and feel the earth move beneath your feet.
  24. Apr 5, 2016
    Gore is a triumphant reminder that a veteran act can continue to grow and still remain relevant.
  25. Apr 5, 2016
    Yet again, Deftones have created a real beast of a record while still showing glimpses of its heart.
  26. Apr 5, 2016
    His [guitarist Stephen Carpenter's] fleeting interplay with Jerry Cantrell's sprawling guest solo reaches past minor curiosity to become an essential encounter on a record with countless unfurling highlights.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 127 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 8 out of 127
  1. Apr 9, 2016
    Gore exceeds in places where even Koi No Yokan couldn't; Every track booms with solid cohesion and beautiful textures that haven't beenGore exceeds in places where even Koi No Yokan couldn't; Every track booms with solid cohesion and beautiful textures that haven't been matched on any Deftones album to-date. Prayers/Triangles starts the record off on a great melancholy note that is quickly subdued by the hardness in Acid Hologram. The main chorus within Prayers is memorable and exquisitely catchy, to say the least. Acid Hologram may be a bit more generic, but those feelings are quickly replaced by the anger in Doomed User, which even in being a generally heavy track already manages to go from beautiful highs-to-lows flawlessly. (L)MIRL is quite a stand-out track; It's atmospheric guitar riffs and mesmerizing drum track really compliment the tone of the song. But most importantly, the Phantom Bride/Rubicon track is by-far the most beautiful composition Deftones have ever formulated. It truly personifies the personality of Gore and drives home the overall tone in a memorable package that even puts White Pony to shame.

    Gore is a golden record, one that truly staples the Deftones sound into new heights. This is a must-listen for any Deftones fan, or anyone interested in music to begin with.
    Full Review »
  2. Apr 8, 2016
    This album is excellent! From the aggressive signature Deftones sound to the melodic spacey bits. Any fan old or new has a lot of great tracksThis album is excellent! From the aggressive signature Deftones sound to the melodic spacey bits. Any fan old or new has a lot of great tracks to take in here. Phantom Bride snagged my attention the hardest as I feel there's a lot of emotion in that track. One Love for Chi Cheng! I'm sure he's smiling down on this album proud as can be. Full Review »
  3. Apr 11, 2016
    My favourite Deftones album as a whole. It might not have the best individual tracks but i think that's a plus. I might go as far as to sayMy favourite Deftones album as a whole. It might not have the best individual tracks but i think that's a plus. I might go as far as to say that all of the tracks are exceptional, except maybe Pittura Infamante and Xenon, the latter being the better one of the two. Full Review »